For application owners and administrators to be able to know which of their users haven't enrolled with Duo tokens for planning purposes.
Must be an authorized member of the "Duo Support Desk Inquiry" role in KSAMS, and requires Duo authentication to access.
User Enrollment
Enter a list of usernames (UCInetIDs) to query enrollment status.
Filter Results: Show All
This will report detailed enrollment status for each username entered and some overall statistics.
This includes Duo Enrollment status, last time they logged in, their opt-in status to WebAuth and O365, which kinds of tokens they have enrolled (software and/or hardware), whether they have generated emergency backup codes, and overall statistics showing percentage of the queried users using each.
Filter Results: Show Not Enrolled Only
This will report usernames that aren't enrolled in Duo without any detail.
This simply lists the usernames entered that aren't currently enrolled in Duo.