05-16-2015 - 06-01-2015
Completed: patch fs_fund_oper for PCS request.
Completed: Incident#0024458
In Progress: Incident#0024724
Completed: loading PAR data for 2013 & 2014 at m3k0
In Progress: loading HDB data for 2013 & 2014 at m3k0
Answer question from David-home department control points
05-01-2015 - 05-15-2015
Completed: JIRA#1597: user decided to used save query that I created instead domain query.
Completed: Send FY1415 expense for dept 4500 to user
Completed: Send FY1415 expense for dept 1500 to user
Completed: testing m3k2 after patch-05/02
Completed: Incident #0023904-download data for Darla, 2012-2015. Don't know how to give her access to DWH-PPS central office for history data-??
In Progress: loading dwhm_par for 2014 data at m3k0
Review new LDAP table from Adam at sd-nebula-??
David request to review spreadsheets of PPS jobs upload and download data files
David request to help UCIMC decision support for DOS code pay category
Help Desk: PAN user
04-15-2015 - 05-01-2015
In progress: INC#0022710-wrong KFS Org for account:486796
Completed: JIRA 1597 to add sbs/aging report, sams, ods
Completed: Incident tickets: #0021885, #0021880
Completed: add some accounts to kfs/fs_account_oper - perDarla email
Reopen: Incident ticket: #19735-slow query for user expense earnings
Completed: JIRA#1619-jobs to convert nova to sd-nova
Completed: JIRA#1622-move to production for sd-nova
In Progress: JIRA#1567-revising Library queries and download to files
Completed: INC#0022236-Update fs_fund_oper department code and pi name for PCS
Completed: Correcting over 500 rows of wrong FS department codes for fs_fund_oper table
Completed: Darla requested download from 2013/14/15
Completed: Pager week-4/24 to 5/1
Completed: Correction for KFS account with unknown for FY1415 expense earning. Some will still have 'Unknown' KFS account since it is not in any of the KFS tables. This correction based on Victor spreadsheet.
Question: from Lam-employee not in PPS-it is NSP need to merge
Webpan: have a long query -per Brian
Continue: Load/download PAR&HDB
Completed: employee id duplicate
Support: David question to remove file at the mainframe.
Meeting: Keiko work study review for KUALI &UCPath.
Support: Help desk for PAN reviewer user not in the pan notices
Support: Download new files for Guna that did not get into MC.
Support: notify Payroll for duplicate employee id to be deleted
Check PPS jobs on 4/17 & 4/20 -David's out
Join thru ready talk - 4/23-BICG
Completed: to add more to kfs_account_oper or fs_account oper with correct department codes
Completed: to add more to fs_hierarchy_latestmonth for accounts submitted by Victor.
Questions: from Modesto related to PPS tables-object codes
03-31-2015 - 04-15-2015
Completed: Request by Darla for 2012/2013/2014: OIT employee list actions
Completed: JIRA DWH-1514-JIRA 1612: getHealthSciBenPayroll query to production and re-open to correct one user.
Completed: Fixed kfs_fund_oper to update fund code 19900, 19933 and 19934 to location code = '9' since KFS used 'R'
Completed: Fixed fs_hierarchy_latestmonth_1314 and 1415 to add 189 new accounts that was given by accounting and fixed invalid department codes
Completed: Fixed fs_fund_1415 with invalid department codes
Completed: JIRA 1597
Completed: JIRA 1598
Completed: back fill department codes for pps_expearn_1415 & pps_expearn_1415_kfs tables
Closed Incident ticket: 19656, 19957, since user can access DWH, and employee with truncate address is fixed.
Completed: on call: 04/03-04/10- Incident ticket#020806, ticket#021107
In Progress: JIRA 1618-for nova to sd-nova connection testing and stunnel configuration
Completed: WebPan merge tables and starting new Jan 1,2015 data, and installing jobs
Issue with no page archive page display, only time to time with IE, using Fire Fox is fine.
Continue: PAR&HDB extract from UCOP
Completed: create new ldap table to populate at sd-nebula (from Adam)
Completed: JIRA-KFSI11950-missing employee
Attended legacy system team meeting: 04/06
Paul's question to clean up other PPS files in Zeus
David's question for PPS checks printed to Piracle from ACOM
David's configuration of SQuirrel to UCOP-DB2 is finally resolved.
David's question for UCIMC-GL/KFS missing funds - RITM#0062781
Reply to Jip's questions
Ying's request to get SQuirrel to work on DB2
In Progress: to create new job to populate fs_account_oper
03-10-2015 - 03-30-2015
Completed: JIRA DWH-1594:Fixing getHealthSciPayroll for February, need to rebuild Employee.java domain
Completed: JIRA DWH-1600: to fixed Robert PCS pi name
Continue: Fixing FS&ODS tables for new account, fund, department codes
Continue: JIRA DWH-1567- Ask user to review results and wait for their response
Continue: JIRA DWH-1514-getHealthSciBenPayroll in review
In Progress: adding FS/ODS monthly jobs
In Progress: JIRA DWH-1597
In Progress: JIRA DWH-1598
Continue: PPS update expense earning FY1415 to update KFS Account, department codes and blank home department codes
Completed: PCS-missing employee id's due to blank home department code and department codes
Completed: PPS update expense earning for February, when department code is blank
In Progress: ticket#99560-DWH-stalling from ICS when running yearly expense
In Progress; ticket:#19656, #19957
Continue: Informatica on demand session and lab courses
Completed: On Call: 03/06 - 03/13- with 2 night of Talend jobs problems and sql server deadlock
In Progress: Checking which jobs for DWH-PPS/LDAP/USER MGMT can be run parallel
Continue: Web Pan tables to be merge with prior years
Continue: Monitor of Web PAN Archive selections
Continue: Archive PAR&HDB loading for 2014
Continue: reruns due to qidata late arrivals
Completed: Ticket Issue#450: Jira-KFS11595:Adding missing campus id's for ldap history
In Progress: Incident RITM#0061284:
Grace: I’m trying to find a copybook for our payroll checks we print. Joe Brennan said I should be able to use the working storage definition for CHECK-LAYOUT found in program PPP420. Do you have a copybook for mapping the check fields?
In Progress:
There is some weird file PP9.CKOVRID that is used to hold the check overrides. How is that used? Does the campus send into that file, or request updates for it, or ???
The other campuses send into &PREFIX..PPP420.&PAYTYPE..USR. I am going to be permanently reading that file and clearing it out at the end of the check write proc (PP9CHKS), but that won’t do any good if this additional file has data, and I don’t want to allocate the weird file name in the proc.
Completed: Submit home department control table
Completed: revoke DB2 access at UCOP
Completed: returning PPS access at UCOP
Completed: request to delete duplicate employee id's
Completed: Paul's request to delete tapes with PRS* files
Completed: Check AJS and Zeke -03/30 (David is on vacation)
Spend Analytics:
In progress: Cleaning up tables in dwhm_pal and dwhm_fs
Completed: Jip's questions
In Progress: FYE-per Modesto question for PPS month 13
02-23-2015 - 03-09-2015
Done: Modify for kfs_fund_oper table beginning dates to follow KFS award tables-per Tammy&Robert
Done: request from Business Office to run OIT employees for 2014-2015
Continue: Fixing FS & ODS tables for new accounts, funds, department codes
Continue: PPS-expense transfer assigning department codes when it is blank and updating some KFS fields
Completed: HS request to run from October-December 2014
In Progress: JIRA 1567: For Library, send sql result for their review and finished build.
Completed: Jira-DWH-1590 to add 2 consultant to employee basic.
Continue: Informatica on demand session and lab courses.
Continue: Web Pan jobs and tables for 2015
Continue: investigating why the Pan Archive screen did not show selection
Continue: Download data for February month end history PAR&HDB
Continue: To upload history data for 2014 to m3k0
Continue: support to check qidata file time run-not run 03/04
Completed: Jira-KFS-11595
Completed: 2 employee's rejected from NSP-due to duplicate and re-used employee id.
Completed: add guest consultant to active employee
Duplicate employee id's and wrong new employee ids assignments, submit to Payroll office
Automatic Job scheduler at UCOP starting March 2
Spend Analytics:
Completed: Send new upload files for final.
Question for current deductions flow from Jip.
02-06-2015 - 02-20-2015
Fixing FS oper's tables, to be updated by spreadsheet from Accounting after KFS live.
Update table pps expense earning with blank department codes
HS-request to rerun queries from July-in progress
University Hills-completed- JIRA 1570:closed
Query getAPMyDataSymplectic - JIRA 1486: completed
In Progress - JIRA 1567:queries for Library-could not build security role module.
Problem with query - getHealthSciPayroll not picking up some employees - Ticket #99490
Working on the download request from July,2014 by Joe, to correct blank department code
Request data for employees by OIT-business office
Informatica video and lab session
Build for histories PAR&HDB and get the January data.
In progress: Web Pan 2015 jobs, tables.
Jira KFS-11649&other missing employee id's at ldap history
No activity
Spend Analytics:
Modified scripts, and rerun all files PO&AP&AP-Pcard
No activity
question for employee hierarchy sources
question from for GAEL-object code for budget office.
01-26-2015 - 02-06-2015
University Hills request to run housing ireport - open Jira1570
Jira#1486, user want to move to production-getAPMyDataSymplectic .
Help continue for user from Univ Advancement and set up meeting to meet other people from their department on Feb 2.
Build for getHealthSciBenPayroll successfully after Val help to search which jar library was missing. Pass it to test to Joe's group.
Both development and staging is ready for their testing.
Testing queries during production turnover switching to ddmtech.
Build for histories PAR&HDB and get the December data download
ldap_people_his problem due to blank 'sn' and 'cn'-patch script-open footprint ticket#99455
LDAP run late for 2 days-foot print ticket#99463
Still checking and updating or inserting to people history tables during late runs of LDAP
Faye request a list of employees of 2014 with medicare > 200K
Request Title code job to be scheduled, check zeke, check jobs, since David took a sick day on 01/29/2015
Submit home department update since David has problem with his PC-02/02/2015
User with work study PAN notices problem, supporting David questions.
Supporting help desk, related to PPS screens and access
Mainframe technical meeting & Legacy support meeting.
UCOP-PPS Automatic Job scheduler: need to try it in production.
Spend Analytics:
Rerun AP and creating AP-PCARD 2012-2013-2014. Problem with empty account codes, due to no ledger detail us-bank entry.
Recreate and modify codes for PO and AP per-testing result. AP-Pcard, Val help to modify the tables to be selected.
In testing mode for 2 days
No activity
Try out login to UCOP and configuring DB2-Spufi-Finally successful
Trying to configure squirrel for DB2.
Continue search for Work study and EPL/GAEL for Keiko questions
01-13-2015 - 01-23-2015
User from Univ Advancement help for Contract Grants query.
Finishing to build getHealthSciBenefit query requested by Joe.
Create and load 4 temp tables for 2014 to support HR request and Payroll Request.
Updating Java programs for history tables-November and December, 2014, and running the get the data.
Still investigating if special cycle from Jan 8/9 is in DWH-PAR tables-open JIRA-1560
Solving JIRA issues
Insert history tables, for missing employees by Warren and David.
Modify ldap_people in development for test userid's with KFS org/chart values for 5 id's, later all test user id's request by Josh.
Modify campus address table and the job to increase to 40 characters both in development and production.
Answered David Carleton request for range adjustment error and exception questions
Research a user that need access for PAN work study
Need to download data from UCOP for development December PAR
Payroll support-W2-health insurance check.
Payroll support for FICA modify by a employee.
UCOP-PPS: Automatic Job Scheduler testing to production
Join mainframe meeting
Spend Analytics-2:
PO-2012/2013/2014 data downloads-continue
AP - AP-Pcard-2012-2013-2014 data downloads -continue
Run test for PCS implementation-kfs_fund_oper table
Collecting SQL's that was build to check data.
Ying request me to email to UCOP my UCOP-PPS login id and what tool to used to query DB2.
Work Study - for Keiko write up