What types of projects need to go through the prioritization process?- Any project that involves resources from a campus unit that plans to offer a developed or vendor system for the entire campus.
- Any project that will interface with an Enterprise system.
- Any project that wishes to utilize funding from the central pool of IT dollars.
How are cost estimates developed?Cost estimates are based on a time and materials model. First, available discretionary resources are assessed, and if available, factored into the project proposal. Then, additional resources such as contract staff are added. Rates for contract staff will vary, depending on the role. Some common rates include: Developers - $60/hr Typical application or vendor consultants - $220/hr What happens if requirements need to be added after a project has been approved?If requirements need to be added after the project has started, the project cost will go up. If the project costs exceed 110% of the original estimate, the project must go back to the OIT Oversight Committee. The project may be cancelled if significant increases in the project cost impact the business case. What happens if a project doesn't meet its target implementation date?If the project duration increases more than 125%, it must go back to the OIT Oversight Committee for review. No. The availability of internal resources, such as analysts, subject matter experts and developers varies over time. To guarantee their availability would require staffing at a very high, inefficient level. Projects will be started based on a combination of factors including their submission dates, value, functional priority and availability of resources. What is the role of the Enterprise Architecture and Technology Committee (EATC)?The EATC's purpose is to review all significant projects to ensure compliance with existing campus or UC-wide technology standards, or to work with the appropriate staff to extend those standards in a manner that fits with our strategic technology direction. This committee also coordinates University-wide technical initiatives, such as bringing in a new Content Management System or Workflow solution. There are some central pool IT funds available. The priority for central funds is highest for projects that affect the entire campus however, in some cases, priorities that impact at a single department may also obtain funding. Is there a way to see the detail of the proposals that are on the project list website?Project status and schedule are available under the Reporting section. Are all projects assigned a quantitative rating?All significant projects that are expensive, complex, or higher risk, are rated based on a list of business and risk criteria. Smaller projects are only approved or disapproved. Should I go through OIT before purchasing software?Yes - OIT will help you get the best value for the investment, oversee the security of any acquisition, and ensure that the vendor contract is written with standard guidelines and contract language to minimize risks.