Friday April 18, 2014
KFS Adhoc Account Transaction Report
- Rename to "Account GL Detail Adhoc Report".
- Remove "AB" from fiscal period prompt.
- Description needed above the navigation drop-down list
- By default, uncheck 'Show Header' and 'Show Group Header'
- Minimum field list should mirror the fields that you can toggle from the Account Transaction Report. Whatever fields remaining from that list will be the 'minimum' list for both Account Transaction and adhoc report
- Take out shading on Actuals column. Instead add a border to the left of the column that starts the money columns
- Default the 'Select Output' to the minimum
Account Transaction Report
- PDF output: would like to page break by Account
- Need the min/max output selections.
- Remove '1' from the report name (seen in the top menu bar after the report is run)
- default to minimum list for output
Object Summary Report
- Rename to "Account Summary by Object"
Misc notes: Can we include the filter criteria in the Excel data download?
Link to KFS Adhoc Query should open the Departmental Ledger Detail package and not DSS KFS v4
Friday April 4, 2014
Feedback for Cognos reports.
Control Account Summary - Make it an option to toggle ITD and YTD fields with an option to display both. Remove 'Consolidation Name' fields. Remove External and Pre-Encumbrance columns. Make Org labels consistent.
Object Summary - Charlene will send her feedback.
Income, Asset, Liability Transaction Report - mirror column headers from Account Transaction report. Doc # and Ledger Doc Number are the same - look into and fix.
Account Transaction Report - Katherine's version, remove Roll up org prompt?
Workspace Advanced - Look into sorting without adding to output. Change link on Zotportal for the KFS Adhoc query to Workspace Advanced.
Tabbed report - account supervisor needs to change to Account Manager.
Can we remove the top header section on the report output? This would prevent users from clicking on the 'Home' icon to see the Cognos folder directory.
Friday March 21, 2014
Katherine: Going over KFS Account Transaction Report - new labels on column headers. Current version up has new labels that Katherine suggested. Maybe remove some fields? Widen description field. Asked about being able to select current fiscal period, that is something we are looking at with new added column in DSS. No summaries on the excel data download. Need to look into the order of the excel data download for the columns. Columns to be able to remove: chart, combine year/period into single field, sub-account, sub-object code, balance type, control account. Shade the 3 money columns differently and pay attention to printing in color/non-color. replace Account code in header with Account Name.