This page will describe and track the pilot testing of AdCom's e-mail migration project.
The goal of this project is to rearchitect the e-mail infrastructure for users supported by AdCom Desktop Support. The two key changes are:
*Replace Eudora desktop client with Thunderbird
*Move e-mail server from AdCom-run Apollo to NACS MailBox Services
Eudora development moved to an open-source project based on Thunderbird in late 2006, with previous versions becoming end-of-life. Thunderbird is a proven, well-supported e-mail client with a similar look-and-feel to Eudora, with updated and improved functionality.
NACS MailBox Services provides e-mail to the vast majority of the campus community, and thus supported by a large infrastructure providing features beyond what AdCom alone can provide today. Primary to this is support for IMAP, which allows for enhanced "synchronized" mail between desktop clients, Webmail, and portable devices.