Fund Summary Report
Current YTD budget portion of the report does not show correct balances for c&g and gift funds
Should we remove sub fund group 2xxxx (loan funds) from the ITD balance calculations?
We would only use YTD for these SFGs
Action Item: Valerie will create a JIRA for ETL team to modify ETL for all ITD balances to remove SFG 2xxxxx
Now that we are close to completion on a balance sheet report, should we remove Assets and Liabilities from the Fund Summary Report?
Action Item: Victor will follow-up with Loan Services, Fin Aid and Housing to see if they need this on the fund summary.
Would implementing KFSDW-1015 solve this problem? Yes, for YTD picture calculations on the Fund Summary Report. It will also impact TM1 project.
Action Item: Valerie will re-activate JIRA