Friday June 6, 2014
Take out the dynamic defaults, make fiscal period required prompt, no defaults selected. This was decided because when the user clicks on the 'back' button it does not retain the user's selection but instead defaults it back.
Need to find the following fields in DS to add to Account Transaction report. These are for GEC in KFS:
- Ref Doc Type Code
- Ref Origin Code
- Ref Doc Number
KFS Organization Hierarchy report - 3 orgs that don't display any data. These 3 orgs don't have any orgs below them:
- 9025
- 9041
- 9042
Also need to add a filter to show Active orgs only
Add link to Cognos from "My Applications" in Zotportal. Also add in "Decision Support Homepage" link in the Decision Support channel
Friday May 16, 2014
index the Fiscal Officer field in Account Dim for Account Log by Fiscal Officer report.
Katherine's suggestions for added fields to the Account Transaction Report is also needed on the Adhoc GL Detail report.
Sporadic Cognos errors - please report to the for the admins to be aware of. We need to fix this before go-live because it can take a few tries before someone can get into a report from Zotportal.
Need to re-test saving reports and rerunning saved reports
Friday May 2, 2014
Katherine demo'd a report she created - Account Log by Fiscal Officer. This report is used for reconciliation.
Look into why the 'Run' button is no longer grayed out if all the required criteria is not filled out. This used to be grayed out.
Fund Summary Report
- Add the object type in the Expense Recharge Summary section, between Control Account and Consolidation
- Add subtotals to first section
- Add object type in the first section.
- Mirror KFS as much as possible
Overdraft C&G report
- Add in ITD
- Add in the org
Friday April 18, 2014
KFS Adhoc Account Transaction Report