10/1/2017 – 10/31/2017
- Automation of the ETL process for Legacy data the ones which are complete.
- Student Mapping Complete.
- Additional columns added to AR Bliss Tech specifications.
- Re-established the access to SISSHARE registrar database.
- SZRADAP Extension script sent for review with Tom Braun.
In Progress
- Summer Archive tables created in ODS.
- ETL development for legacy summer tables.
- Working with mapping of legacy registrar data into Composite table (STUDENT_COURSE) columns.
- DCE Course Information - I&C SCI X426.53 Data Structures, Data Mining and Big Data with Python class began.
- Continue to work with the remaining technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity.
- Start the ETL Development of the known Legacy inputs.
9/1/2017 – 09/29/2017
- Summer ETL Access established.
- Grad Aid Staging development put on hold as the source data development is in progress.
- Grad Aid Change to column names completed.
- Automation of the ETL process for Legacy data the ones which are complete.