Share a Report

Share a Report


  1. Input "Reports" into the filter navigator.
  2. Click View / Run under Reports.

  3. Search for the report you would like to share by using the navigation bar at the top of the content frame. 
    1. Use the different tabs, My reportsGroupGlobal, or All to locate a report based on its current sharing settings.
    2. Once navigated to the right tab, use the search field at the right of the navigation bar to locate the specific report.

  4. Click the title of the desired report.

  5. Click the share button at the top right of the content frame.

  6. A sidebar will appear. Click the Share item and a dialog box will appear with sharing options.

  7. Select either the Me radio button to limit the reports visibility, or the Groups and Users radio button if you are sharing your report.

  8. After selecting Groups and Users, a bucket will appear in dialog. Initially, Groups will be the selected item.

  9. Select the Groups or Users tab depending on who you are sharing your report with.

  10. Search for Groups or Users using the reference field below the bucket and select the Group or User to share with.

  11. To remove a user or group, select the name in the bucket, then click the X to the right of the bucket.

  12. Once finished, click OK.

  13. Click Save at the top right of the content frame to save your changes.

Update Log

Updated ByDateNotes
Approved by Chris Nelson. Available for OIT use.
First draft complete. Pending review.
Initial Creation.