General Billing Information
Open the job. Check the state the job is in by checking the value in the status field on the General Tab. Go to the Budget tab. Revise the job. Go to Account Information section. Click on Quick Add. A blank record is created. Enter all the FAU information. Click on Save on the job. You should see the old fau in a section called Accounting History at the bottom of the page. Put the job back in the state it was when you Revised it by clicking on the appropriate actions on the job. Verify that the status field on the General tab is the same as it was when you started.
- Charge did not get billed -
Check that the charge has a status of "Ready for Upload".
Check the budget tab of the job to see the Funding Type on the job. If the funding type is Recharge it should be billed. This is the most common reason that the charge does not get billed because the funding type is incorrectly marked.
If the funding type is State and it should be State check that the debit and credit for that charge have two different FAU's. Eg. material bought on a State job by Carpentry from Shop Stores should get charged as the Carpentry shop would get debited and Shop Stores would get the credit.
- Blanket Fixed Charge did not get billed -
Please open the Service Agreement. Check that the fixed Service is setup. You should see a fixed service charge on the Fixed Services tab section "Fixed Cost Services". Check the expiration date on the Service Agreement. If the blanket has expired was the service setup as a One time Charge? Does the service have a status of "Ready for Upload". Check the debit and credit FAU. Are they different?
- My Charge did not get billed
- Blanket Fixed Charge did not get billed
- Not seeing my charges on the review file -
The review file combines the charges on a job/fau and shows you that consolidated figure. It does not show individual charges. Check by job number and then total the charges.
Most likely it is a Time and Materials Blanket. For time and materials blankets it gets the fau from the job. So fau on the job needs to be fixed.
- Account - Fund combination is invalid and you feel and I think it is valid - Check fmbilling expense_fau table. If invalid check ods datawarehouse. If still invalid then check GL System with Valerie's help. If still invalid advise the user to check with accounting.Client want
- Client wants to close out a project. A labor charge is lingering there which was never billed
The charge could not get billed as the PPS for the labor charge was different from the workgroup that performed the work. Just force it in fmbilling to bill by removing the exception so that the job can be closed after user says it is ok to do so.
- Need to change Job Funding Type -
- How to do credits for a Miscellaneous Service Charge?
- Multiple receiving line items on a po line item -
- Receiving line items with status Ready for Upload having total amount 0 and quantity received > 0.
- How do I fix exception Invalid Credit FAU on a Miscelleneous Service entry.
- I see a status of FS Uploaded on a charge. What does it mean?
- How to fix exception Laborer's PPS fau does not match workgroup fau?