colour | Green |
title | Published |
Contract not yet created. User adds completes necessary fields and specifies an approver.The current date has not reached the specified contract Start Date or contract was never approved. |
Active | Contract was approved by the specified contract Approver and has reached the specified |
start statecontract Start Date. |
Expired |
Contract An Active contract has reached the specified |
end datecontract End Date. Expired contracts with an active renewal workflow (the renewal was saved but not submitted) that are waiting for approval have a substate of Awaiting Review. Expired contracts with an active renewal workflow where the renewal was approved, but the renewal date has not yet passed, have a substate of Renewal Approved. Expired contracts with no active renewal or extension |
pending workflow have an empty substate. |
Canceled | Contract was discontinued and is no longer active. |
For more information on Contract Substates, take a look at the Contract Substates table.