Note: Multi-Factor Authentication using Duo will be required 2021
Connect to VPN
Choose VPN Group and enter UCInetID
Enter Password
Automatic Push Notification to your Primary Device (Mobile App)
Simply enter your UCInet password in the Password field, click OK and a push notification will be sent to your mobile app if you have one registered.
Push Notification to a Secondary Device (Mobile App)
Simply enter your UCInet password, followed by a comma "," then the word "push", then the number of the secondary device if you have more registered, i.e. "push2", then click OK and a push notification will be sent to that specific mobile app.
6-Digit Passcode from Any Device (Mobile App or Hardware Token)
Simply enter your UCInet password, followed by a comma "," then the 6-digit passcode that is displayed in your mobile app or hardware token, then click OK.
Web SSO Integration
(Temporary demo configuration for testing only)
Connect to VPN
Choose Group
Login with Username, Password, and Duo if required
New login screen will pop up, similar to Web SSO interface
Then you are connected