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*This is still work in progress and not comprehensive usage of all Fastclass3 modules.
An Initiator is someone who is creating a classification or reclassification request.
Submit a Classification with one position id
Instructions 1 Click on 'Submit a New Classification'
2 Search for a position with any of the search fields - Position Number - Payroll Title Name - Salary Plan - Name (First M Last) - Dept. Name 3 Select the desired position and see it show up in position(s) selected list 4 Click on 'Save & Next Step: Update Incumbent and Supervisor Information' 5 Update incumbent information - All fields are options 6 Click on 'Save & Next Step' 7 Follow the instructions on the screen to fill out the rest of the JD 8 Clicking on 'Click to Save' allow you to save the request and come back at a later time. 9 When ready to submit. Click Submit 10 A successful submission will show a request number. Remember the request number for future reference. Submit a classification with multiple position ids
Instructions 1 Click on 'Submit a New Classification' 2 Search for the first position with any of the search fields - Position Number - Payroll Title Name - Salary Plan - Name (First M Last) - Dept. Name 3 Select the desired position and see it show up in position(s) selected list 4 Search for the other positions by selecting from the same list or searching again 5 Select the desired position and see it show up in position(s) selected list 6 Click on 'Save & Next Step: Update Incumbent and Supervisor Information' 7 Potential error. Dept and title must match, if not an error will appear. 8 Click on 'Save & Next Step: Update Incumbent and Supervisor Information' 9 Click on 'Save & Next Step' 10 Follow the instructions on the screen to fill out the rest of the JD 11 When ready to submit. Click Submit 12 A successful submission will show a request number. Remember the request number for future reference. WIP(Work In Progress): Edit an existing Classification
Submit a Reclassification
Edit an existing Reclassification
Job Description Library, look up a job description
An approver is someone who has the permission to approve an classification or reclassification request.
Central HR Approver
An central HR approver is someone who has the central HR permission to approve classifications and reclassifications.
An central HR approver can also do anything an approver can.