12/5/2016 - 12/16/2016
- Issue with KFS source records with duplicate FDOC_LINE_NBRs for the KFS_F_TEM_ACCTNG fact table.
- KFS team notified of bug. Issue fixed with newest release of KFS.
- Missing dimension table (KFS_D_TEM_PROFILE) development/testing complete.
- Incorrect SIDs in the PO fact tables resolved
- Pramod identified the PO_ITM_SID column in dev was incorrectly setup as an identity field.
- Received the setup files and license key for the Informatica LDAP connector.
- Software installed and necessary config changes completed.
- Core Supervision Training Courses
- Interactive Process/Reasonable Accommodation and FMLA
- Worklife and Engagement
- Service-now incidents completed:
In Progress
- KC/SPA Proposals Half-Year report.
- Due date: 1/13/17
- Clinical trials Cognos report for OR (Currently on hold due to half year report)
- Need additional fields in the proposal ODS table.
- ETL and Cognos framework package needs to be adjusted.
- New OR dev and prod database migration.
- All Informatica/Cognos connections need to be changed.
- Firewall rules.
- Connectivity testing.
- TEM data mart development code review and deployment prep work.
- Possible issue with incorrect SIDs in the PO fact tables.
- Zena Agent install on etl-dev.
- Waiting on firewall exceptions to be completed by the security team.
- Additional fact table creation for KC Negotiation star.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
11/21/2016 - 12/2/2016
- Negotiations star schema demo and Cognos training sessions for OR.
- SPA award count logic adjustment to exclude administration cycles and add two additional measures.
- SPA quarterly report design with new award count logic and additional measures.
- SPA On Time Proposal Submissions by Dept.
- Low proposal totals (counts and dollar amounts) troubleshooting.
- Issue due to timestamps in source proposal records integrated from KC to SPA system.
- SFTP transfer to Informatica server for zot codes file testing completed.
- Service-now incidents completed:
In Progress
- Clinical trials Cognos report for OR.
- Need additional fields in the proposal ODS table.
- ETL and Cognos framework package needs to be adjusted.
- Issue found with KFS source records with duplicate FDOC_LINE_NBRs for the KFS_F_TEM_ACCTNG fact table.
- Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
- Missing dimension table found KFS_D_TEM_PROFILE
- TEM data mart development code review and deployment prep work.
- Possible issue with incorrect SIDs in the PO fact tables.
- Zena Agent install on etl-dev.
- Waiting on firewall exceptions to be completed by the security team.
- Additional fact table creation for KC Negotiation star.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
11/7/2016 - 11/18/2016
- ODI Technical Training (11/15-11/17)
- Disbursement data mart development objects code reviewed and deployed to production.
- Encountering discrepancies between the table DDL (unique indexes) and the functional specs.
- Troubleshooting ETL performance issues from etl0 to solar.
- Resolved after Solar databases migrated to new SSD data center appliance.
- UCI Informatica environment overview for Barathi.
- Informatica LDAP connector purchase approved and PO submitted.
- JIRA issues completed:
- Service-now incidents completed:
In Progress
- SPA award count logic adjustment to exclude administration cycles and add two additional measures.
- Award history table.
- SPA quarterly report design with new award count logic and additional measures.
- Continuing to encounter various issues with incorrect unique indexes on tables for TEM.
- TEM data mart development code review and deployment prep work.
- Possible issue with incorrect SIDs in the PO fact tables.
- Zena Agent install on etl-dev.
- Waiting on firewall exceptions to be completed by the security team.
- Various Informatica support for developers/new hires.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
10/24/2016 - 11/4/2016
- SPA award count logic adjustment to exclude administration cycles and add two additional measures.
- Award table loaded with new measures.
- SPA monthly report conversion (stored procedure to Cognos report) complete.
- ETL adjustments complete.
- Informatica Analyst overview and usage presentation.
- Banner ODS training.
- Informatica LDAP connector purchase request approved by the Acquisition Review Team.
- Service-now incidents:
In Progress
- SPA award count logic adjustment to exclude administration cycles and add two additional measures.
- Award history table.
- SPA quarterly report design with new award count logic and additional measures.
- Zena Agent install on etl-dev.
- Waiting on firewall exceptions to be completed by the security team.
- Troubleshooting ETL performance issues from etl0 to solar.
- Continuing to experience semaphore timeouts from Solar.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
10/10/2016 - 10/21/2016
- Troubleshooting/fixing new development by Analytix for KFS data mart additions.
- PO
- Disbursement
- KFS PO subject area loading merged with daily loading workflow and deployed to production.
- Sponsor category code reconciliation for SPA reports.
- KC Negotiations module dimensional model Cognos Framework design.
- Sample Cognos reports design as POC for OR functional staff.
- Informatica PowerExchange for LDAP price quote request and purchase justification.
- Re-negotiated original price from $36k down to $21.6k
- D_DATE dimension holiday column update process completed using staff holiday list compiled by Allison.
- JIRA issues completed:
In Progress
- SPA award count logic adjustment to exclude administration cycles and add two additional measures.
- Administrative cycle count
- Award cycle count.
- SPA monthly/quarterly reports design.
- Based on review of the sprocs, ETL adjustments are required for the daily OR loading.
- New Cognos reports need to be designed.
- Zena Agent install on etl-dev.
- Waiting on firewall exceptions to be completed by the security team.
- Troubleshooting ETL performance issues from etl0 to solar.
- Continuing to experience semaphore timeouts from Solar.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
9/26/2016 - 10/7/2016
- KC Negotiations module dimensions/fact ETL design
- Discussion with Michael Story regarding implementation of Zena Informatica scheduling.
- Informatica app server configuration changed to allow for batch scripting for scheduling.
- Currently waiting for de-allocation of existing Zena client license.
- Script for command prompt workflow execution sent to Michael.
- Informatica overview presentation slides for brown bag session.
- JIRA issues completed:
In Progress
- Troubleshooting/fixing new development by Analytix for KFS data mart additions.
- PO
- Disbursement
- Sponsor category code reconciliation for SPA reports.
- KC Negotiations module dimensional model Cognos Framework design.
- Sample Cognos reports design as POC for OR functional staff.
- Informatica PowerExchange for LDAP price quote request and purchase justification.
- UCI staff holiday list compilation for update to the date dimension.
- Zena Agent install on etl-dev.
- Waiting on firewall exceptions to be completed by the security team.
- Troubleshooting ETL performance issues from etl0 to solar.
- Incremental fact table loading deployed to alleviate performance issues.
- Continuing to encounter semaphore timeouts from Solar.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
9/12/2016 - 9/23/2016
- Annual password changes for Informatica connections
- PO data mart Informatica mappings and sessions
- Merging Analytix development back to the main Daily_* workflows.
- Audited/corrected slew of issues related to objects not following proper dev standards, unconnected ports, unconfigured session options, and other misc. issues mentioned on numerous occasions.
- Informatica on-site training proposals discussions.
- Received quotes from 3 vendors - Informatica University, LearnQuest, and ExistBI.
- Fixed invalid date values in KC.
- In-depth discussion on VM cluster performance degradation.
- Assisting Jane troubleshoot her Informatica development for UC Path.
- JIRA issues completed:
In Progress
- KC Negotiations module dimensions/fact ETL design.
- Zena Agent install on etl-dev.
- Stalled installation due to firewall issues.
- Discussion with Michael Story regarding implementation of Zena Informatica scheduling.
- Informatica app server configuration changed to allow for batch scripting for scheduling.
- Currently waiting for de-allocation of existing Zena client license.
- Script for command prompt workflow execution sent to Michael.
- Troubleshooting ETL performance issues from etl0 to solar.
- Write bottleneck suspected from the session logs on solar.
- Data Center team has moved the solar server vm to same physical host as lunar.
- DBA team suspect an abundance of CPUs causing cxpacket waits and will add 2 additional CPUs to lunar to confirm slowness.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
8/29/2016 - 9/9/2016
- KC Negotiations module dimensional model design completed.
- KC Negotiations module staging ETL completed.
- Testing difference session configurations to optimize session read/write performance.
- KFS balance fact table incremental load strategy review.
- Production deployments completed:
In Progress
- KC Negotiations module dimensions/fact ETL design.
- Discussion with Michael Story regarding implementation of Zena Informatica scheduling.
- Informatica app server configuration changed to allow for batch scripting for scheduling.
- Currently waiting for de-allocation of existing Zena client license.
- Script for command prompt workflow execution sent to Michael.
- Troubleshooting ETL performance issues from etl0 to solar.
- Write bottleneck suspected from the session logs on solar.
- Data Center team has moved the solar server vm to same physical host as lunar.
- DBA team suspect an abundance of CPUs causing cxpacket waits and will add 2 additional CPUs to lunar to confirm slowness.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
8/15/2016 - 8/26/2016
- KC Negotiations module review for dimensional model design.
- Office of Research Cognos user access migrated from individual to KSAMS roles.
- Resolved firewall issues from Cognos app servers to the KFS ODAs.
- Informatica session log attachment removed from all failed session emails due to inbox attachment file size limit.
- D_DATE dimension table schema moved to edw.
- Annual password change for prod reader accounts.
- JIRAs issues completed:
- Production deployments completed:
In Progress
- Troubleshooting ETL performance issues from etl0 to solar.
- Write bottleneck suspected from the session logs on solar.
- Testing difference session configurations to optimize session read/write performance.
- KFS balance fact table incremental load strategy review.
- KC negotiations ETL staging workflow.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
- Zena working session with Michael Story for automation of workflow failures (Currently waiting to meet with Michael Story).
8/1/2016 - 8/12/2016
- Update all ODS worklets to check succeeded sessions status.
- On-time Proposal Submission Data and Graph Cognos report completed per OR user request.
- SPA COR system reports conversion
- ETL to populate spa proposal and spa award tables in ODS.
- SPA Award Data on given PI Cognos report completed.
- SPA Proposal Data on given PI Cognos report completed.
- Fiscal year logic addition to KC proposal ODS table.
- User date prompt addition to all KC Cognos reports.
- All OLTP loading sessions changed from drop table/load to truncate/load.
- PREQ and disbursement Analytix mapping design code review.
- ODS loading workflow Informatica production deployment.
In Progress
- Legacy data warehouse query for Research Administration missing data issue.
- Glenn has implemented a fix to the spa_dwh extract ETL.
- Still missing 4 records (spa: 2096 vs. spa_dwh: 2092)
- KC Negotiations module review for dimensional model design.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
- KFS balance fact table incremental load strategy review.
- Zena working session with Michael Story for automation of workflow failures (Currently waiting to meet with Michael Story).
- Defining relationships for all SPA system tables for the Cognos framework model (Currently waiting for documentation from Eric).
7/18/2016 - 7/29/2016
- OR related staging/ODS tables and Informatica ETL overhauled to be more consistent with updated DWH modeling standards.
- ETL updated to remove redundant data - certain staging session removed and changed to pull directly from source DB.
- Renamed table to be more relevant to OR users.
- Updated all SPA/KC reports to reflect new table names.
- OR Cognos reports demo/training sessions preparation
- Reviewing functionality of Workspace Advanced
- Demo reports creation per VC or Research email on data request.
- Fixed ODS session - s_m_LOAD_UCI_L
- Loading error related to KFS production deployment for table - UCI_LD_A21_PC_JOB_CD_T
- Reviewing loading error on UCI_SMS_FEED_DETAIL.
- Need to adjust mapping remove duplicate records from key columns that make up the clustered index.
In Progress
- Update all ODS worklets to check sessions status = Succeeded.
- SPA COR system reports conversion
- Currently reviewing the stored procs to convert into an ETL process.
- Cognos report design.
- Legacy data warehouse query for Research Administration missing data issue.
- Glenn has implemented a fix to the spa_dwh extract ETL.
- Still missing 4 records (spa: 2096 vs. spa_dwh: 2092)
- Delayed Informatica dev nightly loading schedule to accommodate ODS data validation.
- Schedule needs to be restored and connections changed back to KFSDAY2 once complete.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
- Zena working session with Michael Story for automation of workflow failures (Currently waiting to meet with Michael Story).
- Defining relationships for all SPA system tables for the Cognos framework model (Currently waiting for documentation from Eric).
7/5/2016 - 7/15/2016
- Annual password change for Informatica - Phase 2
- Cognos Author Active Reports training
- Daily_ODS workflow adjusted to add in an artificial delay for the ldap_people and employee_basic loading.
- DWH UNIX jobs needs to complete before the Informatica process can run.
- SPA reports bug fixed reported by Glenn. Scholarship records were not being included in totals in the SPA stored proc.
- Awards by purpose by campus area
- Awards by purpose by funding source
- Informatica mapping ETL logic adjusted to pre calculate report grouping description.
- All KC Cognos reports adjusted per OR user request. Added in user prompts to filter proposal creation dates.
- Informatica working session with Josh Jackson for COBOL file processing.
In Progress
- OR Cognos reports demo/training sessions preparation
- Reviewing functionality of Workspace Advanced
- Demo reports creation per VC or Research email on data request.
- SPA COR system reports conversion
- Currently reviewing the stored procs to convert into an ETL process.
- Cognos report design.
- Legacy data warehouse query for Research Administration missing data issue.
- Glenn has implemented a fix to the spa_dwh extract ETL.
- Still missing 4 records (spa: 2096 vs. spa_dwh: 2092)
- Delayed Informatica dev nightly loading schedule to accommodate ODS data validation.
- Schedule needs to be restored and connections changed back to KFSDAY2 once complete.
- SIS developer applicants review.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
- Zena working session with Michael Story for automation of workflow failures (Currently waiting to meet with Michael Story).
- Defining relationships for all SPA system tables for the Cognos framework model (Currently waiting for documentation from Eric).
6/20/2016 - 7/1/2016
- Annual password change for Informatica - Phase 1
- Cognos Author Professional Reports Training.
- KBM override jobs troubleshooting and validation.
- Issue with shifted columns affecting the YTD_TRN_TOTAL_HR results resolved.
- Issue with missing NAME resolved.
- KFS ODS workflow deployment preparation/clean-up.
- Replaced sources and targets not using shortcuts.
- Removed redundant sessions.
- Renamed objects not following naming conventions.
- Insufficient permissions issue resolved for the dwhreader account on KFSPROD.
- KC ODS report specifications documentation write-up.
- JIRA/Service Now Tasks completed:
In Progress
- Legacy data warehouse query for Research Administration missing data issue.
- OR users reported low proposal counts.
- Narrowed the issue down to the DTS extracts from the SPA database.
- Issue may be related to records with and without timestamps.
- Delayed Informatica dev nightly loading schedule to accommodate ODS data validation.
- Schedule needs to be restored and connections changed back to KFSDAY2 once complete.
- IBM Cognos Report Studio Author Active Reports training registration.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
- Informatica working session with Josh Jackson for COBOL file processing.
- Zena working session with Michael Story for automation of workflow failures (Currently waiting to meet with Michael Story).
- Defining relationships for all SPA system tables for the Cognos framework model (Currently waiting for documentation from Eric).
6/6/2016 - 6/17/2016
- All config changes for the KFS/KC production database migration to ODAPRD completed without issues.
- SFTP shell script template design for ETL developers.
- Informatica production server (etl0) CPU core count addition completed and verified.
- CPU utilization down to approx ~50% at peak times.
- Tenable security center training.
- KFS_D_FISCAL_PERIOD current flag not being correctly set.
- Temporary fix implemented until Pramod has the new fiscal period logic in place.
- Need to remove the post sql update (~end of June) in the Informatica session.
- Assisting team members with any connectivity issues (firewall, DSN, etc.) to new KFSPRD, KFSSTAGE.
- JIRA/Service Now Tasks completed:
In Progress
- Assisting Anh with annual password change.
- KC ODS report specifications documentation write-up.
- IBM Cognos Report Studio Author Active Reports training registration.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
- Zena working session with Michael Story for automation of workflow failures (Currently waiting to meet with Michael Story).
- Defining relationships for all SPA system tables for the Cognos framework model (Currently waiting for documentation from Eric).
5/23/2016 - 6/3/2016
- Analytix data validation discussion for completed Informatica tasks.
- KFS production database server migration prep work and configuration changes
- Firewall rules in place for Informatica app servers to ODAPRD..
- KFSSTAGE/KFSPROD DSNs/Infa connection objects setup complete.
- dwhreader account requested and verified working on KFSPROD.
- GL_BALANCE loading emergency fix for NULL RAFG SID values.
- Updated hard coded database name to a parameter file value.
- PUR_REQS_EXT_T Oracle schema change verification for affected Informatica objects.
- Service Now Tasks completed:
In Progress
- KC ODS report specifications documentation write-up.
- KFS production database server migration prep work and configuration changes
- KCPROD DSNs/Informatica connections.
- dwhreader for KCPROD creation.
- SFTP shell script template design for ETL developers.
- Informatica production server (etl0) CPU core count addition.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
- Zena working session with Michael Story for automation of workflow failures (Currently waiting to meet with Michael Story).
- Defining relationships for all SPA system tables for the Cognos framework model (Currently waiting for documentation from Eric).
5/9/2016 - 5/20/2016
- Adjusted KC ODS Informatica mappings to add additional logic to account for KC proposal workflow change.
- New logic based on pre and post 10/21/2015 cutoff dates.
- Proposal quarterly average trends Cognos report.
- SPA reports specification review/discussion with OR functional staff (on-going).
- Source of RPT_DEPT_CODE changes in the awards over fiscal years identified and documented.
- KFS_D_FISCAL_PERIOD delayed row active indicator review.
- Powershell scripts execution issue in Informatica successfully resolved.
- ODS table inventory list completed to reduce confusion in the Informatica ODS conversion.
- Web services annual password change update for Informatica workflows completed.
- Informatica code reviews:
In Progress
- KC ODS report specifications documentation write-up.
- KFS production database server migration prep work and configuration changes
- Firewall rules for connectivity to ODAPRD.
- DSNs/Infa connection objects need to be setup.
- Currently awaiting KFSPRD refresh on ODAPRD. Will test to KFSSTG until refresh is complete.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
- On-going Informatica training sessions for Jane Gao.
- Zena working session with Michael Story for automation of workflow failures (Currently waiting to meet with Michael Story).
- Defining relationships for all SPA system tables for the Cognos framework model (Currently waiting for documentation from Eric).
4/25/2016 - 5/6/2016
- Dimensions/Facts/ODS workflows load testing to dss and troubleshooting errors all completed and successful.
- Cognos training session for Barbara/Jonathan on using Workspace Advance.
- Investigating NULL values in PRELIM_REVIEW_DT from KC.
- Related to a KC workflow change that was deployed in Oct. 2015.
- Need to adjust ETL logic. Also affects other fields using the ROLE_NM and RSP_ID fields.
- KC proposal average workflow Cognos report completed per request by OR.
- Aiding in troubleshooting various Informatica ODS workflows issues/enhancements.
In Progress
- Adjust KC ODS Informatica mapping to add additional logic to account for KC proposal workflow change.
- Logic needs to be based on pre and post 10/21/2015 cutoff date groups.
- Proposal quarterly average trends Cognos report for Nancy/Bruce (will commence after above fix).
- SPA reports specification review/discussion with OR functional staff (on-going).
- Nancy/Barbara have mentioned that the award counts may need to be adjusted to reflect distinct awards.
- Investigating source of RPT_DEPT_CODE change in the awards over fiscal years.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Completed network diagram/data flow diagram.
- Zena working session with Michael Story for automation of workflow failures (Currently waiting to meet with Michael Story).
- Defining relationships for all SPA system tables for the Cognos framework model (Currently waiting for documentation from Eric).
4/11/2016 - 4/22/2016
- Kuali Coeus ODS table field additions requested by OR for proposal workflow reporting.
- Informatica ETL adjusted with additional logic.
- Cognos framework model updated.
- Cognos report adjusted with new fields.
- Compiled/executed DDLs to merge all differences between the dss and dss_kfs databases.
- Prep work for dss_kfs to dss migration.
- JIRA issues completed:
- Code review/production deployments completed:
- Resolved KFS_F_LEDGER_ENTRIES loading issue causing transaction duplication.
- Adjusted the mapping and converted the dss/dss_kfs database name to a variable to account for dev/prod DB name difference.
- Aiding in troubleshooting various Informatica ODS workflows issues/enhancements.
In Progress
- Troubleshooting ETL loading hanging issue.
- Currently trying to isolate the Cognos report that is causing blocking in the database.
- SPA reports specification review/discussion with OR functional staff (on-going).
- Nancy/Barbara have mentioned that the award counts may need to be adjusted to reflect distinct awards.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Dimensions/Facts/ODS workflows load testing to dss and troubleshooting errors.
- Zena working session with Michael Story for automation of workflow failures.
- Defining relationships for all SPA system tables for the Cognos framework model (Currently waiting for documentation from Eric).
3/28/2016 - 4/8/2016
- Common KFS/SPA award dimension discussion.
- Production deployment standards/checklist discussion with Analytix.
- JIRA issues completed:
- Code review/production deployments completed:
- Aiding OIR members with Informatica usage and troubleshooting.
- Aiding in troubleshooting various Informatica ODS workflows issues/enhancements.
In Progress
- Code review - dimension loading session deployed but waiting on Analytix for completion of the facts table loading mappings.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Zena working session with Michael Story for automation of workflow failures.
- Defining relationships for all SPA system tables for the Cognos framework model (Currently waiting for documentation from Eric).
3/14/2016 - 3/24/2016
- Technical specs documentation for completed SPA Cognos reports.
- Code review with Analytix for completed Informatica objects.
- MySQL database timeout error resolved.
- Converted lookups/SQL overrides into local joiner transformations and set timeouts thresholds in the session.
- Award dimension for the EDW discussion.
- Need a follow up discussion to decide on level of granularity (award vs. synopsis cycle)
- Code review/production deployments completed:
- D_DATE dimension adjusted with additional fiscal date columns and renamed existing columns according to established DWH standards.
- Aiding in troubleshooting various Informatica ODS workflows issues/enhancements.
In Progress
- Code review
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Defining relationships for all SPA system tables for the Cognos framework model (Currently waiting for documentation from Eric).
2/29/2016 - 3/11/2016
- Changed all connections from old oda2 server to the new odadev server.
- Firewall rule changes.
- Informatica connection objects (KFSDEV, KCDEV)
- System DSNs
- Linked servers (Lunar, Nebula)
- Updated all Informatica OLTP sessions/workflows on dev/prod with schema variables to avoid job failures for any future schema migrations in Oracle.
- Code review/production deployments completed:
- Aiding in troubleshooting various Informatica ODS workflows issues/enhancements.
In Progress
- Troubleshooting MySQL database timeout error.
- Technical specs documentation for completed SPA Cognos reports.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Defining relationships for all SPA system tables for the Cognos framework model (Currently waiting for documentation from Eric).
2/15/2016 - 2/26/2016
- All requested SPA system tables added to existing Cognos framework model.
- Direct database connectivity setup to Tick@Lab "export" database completed.
- Code review/production deployments completed:
- Informatica dev repository objects cleaned up to remove duplicates and renamed to proper standards.
- Cognos Framework Manager training session for OR.
- Troubleshooting KFS_D_ORG loading issue.
In Progress
- Technical specs documentation for completed SPA Cognos reports.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Defining relationships for all SPA system tables for the Cognos framework model (Currently waiting for documentation from Eric).
2/1/2016 - 2/12/2016
- Technical specs documentation completed for initial set of published SPA annual reports.
- Production deployments completed:
- Cognos Workspace Advanced demo for OR.
- New data elements around Prime Sponsor and Research Agreements requested to be added to existing SPA framework.
- Looking into where the data can be sourced from and how to add to the ODS.
- Cognos data source connectivity issue to the SPA system troubleshooting.
- Issue resolved after adding firewall egress rule to allow from the Cognos servers to SPA host machine.
- Informatica client setup/KSAMS role request for Andrew Do complete.
In Progress
- Technical specs documentation for completed SPA Cognos reports.
- In the process of adding all requested SPA system tables to existing Cognos framework model.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Direct database connectivity setup to Tick@Lab "export" database and Cognos framework model creation.
1/18/2016 - 1/29/2016
- Mapping template for ODS loading workflow conversion completed for Bryce.
- Talend to Informatica KSAMS web services conversion is ready for deployment and test running on dev.
- Production deployments completed:
- Meetings with Raj regarding new requests from the OR team.
- Informatica version control deployment on the dev repository.
- Informatica tutorial sessions.
In Progress
- Technical specs documentation for completed SPA Cognos reports.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Cognos Workspace Advanced demo and new requirements gathering for OR.
1/4/2016 - 1/15/2016
- Informatica dev to prod deployment strategy using deployment groups.
- PowerExchange for Web Services activated.
- Informatica sample mapping from public web service.
- Production deployments completed:
In Progress
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Developing template ETL for dynamic ODS table loading conversion to use stage_kfs as source.
- Troubleshooting KSAMS web services authentication through PowerExchange.
- OR dimensional model design based on feedback from the functional teams.
12/14/2015 - 12/23/2015
- KFS_F_LEDGER_ENTRIES loading logic change from full to incremental load.
- Loading time reduced from approx. 2hrs to <5mins.
- Source schema for the dev daily KFS refresh changed to KFSDAY2 to maintain scrubbed data.
- Informatica ETL to check for a valid current flag row in the KFS_D_FISCAL_PERIOD dimension completed.
- Informatica TEM_* tables staging loading mapping/session completed.
- Production deployments completed:
- UCI_LD_CSF_TRACKER_SNAPSHOT missing data troubleshooting.
- Talend ETL logic miscalculation causing same period of the previous year to be deleted in addition to current year.
- Restored data from July 2015 database backup.
In Progress
- Informatica SRAQ.
- OR dimensional model design based on feedback from the functional teams.
- Developing an Informatica dev to prod deployment strategy that can be used as a standard across all teams.
11/30/2015 - 12/11/2015
- Troubleshooting deleted LDAP users in Informatica.
- Adjusted the LDAP sync schedule to once per day to avoid overhead on Informatica repository.
- Troubleshooting unexpected workflow restart after failed workflow recovery.
- Per Informatica support, the automatic restart is intended behavior and is caused by missed scheduled runs.
- Updated all current workflows to use the default parameter file location on the Informatica server.
- Developed additional workflow logic to check session statuses and email success notifications to all the nightly workflows.
- KFS_F_GL_BALANCE loading session config changes to use the truncate table table option instead of the Pre-SQL.
- Lunar daily staging/dim/fact refresh turned on for dss_kfs per the request of the report developers.
In Progress
- KFS_F_LEDGER_ENTRIES loading logic change from full to incremental load.
- Loading time should reduced significantly also making it easier for error recovery.
- OR dimensional model design based on feedback from the functional teams.
- Developing an Informatica dev to prod deployment strategy that can be used as a standard across all teams.
11/16/2015 - 11/25/2015
- Created performance counters to collect peak CPU, memory, and disk IO latency statistics on both dev and prod servers.
- Scheduled to run during the nightly load window (12am - 5am).
- Need to have at least 2 additional CPU cores to the production Informatica server - currently only dual core.
- KFS dimensions/facts workflows successfully deployed to the production server.
- Informatica version control overview and usage presentation.
- Created a version control tutorial confluence wiki page as a prerequisite to turning on versioning on the dev repository.
- Completed part of the Level 2 Developer course labs to help with future user training (expired on November 20th).
- Attended a PowerCenter 10 technical deep dive presentation.
In Progress
- Developing an Informatica dev to prod deployment strategy that can be used as a standard across all teams.
- Troubleshooting deleted LDAP users in Informatica.
- Possible sync issues with the LDAP server.
- OR dimensional model design based on feedback from the functional teams.
11/2/2015 - 11/13/2015
- KFS workflow designed to execute staging/dimensions/facts in sequence based on successful run status.
- KFS Informatica staging workflow successfully deployed to the production server.
- Troubleshooting several unknown workflow failures on dev.
- Issue discovered to be disk space related during cache file creation.
- 100GB added to the D: drive on both dev and prod servers.
- Informatica client installation/configuration for new sqltools server for the OIR team completed.
- Issue was related to an additional firewall rule requirement - added the rgstools to the inform-users group.
- KFS monthly SMS feed job completed.
- Need to confirm one workflow with validation errors (STF100).
In Progress
- KFS Informatica workflows for dimensions/facts production server migration.
- OR dimensional model design based on feedback from the functional teams.
10/19/2015 - 10/30/2015
- KFS_F_GL_BALANCE table reconciliation between dss/dss_kfs.
- All column mismatches have been resolved.
- KFS Informatica workflows for dimensions/facts production deployment prep work.
- Attended a WSU (Washington State University) Office of Research operational dashboard demo.
- Cognos 10.2.2 upgrade testing for all Office of Research reports.
- Environment variables setup for Informatica workflow usage.
In Progress
- Aiding with troubleshooting/testing of Talend/Informatica conversion.
- Informatica client installation/configuration for new sqltools server for the OIR team.
- Developing a working POC for a complete workflow for the KFS staging/dims/facts loading.
- OR dimensional model design based on feedback from the functional teams.
10/5/2015 - 10/16/2015
- Cognos security permissions review for Office of Research related reports.
- Office of Research data warehouse phase II discussion.
- Functional staff mentioned needing data around timing between proposal statuses and how long in each status.
- Reviewing KC database schema for data that will allow for capturing historical data to satisfy reporting.
- New KSAMS roles proposal for Informatica.
In Progress
- Aiding with troubleshooting/testing of Talend/Informatica conversion.
- Cognos 10.2.2 upgrade testing.
- Found an issue with outputting any reports other than html causing an error.
- KFS_F_GL_BALANCE table reconciliation between dss/dss_kfs.
- Currently, six columns do not match in the KFS_F_GL_BALANCE3 table
- Currently, six columns do not match in the KFS_F_GL_BALANCE3 table
- OR dimensional model design based on feedback from the functional teams.
9/21/2015 - 10/2/2015
- Sponsored projects Informatica data loads validated against results from DWH portal.
- Cognos Framework model/package design for sponsored projects.
- Sample report tested and validated.
- Meeting prep for Office of Research data warehouse phase II.
- KC proposal sample cognos report.
- Date dimension table creation and Informatica ETL design.
- Informatica support for OIR.
In Progress
- Aiding with troubleshooting/testing of Talend/Informatica conversion.
- Cognos security permissions review for Office of Research related reports.
- Communication link failure on SQL Server investigation.
- Proposed possible solution related to SynAttackProtect setting. DBA team planning on running network monitor on DB servers.
- OR dimensional model design based on feedback from the functional teams.
9/7/2015 - 9/18/2015
- Sponsored Projects legacy data warehouse java code review.
- Sponsored Projects legacy data warehouse converted to an Informatica ETL process.
- Made adjustments to the KFS daily staging workflow to suspend/notify if loading errors are encountered.
- Medical center Informatica support.
- Resolved some connectivity issues between med center databases.
- Informatica client installation/configuration for Matt
In Progress
- Validating sponsored projects Informatica data loads against results from DWH portal.
- Aiding with troubleshooting/testing of Talend/Informatica conversion.
- Cognos security permissions review for Office of Research related reports.
- Communication link failure on SQL Server investigation.
- Cognos Framework model/package design for sponsored projects.
- Sample report design and validation.
8/24/2015 - 9/4/2015
- Awards by Campus Area report data discrepancy review request from Office of Research.
- Found records that were added through the SPA system at the very end of the fiscal year.
- Kuali Coeus proposal workflow sample data for David Tieu/OR team review.
- Sponsored Projects DWH page review.
- Identified the SQL Server processes/logic that populates and outputs data files that are loaded to the dwhm_fs.rgs* tables in MySQL.
In Progress
- Aiding with troubleshooting/testing of Talend/Informatica conversion.
- Cognos security permissions review for Office of Research related reports.
- Sponsored Projects DWH java code review to identify source tables/fields and any additional report logic.
- Sponsored Projects DWH Informatica ETL process design.
- Source data directly from source DB and create a SQL Server table structure that will be used in a cognos framework package.
8/10/2015 - 8/21/2015
- Troubleshooting/resolution of Informatica "communication link failure" error causing workflow session failure.
- Requested the DBA to turn off the TCP Chimney Offload setting on the Windows server.
- Informatica production environment prep work for dev to prod deployment.
- Prod repository security settings configured.
- Created all Systems DSNs and Informatica connection objects.
- GL_AR_RECONCILIATION table loading process adjusted with new requirements and new ARC payments file integrated for daily processing.
- Troubleshooting/resolution missing staging tables from workflow run.
- Built in an additional delay in the UCI staging session.
- Oracle production schema change prep work.
- Informatica OLTP production deployment prep work.
In Progress
- Aiding with troubleshooting/testing of Talend/Informatica conversion.
- Aiding OR team with Informatica mapping design.
7/27/2015 - 8/7/2015
- Office of Research annual report design.
- Contract vs. Grant
- Recipients of Awards 1 million plus
- Top 20 Recipients of Contract and Grant Awards
- OR team Informatica client software installation/configuration complete.
In Progress
- Aiding with troubleshooting/testing of Talend/Informatica conversion.
- Waiting for new ARC payments files (from James Hsu) to re-run DWHDUMP.GL_AR_RECONCILIATION table.
- Informatica production environment prep work for dev to prod deployment.
7/13/2015 - 7/24/2015
- Office of Research annual report design.
- Awards by Research Unit
- New and Renewal Awards by Research Unit
- Awards Top 20 Admin Unit
- Awards Top 20 Depts
- Informatica debugger feature troubleshooting.
- Confirmed connectivity through firewall.
- Resolved duplicate records read issue when reading data from ODBC sources (excluding SQL Server).
- OptimizeODBC Read/Write property to the Integration Service configuration.
In Progress
- Aiding with troubleshooting/testing of Talend/Informatica conversion.
- Helping the OR team install/configure the Informatica client software.
- Office of Research annual report design.
- Contract vs. Grant
- Recipients of Awards 1 million plus
- Top 20 Recipients of Contract and Grant Awards
6/29/2015 - 7/10/2015
- SQL stored procedure review for additional OR annual reports.
- Adjusting OR related ETL mappings to accommodate new reporting requirements.
- UC_ACCOUNT_T Informatica mapping migration and scheduling.
- Informatica domain security policy audit.
- Office of Research annual report design.
- Awards by Campus Area
- Awards by Purpose and Campus Area
- Awards by Source and Campus Area
- New and Renewal Awards by Campus Area
- New and Renewal Proposals by Campus Area
- New and Renewal Proposals by Research Unit
- Proposals by Campus Area
- Proposals by Research Unit
In Progress
- Informatica debugger feature troubleshooting.
- Waiting for firewall team to open ports.
- Aiding with troubleshooting/testing of Talend/Informatica conversion.
- Office of Research annual report design.
- Awards by Research Unit
- New and Renewal Awards by Research Unit
- Awards Over 4 million
- Awards Top 20 Admin Unit
- Awards Top 20 Depts
- Contract vs. Grant
- Recipients of Awards 1 million plus
- Top 20 Recipients of Contract and Grant Awards
6/15/2015 - 6/26/2015
- Sandbox access to KC application.
- Initial ODS table build in in our dev DB environment.
- ETL design to populate initial ODS.
- Initial SPA annual Report presentation for the Office of Research staff.
- KC proposal ODS data and sample report demo.
- Informatica Analyst connection error resolved.
- Created a sample data profile on KC table.
In Progress
- Profiling KC database schema and data.
- Testing Informatica Analyst feature set and functionality.
- Aiding with troubleshooting/testing of Talend/Informatica conversion.
- Continue to profile KC database schema and data.
- Additional annual reports requested by Office of Research staff.
6/1/2015 - 6/12/2015
- Code review and Informatica usage tutorial with Durendal for UC_ACCOUNT_T dev to prod deployment.
- Worked with Matt to rename the production Informatica repository to resolve dev/prod duplicate name issues.
- Duplicate name won't cause any errors but will make it more difficult to deploy objects between repositories.
- System DSN and Informatica connection object created for KC dev and prod databases.
- KC table source definition import and relationships set.
- Office of Research report SQL query review.
In Progress
- Profiling KC database schema and data.
- Setting up Informatica Analyst tool to aid in data profiling.
- Getting familiar with the usage.
- Troubleshooting profile run error.
- Compiling a KC data specification document.
- Sandbox access to KC application.
- Aiding with troubleshooting/testing of Talend/Informatica conversion.
- Continue to profile KC database schema and data.
- Initial ODS table build in in our dev DB environment.
- ETL design to populate initial ODS.
5/18/2015 - 5/29/2015
- Troubleshooting production Informatica repository connectivity from local machine.
- Matt was able to retain the fully qualified domain name in the Informatica admin console so no significant adjustments were necessary from the client.
- Informatica overview powerpoint design and presentation for OIT audience.
- Setup MySQL Workbench and MySQL drivers to help with Informatica connectivity.
- System DSN and connection objects creation for the MySQL databases.
- Informatica mapping creation for repopulation of MySQL UC_ACCOUNT_T table.
- Setup Oracle SQL Developer and connections to KC dev/prod databases.
In Progress
- Reviewing KC proposal report SQL queries.
- Profiling KC database schema and data.
- Compiling a KC data specification document.
- Sandbox access to KC application.
- Aiding with troubleshooting/testing of Talend/Informatica conversion.
- Continue to profile KC database schema and data.
- Initial ODS table build in in our dev DB environment.
5/4/2015 - 5/15/2015
- Awards by Funding Agency (Cognos)
- New and Renewal Awards by Funding Agency (Cognos)
- Proposals by Funding Agency (Cognos)
- New and Renewal Proposals by Funding Agency (Cognos)
- Award Totals for Last 10 Years (Cognos)
- Proposal Totals for Last 10 Years (Cognos)
- SPA ODS / Cognos report presentation for the OR OIT team.
- Research administration data warehouse dataflow overview slide.
- Oracle to SQL Server TIMESTAMP data type compatibility issue resolved.
- Kuali Coeus proposal workflow overview.
In Progress
- Troubleshooting production Informatica repository connectivity from local machine. Waiting for oit.uci.edu to be added to DNS search list.
- Informatica overview presentation design for meeting on 5/28.
- Review KC proposal report SQL queries.
- Access to KC sandbox environment as well as KC database access.
4/20/2015 - 5/1/2015
- Working through Matt for uci_spa dev/prod SystemDSN creation on production Informatica server.
- Informatica mappings to load from uci_spa DB to stage_kfs/dss_kfs staging/ODS tables.
- Meetings with Durendal to set direction for Cognos reporting on Informatica session statistics. - Replicate Informatica repository database to another DB instance
. - Develop Informatica nightly workflow to extract required data
- Cognos Framework Model for SPA ODS.
- Awards by Purpose by Funding Source Cognos Report. - Demo for Eric Taggart. Planning on attending OR team meeting on 5/7.
In Progress
- Awards by Funding Agency Cognos Report.
- Troubleshooting production Informatica repository connectivity from local machine. - Suspect firewall issue on port 6005 but JIRA ticket closed by John Lenning stating port already allowed.
- Looking into Oracle to SQL Server TIMESTAMP data type compatibility issue for KFS conversion.
- New and Renewal Awards by Funding Agency
- Proposals by Funding Agency
- New and Renewal Proposals by Funding Agency
- Award Totals for Last 10 Years