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Attending: Kian Colestock, Diane Dunn, Ying  Ying Kussman, Jeff Martin, Steve Noh, Eric Puchalski, Paul Sheirich, Eric Taggart, Briandy Walden

Absent: Eric (Kuali Days)

Location: 232 MSTB

ReadyTalk: 1-866-740-1260  Conference Code: 8240536


PMC 2014-2015 Project Plan

  1. Project Approval Framework Workstream
    1. ServiceNow Implementation Update
      1. Confirm: Initial OIT launch in late November - primary focus on incident management for many OIT groups
        1. ...
        1. EricT created PRJ0010155:
          1. Having problems organizing tasks
          2. Can't find any way to set workflows/approvals
      3. EricP/Kian looking at PM and portfolio aspects - Comparing SmartSheet and SN
        1. Anything to report?
        Kian preview PM aspects of Service-Now
    2. Jeff and Diane share Project Approval Framework documentation recommendations (project proposal, etc.) for their respective projects (WHS Security, Voicemail)
      1. ...
    3. OIT Project Life Cycle Approval - Draft Approval Framework
      1. Ongoing discussion re: What should be required for each phase?
        1. Initiation:
          1. OIT Project Proposal
        2. Implementation:
          1. Functional requirements, technical/design/solution specs, project plan with schedule. resource requirements (especially if cross-team involvement is required)
          2. Other groups that may be asked to review the implementation plans:
            1. Security, Architecture Review Board, ...
        1. Go-Live:
          1. Confirmation that products/services to be delivered meet expected requirements/plans/processes
          2. Official customer acceptance and production readiness sign-off
          3. Artifacts to demonstrate proper documentation was completed, required processes were followed, all tasks/issues are adequately closed
          4. Go-live plan, post-production support plan, closeout activities
    4. /wiki/spaces/public/pages/31361236
      1. Any suggested changes re: non-software projects?
        1. ...
    5. Current projects to test workflow?
      1. Ready for Initiation:
        1. EricT conducted Project Initiation Review/Approval meeting/wiki/spaces/OITOR/pages/15051423 for the Tick@Lab project on 10-30-2014
      2. Ready for Implementation:
        1. EricT Tick@Lab project should be ready for Project Implementation Review/Approval meeting in next few weeks
      3. Ready for Go Live:
      4. Any other PMC member projects ready to test a step of the approval framework?
        1. ...
  2. Tools and Resources Workstream
    1. Eric P previously distributed a range of existing materials related to PMLC and SDLC - Much of these resources are already organized /wiki/spaces/public/pages/31361236
    2. Discussion: Why so many tools? Common pain points? Better practices the PMC can recommend?
  3. Consultative Project Support Workstream
    1. Kian: Any small/medium OIT projects that could use help/mentorship from a PMC member?
  4. ...Eric preview PM aspects of Service-Now
  5. Next Meeting
    1. Friday November 21 1:00pm MSTB 232
    2. ...
