1011/6 17 - 10/12/14
- KFSDW-1728 Completed and verified. It’s ready for test. Completed CHG0033310 to deploy from kfs7 to dev, production. Before my work on this ETL enhancement, it took more than 1 hour to load the ledger fact table nightly. After I completed the ETL, it now only takes about 10 minutes to load incrementally.
- kfsdw-1727:Completed deploying changes, to KFS7. Completed verifying. Completed CHG0033312
- kfsdw-1732: Completed using variables for stage DB connection in the code for all KBM ETL. Migrated these objects to KFS7.
- https://uci.atlassian.net/browse/KFSDSU-252 Completed verifying with cognos developers. They confirmed that their reports show accurate data.
- The Daily_oltp night job sometimes failed on dev due to the conflict schedule in KFS7. This affected the web services apps. The problem was solved by moving schedule at a later time in KFS7. I worked with web services developers to ensure they accessed data ok now. I also suggested that they deploy their apps to production where data there has been available. I was told that they did.
Attended 1-on-1 weekly status meeting.
Weekly KFS Decision Support Technical Status
Attended KFS Upgrade for Decision Support meeting
Next plan:
On-going ETL development to maintain and upgrade KFS DW
On-going KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
11/3 - 11/16
- Completed the last bridge table of the Award model. The jira https://uci.atlassian.net/browse/KFSDW-1671 is ready for test.
Update: Kevin said to me to wait for him when I can go ahead to replicate all ETL objects relating to award model in the KFS7.
Completed ETL and testing. I'm waiting for Pramod when I can deploy it in the upgrade environment.Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId d1c6a489-217f-3ae9-bd3a-01dc24609c18 key KFSDW-1728
Completed ETL for the followings:Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId d1c6a489-217f-3ae9-bd3a-01dc24609c18 key KFSDW-1727 - m_ods_kbm_postInfo_Load_YTD_FTE
- m_ods_kbm_postInfo_Load_Current_FTE
- m_ods_kbm_postInfo_Load_Current_FTE_2
- m_ods_kbm_postInfo_Load_Final_Bal_FTE
- m_ods_kbm_postInfo_Load_LDGR_ONLY_T
- m_ods_kbm_postInfo_Load_LD_Ldgr_Bal _V02_T
The lead testers approved to deploy them (CHG0033273). Tomorrow these will be deployed to production by Austin, to upgrade by me. - Started https://uci.atlassian.net/browse/KFSDW-1732.
- Completed the last bridge table of the Award model. The jira https://uci.atlassian.net/browse/KFSDW-1671 is ready for test.
Attended 1-on-1 weekly status meeting.
Weekly KFS Decision Support Technical Status
Attended KFS Upgrade for Decision Support meeting
Next plan:
On-going ETL development to maintain and upgrade KFS DW
On-going KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
10/20 - 11/2
- Completed the last bridge table of the Award model. The jira https://uci.atlassian.net/browse/KFSDW-1671 is ready for test.
- Worked with appropriate team members and discussed solution to solve the problem with the LD_LDGR_ENTR_T missing records in the KFS7 due to entry_ID not being generated in sequence from the application side. We're waiting for the application developer (Jarrod) to fix his logic then we'll reload it.
- For the KFS upgrade activities, attended discussion meetings to gather requirements to load the fact table kfs_f_ledger_t in the KFS7 environment. Created a new JIRA to start working on it: https://uci.atlassian.net/browse/KFSDW-1728.
- To replicate all ETL objects relating to award model in the KFS7, I've created jiras to work on this task. They're below:
Completed the draft version of Achieve. Plan to complete the final version then submit it ASAP.
Attended 1-on-1 weekly status meeting
Weekly KFS Decision Support Technical Status
Attended KFS Upgrade for Decision Support meeting
Next plan:
On-going ETL development to maintain and upgrade KFS DW
On-going KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
10/6 - 10/19
Completed, closed https://jirauci.oitatlassian.uci.edunet/browse/KFSDW-1713
Attended meeting to discuss with Pramod and Kevin to clarify detail requirements for the dss_kfs.KFS_CG_ORG_GRPMBR table.
Completed all items from peer review 9/17 for the following jiras:
Completed https://jirauci.oitatlassian.uci.edunet/browse/KFSDW-1646
Completed CHG0032947
KFS upgrade related activities: Completed the following jiras to copy objects to the tst_dev kfs fodler:
https://jirauci.oitatlassian.uci.edunet/browse/KFSDW-1713: Completed the dss_kfs7.ods_kbm.StaffingbyAcctorOrg_T_New.
Informatica admin related activities
9/8 - 9/21
https://jirauci.oitatlassian.uci.edunet/projects/KFSDW/issues/KFSDW-1167: Completed, Closed
https://jirauci.oitatlassian.uci.edunet/browse/KFSDW-1656: Ready For Test.
https://jira.oituci.uciatlassian.edunet/browse/KFSDW-1669: Completed applying code review. It’s Ready For Test
https://jirauci.oitatlassian.uci.edunet/browse/KFSDW-1670: Completed applying code review. It’s Ready For Test
https://jirauci.oitatlassian.uci.edunet/browse/KFSDW-1671: Received confirmation from the last requirement from Pramod and Kevin. Started working on this.
Next plan:
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Continue with the Award task
8/25 - 9/7 (campus closed on Labor Day on the 4th)
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Fixed CGAWD_ENTRY_DT. This data is now available.
Fixed ETL for ucinetids. This data is now available. Regarding the multiple project director ucinetids, Kevin said that he'll get back to me on my questions to confirm on requirements for getting this data.
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Next plan:
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Continue with the Award task
Work on recently assigned task for the award etl https://jirauci.oitatlassian.uci.edunet/browse/KFSDW-1656
KFS upgrade related activities
- Had meeting with Jarrod to gather requirements for the ledger and balance from kfsstage for the PI task, https://jirauci.oitatlassian.uci.edunet/browse/KFSDW-1638.
- Coordinated with Austin to replace dwhreader account with ppsoper so that ledger, balance data for PI can be loaded to dwhs_ppscurr database.
- Completed setting up a new ODBC on PC for Informatica client to connect to dwhs_ppscurr.
- Created new mappings, sessions for this task. Completed ETL development for loading them to sqlserver in the dwhs_ppscurr.
- Helped Alvin per his request to verify ledger PI data coming from his java app. We confirmed that data is correct as expected.
- Completed configuring a control timer (to wait for ledger completes loading in oracle kfsstg database) in Daily_OLTP to schedule to load ledger PI data nightly starting tonight.
- Attended weekly DSS meeting where I reminded that I'm waiting for Kevin to finish testing
in order to migrate it to production.Jira Legacy server OIT System JIRA serverId 252346bdd1c6a489-c418217f-34af3ae9-94a0bd3a-0709b210881201dc24609c18 key KFSDW-1496
Today I was told that he's not ready for it yet. - Attended weekly one-1-one status meeting.
- ETL: Continue with balance PI for
Jira Legacy server OIT System JIRA serverId 252346bdd1c6a489-c418217f-34af3ae9-94a0bd3a-0709b210881201dc24609c18 key KFSDW-1638 - Informatica Admin related activities
- Completed development of the new requirement for the following jiras:
I worked with Cognos developers to help clarify new data for these new requirements as they needed.
UATs: Continue with UAT related activities
2/25 - 3/9
- Completed putting in changes for https://jirauci.oitatlassian.uci.edunet/browse/KFSDW-1604. It's now ready for test by users.
Today Pramod confirmed that the changes I put in in the mapping in my personal folder look good. I'm going ahead to continue to migrate the changes to the real table in the balance fact table for users to test.Jira Legacy server OIT System JIRA serverId 252346bdd1c6a489-c418217f-34af3ae9-94a0bd3a-0709b210881201dc24609c18 key KFSDW-1496 - Completed 4 days intensive training in Informatica ETL level 1 & 2.
Because the Informatica server was restarted on (March 4) during the jobs currently ran and before the triggers arrive (March 7, 10) to run these jobs to load, the Informatica scheduler updated to April; Therefore these jobs were scheduled to run in April, didn't run when the triggers arrived in March. I was told that there's no other way for the Informatica scheduler to reset to current month schedule after it was restarted. The solution: I manually restart the jobs. Results: all data for this month-end is available.Jira Legacy server OIT System JIRA serverId 252346bdd1c6a489-c418217f-34af3ae9-94a0bd3a-0709b210881201dc24609c18 key KFSDW-1626
Missing mappings in
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Jira Legacy | ||||||
2/10 - 2/23
Jira Legacy | ||||||
After my investigation of the job that failed loading data to nebula dwhs_ods from gl entry table plus several ledger amounts from the ledger fact table below:
KFSDW-1456, 1457 competed. They are ready for deploy
Next plan
Jira Legacy | ||||||
KFS related upgrade activities
- Per email request from the Cognos developers, I provided code, information on differences for the tables: stage_kfs.LD_LDGR_ENTR_T, dss.ods_kbm.LD_LDGR_ENTR_T, dss.ods_kbm.LD_LDGR_ENTR_V02_T.
- https://jirauci.oitatlassian.uci.edunet/projects/KFSDW/issues/KFSDW-1496:
I’ve completed coding for both scenarios. - First scenario: using the sql overwrite. During testing, the sql overwrite shows expected results: zeros out the amounts of the columns GL_ITD_ACTUALS_PROJ_ACCTS, GL_ITD_AVAIL_BAL_PROJ_ACCTS, GL_ITD_BUDGET_PROJ_ACCTS, GL_FUND_BAL_ITD. Other amounts in the balance fact table remain the same as expected.
UATs: Reported problem to Analytix. Waiting for them to fix jiras below:
Next plan
Continue with https://jirauci.oitatlassian.uci.edunet/projects/KFSDW/issues/KFSDW-1496
Work on KFS upgrade related activities
Closed the following jiras:
OIT Jira Legacy server
252346bdSystem JIRA serverId
0709b2108812bd3a- 01dc24609c18 key KFSDW-1550
OIT Jira Legacy server
252346bdSystem JIRA serverId
0709b2108812bd3a- 01dc24609c18 key KFSDW-1549
OIT Jira Legacy server
252346bdSystem JIRA serverId
0709b2108812bd3a- 01dc24609c18 key KFSDW-1579
Test failed, reported to Analytix to fix the following jiras:
https://jirauci.oitatlassian.uci.edunet/browse/KFSDW-1417 (KFS_F_CRDT_MEMO_ITM)
https://jirauci.oitatlassian.uci.edunet/browse/KFSDW-1418 (KFS_F_CRDT_MEMO_ITM_ACCTNG)
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Continue with this activity.
1/3 - 1/12
Completed, verified SBS, Outbound month-end.
Completed https://jirauci.oitatlassian.uci.edunet/projects/KFSDW/issues/KFSDW-1496 (Modify Balance ETL for all ITD balances to remove SFG 2xxxxx). Unit test is in progress.
Following jiras are completed, ready for deploy:
OIT Jira Legacy server
252346bdSystem JIRA serverId
(KFS_F_TEM_ACCTNG)01dc24609c18 key KFSDW-1443
OIT Jira Legacy server
252346bdSystem JIRA serverId
(KFS_F_DSBRMNT_VCHR)01dc24609c18 key KFSDW-1436
Complete testing to be ready for deploy https://jirauci.oitatlassian.uci.edunet/projects/KFSDW/issues/KFSDW-1496 (Modify Balance ETL for all ITD balances to remove SFG 2xxxxx).
As soon as migration completes on the production informatica server and to prepare for the next month-end, I need to work with Jarrod to verify, test the following jiras to ensure that his aps send triggers to the appropriate locations:
OIT Jira Legacy server
252346bdSystem JIRA serverId
0709b2108812bd3a- 01dc24609c18 key KFSDW-1550
OIT Jira Legacy server
252346bdSystem JIRA serverId
0709b2108812bd3a- 01dc24609c18 key KFSDW-1549
OIT Jira Legacy server
252346bdSystem JIRA serverId
0709b2108812bd3a- 01dc24609c18 key KFSDW-1579
Continue with this activities.