9/1/2017 – 09/29/2017
- Issue on ODI Application resolved.
- Summer ETL Access established.
- Grad Aid Staging development put on hold as the source data development is in progress.
- Grad Aid Change to column names completed.
- Automation of the ETL process for Legacy data the ones which are complete.
In Progress
- Testing of ETL connectivity for summer Database.
- Extension on a table (SZRADAP)from Base line into ODS.
- Student Mapping.
- Time to degree report.
- Continue to work with the remaining technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity.
- Start the ETL Development of the known Legacy inputs.
6/16/2017 – 08/31/2017
- Issue on ODI Application resolved.
- Grad Aid Staging development.
- Grad Aid (PPS Data & Quarterly Info) composite completed.
- Individual Access to Summer Database.
- UG Admission Legacy data.
- Financial Aid Legacy data.
- Grad Division Legacy data for tables requested by Rachel.
- Ethnicity Data.
- KFS Data.
- Soap UI Installed.
- KSAMS Webservice mapping complete.
- AR Bliss Tech specs.
- Automation of the ETL process for Legacy data the ones which are complete.
In Progress
- Establish the ETL connectivity for Summer database.
- Testing for KSAMS Webservice.
- ODI Work on Composite tables for remaining Grad Aid.
- Extension on a table (SZRADAP)from Base line into ODS.
- Continue to work with the remaining technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity.
- Start the ETL Development of the known Legacy inputs.
5/19/2017 – 06/15/2017
- Access to Registrar Oracle Database.
- MySQL 32 bit version installed to support the creation of ODBC Data sources.
- Informatica connectivity for UG Admission Database.
- Informatica connectivity for OIR.
- Automation of the ETL process by using the parameters.
- Load the PPS data into ODS.
- Created the links for the ETL documentation in the Wiki.
- Created the list of Registrar composite tables that needed for reporting.
- ODS Admin KT - Tom Braun
- ODI Admin KT - Chris Chadbourne.
In Progress
- Grad Aid Staging development testing.
- Rework on the development for the staging table names from STG_ to ARCHIVE_.
- Establish the ETL connectivity for Summer database.
- Continue to work with the remaining technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity.
- Ethnicity data rollup between the UCOP and IPEDS.
- Start the ETL Development of the known Legacy inputs.
- ODI work on Grad Aid tables.
5/1/2017 – 05/18/2017
- Grad Division - GRADM Staging Tables design and creation.
- Grad Division - GRADM Staging ETL Development.
- Grad Division - GROGS Staging Tables design and creation.
- Grad Division - GROGS Staging ETL Development.
- Grad Division - GRENR Staging Tables design and creation.
- Grad Division - GRENR Staging ETL Development.
- Performance Issue – Resolved.
- After the Native Oracle driver and SGA memory bump up.
- Grad Division - GRADM Staging source to target mapping specs.
- Grad Division - GROGS Staging source to target mapping specs.
- Grad Division - GRENR Staging source to target mapping specs.
- ODS Admin KT - Tom Braun
- ODI Admin KT - Chris Chadbourne.
In Progress
- Grad Aid Staging development testing.
- Establish the ETL connectivity for OIR and UG Admissions database.
- Continue to work with the remaining technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity.
- Start the ETL Development of the known Legacy inputs.
4/17/2017 – 04/28/2017
- Grad Division - GRAADM Staging Tables design and creation.
- Grad Division - GRAADM Staging ETL Development.
- Performance Issue – Worked with the team (Ellucian & Nisha).
- Received the AWR report.
- Case created with Informatica.
- Grad Aid - Staging Tables design and creation.
- Grad Aid - Staging ETL Development.
- ODS Tech Design Specs - Financial Aid.
- ODS Admin KT - Tom Braun.
In Progress
- Grad Division - GRAADM Composite Tables Design and Creation.
- Grad Division - GRAADM Composite ETL Development.
- ODS Tech Design Specs - Financial Aid.
- Establish the ETL connectivity for OIR and UG Admissions database.
- Performance issue on the ODS instance.
- ODI Admin KT - 5/5/2017
- Performance issue on the ODS instance.
- Continue to work with the remaining technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity.
- Start the ETL Development of the known Legacy inputs.
- Grad Aid - Staging ETL Testing waiting for source data.
4/3/2017 – 04/14/2017
- POC - Grad Division - Complete.
- Receiving the Registrar files for the legacy data input (SIF/SOC) - Complete.
- Performance Issue – Worked with Nisha to – Complete.
- Confirmation the list of source for Grad Aid - Complete.
- Development for Fund Detail Report - Complete.
- Financial Aid - Mapping spec Documentation.
In Progress
- Grad Aid - Development
- Performance issue on the ODS instance.
- Continue work with Technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity for Informatica.
- Performance issue on the ODS instance.
- Establish the connection for the known Legacy data inputs through Informatica.
- Continue to work with the remaining technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity.
- Start the ETL Development of the known Legacy inputs.
- Grad Div - Development
3/20/2017 – 03/31/2017
- POC - Function Rewrite - Complete.
- Performance Issue – Worked with Nisha to identify the bottleneck – Complete.
- Grad Aid - Informatica connectivity established.
- Grad Div – Informatica connectivity established.
- Ticket created to cleanup Legacy schemas and corresponding users.
In Progress
- Performance issue on the ODS instance.
- Continue work with Technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity for Informatica.
- Documentation of POC Function.
- POC - Grad Division
- Establish the connection for the known Legacy data inputs through Informatica.
- Continue to work with the remaining technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity.
- Start the ETL Development of the known Legacy inputs.
- Grad Aid - Development.
- Financial Aid - Mapping spec Documentation.
3/6/2017 – 03/17/2017
- Demo Registrar POC Enrollment report - Complete.
- Support the POC on Enrollment report.
- Ticket created to drop the old schemas for legacy data – Done.
- Performance Issue - Loading data into KFS – complete Loaded 300,000 records in 2 min 25 secs and confirmed that it’s the ODS database issue on the poor performance.
- Informatica AWS testing - Complete
- Worked on establishing the firewall between the Grad DB and Informatica.
- Worked on establishing the firewall between the Admissions DB and Informatica.
- Worked on establishing the firewall between the OIR DB and Informatica.
- Rewriting the Financial Aid Database function (Identifying the student is a CA resident or not) in Informatica. – Development Complete.
- Testing of the POC function is on hold as the test environment does not have data in the underlying base tables.
In Progress
- Performance issue on the ODS instance.
- Continue work with Technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity for Informatica.
- Documentation of POC Function.
- POC Demo – 3/13/2017
- Establish the connection for the known Legacy data inputs through Informatica.
- Continue to work with the remaining technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity.
- Start the ETL Development of the known Legacy inputs.
2/20/2017 – 03/03/2017
- Registrar Enrollment report - POC work complete.
- Created a PowerPoint presentation on POC to have a walkthrough on the demo.
- Created indexes to address the report performance.
- Added unique identifier in MST_REG_STUDENT table.
- Added OLD and NEW student ID in the MST_REG_STUDENT table and loaded the same.
- Supported the POC report development activities.
- Creation of separate Legacy schema – Done.
- Discussed about the options for the poor performance of loading the data into ODS tables.
- Worked on establishing the firewall between the Grad DB and Informatica.
- Established the PC connectivity to UG Admissions MySQL DB.
- Established the PC connectivity to OIR database.
- Submitted a request to create a temporary schema in the KFS oracle Database.
- Submitted a ticket to establish the firewall connection between PC and KFSDEV database.
- Provided a brief summary to Chris Schultz regarding the performance issue.
- Rewriting the Financial Aid Database function (Identifying the student is a CA resident or not) in Informatica.
In Progress
- Demo on the POC related activities.
- Performance issue on the ODS instance.
- Continue work with Technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity for Informatica.
- Rewriting the Financial Aid Database function.
- POC Demo – 3/13/2017
- Establish the connection for the known Legacy data inputs through Informatica.
- Continue to work with the remaining technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity.
- Start the ETL Development of the known Legacy inputs.
2/01/2017 – 2/17/2017
Met with the team to discuss the need for multiple schemas for legacy data, so will create only one legacy schema(UCI_LEGACY) for all different functional units.
Can we have one schema created to store all functional unit legacy data and name the tables accordingly to segregate the data and identify.
Staging Tables:
Composite Tables:
Advantages are listed below by going through the above option.
One individual user account.
For reporting it’s easy to join the data or else need to create separate data sources for each of them.
ETL just one connection object created.
ETL code we don’t need to specify schema when you join data across different functional units.
- Discussed about the options for the poor performance of loading the data into ODS tables.
- Met with the hosting team to discuss about the poor performance. Hosting team suggested to try out the load on ODSPPRD and also SQLLDR option.
- Tried out those two options suggested by Hosting team. Poor performance on loading the data into ODSPPRD still exists. Also tried out the SQLLDR option by importing the data through SQL Developer tool and found out the data loaded for 600,000 records in 30 minutes.
- Established the vpn connectivity on to a visitors machine.
- Continue work with Technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity for Informatica.
- Established the connectivity got the Banner database.
- Worked with Registrar team on identifying the crosswalk information between the legacy and banner.
- Created the Staging tables for student and course to macth with banner staging tables.
- Created the composite tables for student and course to macth with banner composite tables.
- Mapping specifications for the Informatica/ODI mappings.
- Created the Informatica mapping for loading the data for POC into staging tables.
- Created the Informatica mapping for loading the data for POC into composote tables.
- Created the reporting views for POC.
- Created the necessary indexes for the composite tables.
- Created the staging tables for loading the legacy financial aid data in ODS.
- Completed the development for loading the Financial Aid data feed to load the data into ODS.
Financial Aid – Flat files
Grad Division - Database
Account Receivables - Database
Registrar – Database
In Progress
- Support the report development for the POC related activities.
- Performance issue on the ODS instance.
- Continue work on the remaining tasks for POC on Registrar data - Target completion by 2/24/2017
- Establish the connection for the known Legacy data inputs through Informatica.
- Continue to work with the remaining technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity.
Student Billing
Summer sessions
UG Admissions
- Start the ETL Development of the known Legacy inputs.
1/03/2017 – 1/31/2017
- Erogonomic Evaluation completed and received the recommended products.
- Met with the Valerie and team to discuss the data loading options and came to a conclusion of keeping the Legacy and Banner data separate.
- The individual tasks for both Banner ODS/EDW implementation tasks identified and compiled into one implementation plan.
- Individual Jira's created for each of the POC/ODS implementation tasks from the legacy data migration prespective and general implementation.
- Worked on the new schema (UCI_Registrar) for Registrar data in ODS and identified some privileges issue and space issue on the schema.
- Continue work with Technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity for Informatica.
- Received the VSAM input files.
- Worked on VSAM data input files(SIF/SOC) for POC.
- Created Staging tables/Comosite tables for POC.
- Worked with Registrar team on identifying the crosswalk information between the legacy and banner.
- Created the mapping specifications for the Informatica/ODI mappings.
- Created the Informatica mapping for loading the data for POC.
- Worked with Financial Aid data feed to load the data into ODS.
- The Financial Aid legacy data feed had data issues in the csv file format, worked with David on resolving them.
- Placed request to get access for Registrar database.
- New additional schemas created for the remaining functional units and received the access for the same.
- Discussed with Chris/Austin on getting an access at the database level for ODS, so that individual connections doesn't need to be created in Informatica.
- Work with Larry on the mapping related information between the legacy and Banner.
- Performance issue on the ODS instance -Created snow ticket for Hosting team and servicenow for firewall team.
- Financial Aid – Flat files
- Grad Division - Database
- Account Receivables - Database
- Registrar – Database
In Progress
- Knowledge Transfer on ODS/ODI Administrative tasks.
- POC related activities.
- Performance issue on the ODS instance.
- Getting Financial data into ODS.
- Continue work on the remaining tasks for POC on Registrar data - Target completion by 2/24/2017
- Knowledge Transfer on ODS/ODI Administrative tasks from Bob/Susan to the team.
- Establish the connection for the known Legacy data inputs through Informatica.
- Continue to work with the remaining technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity.
- Student Billing
- Summer sessions
- UG Admissions
- Start the ETL Development of the known Legacy inputs.
12/19/2016 – 12/22/2016
- Created a design options document of loading legacy data into ODS.
- Knowledge Transfer on ODS/ODI Administrative tasks from Bob/Susan to the team.
- Worked with Chris Ackerman on creating the new schema (UCI_Registrar) for Registrar data in ODS. – Service Now Ticket - REQ005649804
- Work with Technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity for Informatica.
- Financial Aid – Flat files
- Grad Division - Database
- Account Receivables - Database
- Registrar – Database
- Completed gathering requirements from all the educational departments.
12/5/2016 – 12/16/2016
- Created a design options document of loading legacy data into ODS.
- Knowledge Transfer on ODS/ODI Administrative tasks from Bob/Susan to the team.
- Worked with Chris Ackerman on creating the new schema (UCI_Registrar) for Registrar data in ODS. – Service Now Ticket - REQ005649804
- Work with Technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity for Informatica.
- Financial Aid – Flat files
- Grad Division - Database
- Account Receivables - Database
- Registrar – Database
- Completed gathering requirements from all the educational departments.
In Progress
- Knowledge Transfer on ODS/ODI Administrative tasks.
- POC on Registrar data.
- Knowledge Transfer on ODS/ODI Administrative tasks from Bob/Susan to the team.
- Establish the connection for the known Legacy data inputs through Informatica.
- Continue to work with the remaining technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity.
- Student Billing
- Summer sessions
- UG Admissions
- Identify the SIS DW/BI tasks and create JIRA tickets for each task.
- Start the ETL Development of the known Legacy inputs.