Attending: Brenda, Carmen, Valerie, Marina
- Discussed KBM issues. Determined that we need to clarify whether Rich is concerned about the KFS UCOP files due in October or the KBM reports or both. Answer: both.
- Carmen will ask Jarrod about the UCOP Budget files due in October.
- Eufemia will not be able to fix the KBM framework upon arrival.
- We collectively decided to delay SpendAnalytics until August and Valerie will be the project manager of the KBM reports in July.
- Tony, Keiko, Jarrod, Valerie, and Maria will need to meet together to figure out the gaps and fix the KBM Framework. Valerie will implement the new framework and train Eufemia at the same time.
- We all would like for the KBM reports and UCOP Bud files tested and ready by the end of August.