Log of project / enhancement proposals or requests submitted
Current Fiscal Year Log
No. |
Date |
Sponsoring Unit |
Project |
Contacts |
Estimated Budget |
Request Status |
65738 |
1/23/12 |
Accounting & Fiscal Services, A&BS,OIT KFS Development and Implementation |
Brenda Mathias, Rich Andrews, Carmen Roode |
60089 |
9/15/11 |
UCOP, Budget Office, Financial Services, Campus Depts and OIT |
Linda Sizemore, Dianne Bean, Cecilia Do, Victor Tam, Tu Dang, I-Rong Lin |
200 Hours |
Reviewed 9/26 and clarification received from I-Rong. Project proposal updated to reflect UCOP and Budget Office as stakeholders. |
59776 |
9/8/11 |
Registrar's Office, Accounting and Fiscal Services, and OIT |
Chris Shultz, Elizabeth Bennett, Scott Brinkerhoff, Linda Sizemore, Dana Roode, Rich Lynch, James Hsu, Ngu Do, Victor Tam, Tu Dang, I-Rong Lin |
800 hours |
Reviewd 9/12 and assigned to Enrollment Services and SBS Teams for implementation. |
57927 |
8/1/11 |
Law |
Patty Furukawa |
Reviewed 8/15. Assigned to DWH team. |
57369 |
7/19/11 |
Human Resources |
System wide Job Board |
Maria Teider, Judy Thai, John Cammidge |
Reviewed 8/15. Assigned to HR IT Team. |
56936 |
7/11/11 |
Enrollment Services |
Eric Puchalski |
Reviewed 8/15.Scheduled first meeting of Core Workgroup for 08/18/2011. Will review status again 08/22/2011. |
55844 |
6/22/11 |
Registrar |
Unauthorized repeated course as per financial aid purpose |
Chris Shultz, Paul Lampano, Scott Brinkerhoff, Linda Sizemore, James Hsu, Nasim Mohebbi, I-Rong Lin |
300 hours |
Reviewed 8/15. Assigned to SBS Team, Financial Aid, and Registrar Teams. |
54984 |
6/6/11 |
Grad Div |
Frances Leslie, Court Crowther, |
Reviewed 8/15. Assigned to Grad Div Team. |
54978 |
6/6/11 |
Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, Accounting and Fiscal Services, andOIT |
Modify Student Billing System (SBS) to comply with Title IV Funds Regulations |
Chris Shultz,Penny Harrell,Lisia Mathias,Linda Sizemore,Tu Dang,Victor Tam,James Hsu,I-Rong Lin |
280 hours |
Reviewed 8/15. Mandate assigned to SBS team. |
53672 |
5/09/11 |
OR |
Evaluating Kuali Coeus and Click Commerce for Research Administration |
Eric Taggart, Mark Warner, Bruce Morgan, Karen Allen, Nancy Lewis, Jeffrey Goodwin |
Reviewed 5/23/11. Assigned to Eric Taggart for analysis. |
52391 |
4/14/11 |
Distance Learning Ctr |
Authentication / Authorization from NetID to Moodle online class |
Jia Frydenberg, Shohreh Bozorgmehri, Briandy Walden |
200 hrs |
Reviewed 5/23/11. David P. is the PM and will proceed with analysis. |
40536 |
4/07/11 |
OR |
WordPress Instance for OR communications |
Mark Warner, Sinqui Musto, Greg Ruth |
Reviewed and approved with followup from Eric Taggart on 4/11/11. |
49932 |
3/08/11 |
Son Nguyen, Brian Roode, Chris Jones |
Reviewed 3/14/11. Shohreh will investigate more with Brian. May need Jason's help. |
49156 |
3/01/11 |
Financial Aid & Scholarships, Accting and Fiscal Svcs, OIT |
Chris Schultz, Linda Sizemore, I-Rong Lin |
1 FTE for 1 month |
Reviewed 3/7/11. Assigned to Student Financial Services team. |
49135 |
2/25/11 |
Accounting & Fiscal Svcs, A&BS, OIT |
Brenda Mathias, Rich Andrews |
$125k consulting. $10k overhead. 4.5 FTE. |
Reviewed 2/2007 and approved on 2/28/2011 assigned to Financial Management Team. |
49065 |
2/24/11 |
Fiscal Services |
State Tax withholding:non-qualified scholarship and fellowship payments to any non-resident of California. |
Linda Sizemore |
1200 Hours |
Reviewed on 2/28 and assigned to I-Rong's team. |
48873 |
2/18/11 |
Penny White |
Reviewed on 2/28 and assigned to DDM's team |
48658 |
02/14/11 |
Penny White |
Reviewed on 2/28 and assigned to DDM's team |
48337 |
2/08/11 |
Enrollment Services |
Brent Yunek, Eric Puchalski |
Reviewed on 2/14 and assigned to Enrollment Services Administration. |
48266 |
02/07/11 |
Planning & Budget |
Julie Lance |
About $300,000 for a vendor product and consulting |
Reviewed om 2/7 and assigned to P&B IT Team |
46130 |
12/14/10 |
Chancellor's Office |
Chief Executive Round Table Database- Build out existing database |
Desiree Von Haag |
Reviewed 01/03 and assigned to Henry Balanza to complete by the end of January, 2011. |
45354 |
11/23/10 |
Compco- Compco Replacement |
Brian Buckler |
Reviewed 12/6/10. Brian needs business analyst for this project. Get back to Brian on project ranking. |
45327 |
11/23/10 |
DDM and OIT |
CampusImaging- Inventory and Survey of Major Imaging Systems on Campus |
Penny White |
Reviewed 12/6/10. Already in progress by Penny. |
45326 |
11/23/10 |
BITool- Purchase of Business Intelligence Tool |
Valerie Jones |
Reviewed 12/6/10. Marina will follow up along with Valerie. |
45093 |
11/17/10 |
STRANDEDMAIL- Stop stranded mail |
John Mangrich |
Reviewed 11/22 and approved. |
44885 |
11/10/10 |
Grad Division |
GRADUATEADMISSION- Online/Paperless System for Graduate Admission Applicant Review |
Ruth Quinnan |
Reviewed 11/22. Eric P meeting with Eric T. on 11/22 |
44393 |
10/29/10 |
Fiscal Services |
FTB- Withold on all non-qualified scholarship and fellowship payments |
Linda Sizemore |
1200 hours. |
Reviewed 11/22. Assigned to Student Financial Services team. Resources allocated. |
44330 |
10/29/10 |
ETL- Robust ETL Tool for Data Warehouse and Kuali |
Valerie Jones |
Reviewed 11/1/10. Assigned to Kuali Team. Kuali Team evaluating CloverETL per UC Davis. |
44289 |
10/28/10 |
Student Affairs and Graduate Division |
COMMENCE- Unified Commencement Ticketing/Registration System |
Barbara Johnson |
Reviewed 11/1/10. Assigned to GD team. |
43228 |
10/11/10 |
Student Health and |
UGSHIP- UCOP administration of Undergrad and Grad student health |
Linda Sizemore-Accounting & Fiscal Services |
900 hours |
Reviewed 10/18/10. Assigned to SBS team for resources. |
43069 |
10/07/10 |
UCIMC Controller Services |
CPO- Capital Purchase Order approval and processing |
Wan Tung |
Reviewed 10/11/10. Deferred to Spring, 2011. |
42090 |
09/20/10 |
Plastic Surgery |
PlastSurg- Scanning Plastic Surgery Billing Record |
Lisa Hayes-Swartz |
Reviewed 9/27/2010. Deferred to 2011. |
39877 |
08/03/10 |
Department of Pharma Science |
PharmaSciWeb - Customized Web Site to access Payroll/Personnel Database |
Rebecca Mack |
Reviewed 08/23/10. Approved for development. Assigned to |
39601 |
7/27/10 |
Office of Research |
Legal Documents - Free-form creation of Legal Documents |
Nancy Lewis |
Reviewed 08/23/10. Approved for development - assigned to OR IT group. |
38326 |
7/6/10 |
Controller's Office |
Payroll Certification System - Replace PARs |
Rich Andrews |
Reviewed 7/25/10. Carmen will follow up with Rich and Rebecca. |
37426 |
6/14/10 |
OIT, Security Group |
Lee Knutson, Josh Drummond |
Reviewed 6/21/10. Shohreh will follow up with Brian/Lee to get more details. |
36911 |
6/3/10 |
Graduate Division |
Electronic Forms - PhD II and In-Absentia Registration forms using eDoclite and Kuali Rice Middleware suite. |
Eric Taggart |
400 hours |
Reviewed on 6/7/10. Assigned to Eric/Ben for implementation. Carmen followup. |
0282 |
5/15/10 |
Pharmaceutical Sciences/Dr. Richard Chamberlin |
PharmaWebsite - Pharmaceutical Sciences Web Site Presence in CMS |
Brian Buckler |
120 hrs of setup and deployment |
Reviewed 6/7/2010. Assigned to Sylvia Bass for coordination. Shohreh followup. |
0281 |
5/3/10 |
Network, Infrastructure, and Desktop Services (OIT) |
Brian Buckler |
Reviewed on 5/10/10. Pending available resource. |
0280 |
5/7/10 |
SOM - Physician Billing Group (PBG) |
Nora Ramirez, Diane Matthews, Penny White, Linh Nguyen |
$2,000 |
Reviewed 5/1/2010. Assigned to Linh Nguyen. |
0279 |
5/3/10 |
Student Health |
Lorna Marquez, I-rong, Modesto Sevilla, Lucy Zheng |
0278 |
04/21/10 |
Fee Enrollment Working Group (FEWG) |
Scott Brinkerhoff, Sheng Huang, Linda Sizemore |
0277 |
04/21/10 |
Office o Financial Aid & Scholarships, Financial Services & OIT |
Chris Shultz, Penny Harrell, Linda Sizemore, Edgar Delosangeles |
Reviewed 5/1/2010. Assigned to I-Rong Lin. |
0276 |
04/21/10 |
Accounting & Fiscal Services & OIT |
Pamela Platz, Dianne Bean, Linda Sizemore |
Reviewed 5/1/2010. Assigned to I-Rong Lin. |
0275 |
04/15/10 |
OIT Windows Systems Group |
Andrew Laurence |
Reviewed on 4/19/10. Will be reviewed by Brian R. on 4/26. |
0274 |
3/22/10 |
Human Resources Center for Emeriti & Retirees (CER) |
Database Center for Emeriti and Retirees- Database needed to tract dues, addresses & emails |
Jeri Frederick |
($2000?) Estimate 60 hours |
Reviewed on 4/12. Pending available resource. |
0273 |
3/22/10 |
Contracts and Grants Office and Budget Office |
Rebecca Tangen, Diane Nunes, Long Yeu Shen |
0272 |
2/9/10 |
OIT - AdCom |
OIT Consolidated Website Enhancements - OIT website needs to be redesigned to represent and embrace the business and IT values of all the consolidated units. |
Marina Arseniev |
Reviewed and Approved in March |
0271 |
2/8/10 |
Health Affairs Deans Office |
Create new ZotMail Process for the Dean's Office of School of Medicine |
Penny White, Greg Ackerman |
Reviewed and Approved in March. |
0270 |
2/3/10 |
Webfiles Custom Login- Create a custom login classs in the Xythos Webfiles sustem to use Webauth for authentication//authorization, creatingnew accounts automatically upon first login. |
John Mangrich |
Reviewed and Approved on 4/12. Deferred until September, pending availability of resources. |
0269 |
1/14/10 |
OIT - AdCom |
Marina Arseniev, Katya Sadovsky |
Reviewed and Approved in February. |
0268 |
11/19/09 |
OIT Security |
Isaac Straley, John Lenning |
1 month of security staff time. |
0267 |
1/7/10 |
OIT - AdCom |
Rice Installation, Configuration, Customization - configure it to leverage OIT"s existing enterprise infrastructure. |
Carmen Roode, Warren Liang |
Reviewed and Approved in March. |
0266 |
1/7/10 |
OIT - AdCom |
EDocLite Evaluation - Evaluate suitability of EDocLite to replace many paper forms |
Carmen Roode, Warren Liang |
Reviewed and Approved in March. |
0265 |
12/17/09 |
Accounting and Fiscal Services |
DRS Reference - Adjust DRS input screen to match General Ledger |
Victor Cesario |
Reviewed and Approved in March. |
0264 |
12/16/09 |
Graduate Division |
Graduate Commencement Registration - students to register information for Graduate Commencement ceremony |
Rachel Kaufman, Eric Taggart, Ben Duong |
200 hrs |
Reviewed and Approved in February. |
0263 |
12/2/09 |
Student Financial Services |
Statement of Intent to Register-Amount withheld for withdrawl student |
Penny Harrell, Lisia Mathias, Pam Platz, Linda Sizemore, I-Rong Lin, Tu Dang |
120 hrs |
0262 |
12/2/09 |
Student Financial Services, Student Registrar |
Mid-year registration fee increase - Winter/spring quarter & spring semester 2010 |
Elizabeth Bennett, I-Rong Lin and many others |
320 hours |
Reviewed and Approved and submitted to SBS Team |
0261 |
09/15/09 |
Student Financial Services |
Update Financial Services Web Site - move to Cascade Server |
Linda Sizemore, Edgar Deiosangeies, Elaine Wiedeman, Dianne Bean |
Reviewed, approved, and submitted to SBS Team in January |
0260 |
09/29/09 |
SBS Steering Team |
Identify Post 9/11 Veterans in SBS- Mandate from Fed/Veterans Admin. |
Adeli Lucie Duron, Elizabeth Bennett, Scott Brinkerhoff, Chris Shultz, Sheng Huang, Sukie Cooper-Franco, Linda Sizemore, I-Rong Lin, Modesto Sevilla, James Hsu |
80 hours * $60/hr =$4,800 |
Reviewed and approved on 10/2/09. Submitted to SBS Team |
0259 |
09/01/09 |
SBS Steering Team |
Fee Policy for Grad. Student in Absentia Registration- Mandated from UCOP |
Ruth Quinnan, Scott Brinkerhoff, Sukie Cooper-Franco, Linda Sizemore, I-Rong Lin, Modesto Sevilla, Tu Dang |
300 hours * $60/hr = $18,000 |
Reviewed and approved on 10/2/09 and submitted to SBS Team |
0258 |
08/25/09 |
Accounting |
Balance Sheet Financial Class Conversion - Change financial class on 3 balance sheets |
Brenda Mathias, Jessica Tseng, Victor Cesario (Acct) |
Reviewed and approved on 8/30/09 and submitted to FS Team |
0257 |
07/14/09 |
Accounting |
GLACIER Access - Streamline request for logon info. |
Kristina Reyes, Fay Shores, Brenda Mathias (Acct.) |
Deferred |
0256 |
07/07/09 |
HR |
FastClass - Add option of loading union & HR letters |
Dawn McKinley, Maria Teider, Alice Martinez (HR) |
Not Evaluated |
Prior Fiscal Years Log
2008 - 2009
2007 - 2008
2006 - 2007
2005 - 2006
2004 - 2005
2003 - 2004
2002 - 2003