Update Status:
processed tables:
TB_Dim_CIP TB_Dim_CIPSeries TB_Dim_CalifResidency TB_Dim_College_Enrollment TB_Dim_ClassStanding TB_Dim_College TB_Dim_CollegeDepartment TB_Dim_CollegeMajor TB_Dim_Course_MeetingBuildingRoom TB_Dim_ClassStanding TB_Dim_AmericanHistory TB_Dim_AmericanInstitutionsTB_Dim_Course_MeetingBuildingRoom TB_Dim_Course_MeetingTime Course_MeetingTimeEnd Course_MeetingTimeStart TB_Dim_CollegeDepartmentCourseTB_Dim_CollegeDepartmentCourse_Enrollment TB_Dim_CollegeDepartmentCourseSection TB_Dim_CollegeMajor TB_Dim_Course_MeetingDay TB_Dim_CollegeDepartmentCourseClassType TB_Dim_College_Enrollment TB_Dim_DegreeType TB_Dim_EnrollmentStatus TB_Dim_EntryLevelWriting TB_Dim_EthnicCodes2009 TB_Dim_Gender TB_Dim_HomeLocation TB_Dim_LawStudentLevel TB_Dim_LawStudentTransfer TB_Dim_ProbationStatus TB_Dim_Program TB_Dim_School TB_Dim_SmrHomeUCCampus TB_Dim_Student TB_Dim_UCStudentStatus TB_Dim_Visa TB_Fct_CWE_00_Base_Acad_College_Dept_Course_Class_Level_Section_Class_Standing TB_Fct_CWE_00_Base_Acad_Dept_Course_Building_MeetingDay TB_Fct_CWE_01_Acad_College_Dept_Course_Class_Level_Section TB_Fct_Enrrollment_00_Base_College_Major_Student_Monthly_Enrolled TB_Fct_Enrrollment_00_Base_College_Major_Student_Monthly_Ext01 TB_Fct_Enrrollment_01_College_Major_Monthly_Enrolled_Count_TYLY_Ext01 TB_Fct_SOC_Enrrollment_10_Base_College_Major_Course_Student TB_Fct_SOC_Enrrollment_12_Base_College_Major_Course_Student_Monthly tblEOTSOCCourseMeetingData - table not yet processed or not completed
table or columns with source unfound:
dimensional tables listed in the dump was not located in the store procedure dump.
column sources not found:
Some Dimensional tables There might involve many levels of stage tables (stg_ prefix up to 8 or more).
It may need to trace back from level 08 back to 00, then the relational table can be located by reading the source code
- these columns cannot be located easily by searching for INSERT statements.
Some column values are set by other dimensional tables (which might be multiple leveled) and, the latter tables has to be treated like parent tables and be decoded before the child tables.
Some columns are aggregate columns or computed column, and can only be decoded by reading the source codes in the dump.
As a result, some tables requires hours to decode and has to go through multiple passes.
TB_Dim_AcademicOrProfessional | column source not found AcademicOrProfessionalDesc |
TB_Dim_Student_NewFlag_SQL | can't locate insert /update source in SP dump |
TB_Dim_Time_Acad_Bridge | can't locate insert /update source in SP dump |
TB_Dim_AcademicOrProfessional | can't locate insert /update source in SP dump |
TB_Dim_CollegeDepartmentCourse_Enrollment | column source not found CourseFixVarUnits ActiveRecordFlag |
TB_Dim_Course_MeetingBuildingRoom | column source not found MeetingRoomStandardFlag |
TB_Dim_School_Addresses | can't locate insert /update source in SP dump |
TB_Dim_LawStudentLevel | not found in SP dump |
TB_DIM_STUDENT | COLUMN PhoneNumber01, PhoneNumber02, PhoneNumber03 source not found. |
TB_Dim_CollegeDepartmentCourseSectionSize | column source not found SectionSizeSort SectionSizeCode |
NetPayerTuitionStatus_SQL | not found in SP dump |
TB_Dim_RegistrationStatus | can't locate insert /update source in SP dump |
TB_Dim_School_Addresses | can't locate insert /update source in SP dump |
TB_Dim_Student | can find the following column source: emailaddress02, emailaddress03, PhoneNumber01, PhoneNumber02, PhoneNumber03, Sat2Name1, MISSING DATA Sat2Nam2, MISSING DATA Sat2Name3, MISSING DATA LawStudentTransferDesc MISSING DATA |
TB_Dim_Student_ActiveFlag_SQL | not found in SP dump |
TB_Dim_Student_FullTimeStaus_SQL | not found in SP dump |
TB_Dim_Student_NetPayerWaiver_SQL | not found in SP dump |
TB_Fct_SIS_Students_Primary | column source not found: Eth2009CodeSIS Measures_________________________ |
m_Student_NewFlag_SQL | not found in SP dump |
TB_Dim_Time_Acad_Bridge | can't locate insert /update source in SP dump |
TB_Dim_Time_Calendar | can't locate insert /update source in SP dump |
TB_Dim_Time_Calendar_Month | can't locate insert /update source in SP dump |
TB_Dim_Time_Calendar_Month_Bridge | not found in SP dump |
TB_Dim_Time_Cohort | can't locate insert /update source in SP dump |
| not found in SP dump |
TB_Fct_SIS_Students_Primary | column RecCount source not found. |
TB_Fct_Enrrollment_00_Base_College_Major_Student_Monthly_Enrolled | column source not found hours, hours LY, COURSEACTUAL UNITS |
vw_Dim_Time_Acad_Active_Enrollment | unsupported/ data missing |
vw_Dim_Time_Acad_Active_Enrollment_Month | can't find source in SP dump |
TB_Fct_SIS_Students_Primary | column source not found CurrentUnitsCompletedTotal_EOT CurrentUnitsUDCourses Dimensions______________________ Facts______________________ Measures_________________________ Rec Count StudentCount_3rd StudentCount_EOT StudentID_3rd
TB_Fct_CWE_00_Base_Acad_College_Dept_Course_Class_Level_Section_Class_Standing | column source not found TaughtBySameCollege AcadTermAndCalYrForReporting ActiveStudentFlag ClassStandingExt CollegeCodeByCourseCode CurrentUnitsAttemptedTotal Dimensions______________________ Fact____________________________ FeeAssessedAmt FeeFlag FeePaidAmt FullTimeStatusFlag MajorCount Measures________________________ MONTH_KEY OriginalFeeAssessedAmt PrimaryMajorStudentCount PrimaryMajorStudentID StudentCount StudentCount_Assessed StudentCount_Enrolled StudentCount_FeePaid StudentCount_Misc01 StudentCount_Misc02 StudentCount_Misc03 StudentCount_Misc04 StudentCount_Misc05