UPDATED: 10/14/2019 by Alexander Braxton Awest
Option | Searches |
for text | In every possible text field |
Number | For task numbers/IDs. ⚠️ Search will match all results ending with those numbers specified. |
Actual Start Date | By start date. Formatting is: mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm Month-Day-Year Hour:Minute
⚠️ Hours use the 24 hour time format. ⚠️ Displays results from that date and into the future ⚠️ Searching only by time does by today and the future |
Planned End Date | By end date. Formatting is: mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm Month-Day-Year Hour:Minute
⚠️ Hours use the 24 hour time format. ⚠️ Displays results from that date and into the future ⚠️ Searching only by time does by today and the future |
Opened By | The person who created the task |
Short Description | Searches for text in task's short descriptions ⚠️ This search will NOT look for text in the middle of descriptions. For instance, if you are searching for "Phishing" you will NOT get all tasks that contain Phishing in the sort description. If it is the first word in a short description, it will come up. |
Task Type
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Percent Complete |