isValidKFSOrganizations(List of ())
This service is used to validate KFS organization. Returns an XML result set with a value of true or false for each organization.
Parameter | Description | Required? | Data Type (max length) | Example |
kfsProjCode | KFS Project Number | Yes | String(10) | '1234567890' |
DB Query
select * FROM KFSINT.CA_ORG_T a " + "where a.org_cd='" + pKFSOrganizationCode + "' AND a.fin_coa_cd='" + pChartCode + "' " + "AND a.ORG_ACTIVE_CD <> 'N' "
Result Schema: A list of following elements (
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Example |
kfsCode | KFS Code | String (10) | '1234567890' |
isValid | Is the KFS Project Code valid? | boolean | true |
WS Example
Java Client Example
DB Query
sql.append("SELECT ");
sql.append(" a.fin_coa_cd as \"Chart Code\", ");
sql.append(" a.org_cd as \"Organization Code \", ");
sql.append(" a.org_nm as \"Organization Name \", ");
sql.append(" a.RPTS_TO_FIN_COA_CD as \"Reports to Chart Code\", ");
Result Schema: A list of following elements (
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Example |
kfsCode | KFS Code | String (10) | '1234567890' |
isValid | Is the KFS Project Code valid? | boolean | true |
WS Example
Java Client Example