CCCS Access
CCCS can be accessed through ZotPortal › Faculty & Staff › Applications › Restricted Applications › Campus Credit Card System (CCCS).
Department Authorization Setup
The department setup can be looked up through KSAMS or through CCCS › Reports › Department Access Query.
Note that there are super-users outside your department from Financial Services and Central Cashiers also setup to help perform any functions in case of an emergency.
Credit Card Servicer Authorize.Net Transaction Receipt
Here is a screenshot of an Authorize.Net transaction receipt email.
The fields to take note are:
- Invoice Number - corresponds to the CCCS Transaction ID
- Card Holder Name
- Authorization Timestamp
- Transaction ID - is the Authorize.Net (servicer) Transaction ID (which is NOT the CCCS Transaction ID)
These fields can be used to identify the transaction in CCCS.
CCCS Transaction Report