Wiki Markup |
h4. Current |
Updated 4/20/2011
Immediate Queue
Analysis In-progress
On Hold
Development In-progress
Testing (unit, acceptance, load, pilot)
Release Ready
Work {multi-excerpt:fm:current:work} || Immediate Queue || Analysis In-progress || On Hold || Development In-progress || Testing (unit, acceptance, load, pilot) || Release Ready || | *Asset Tracking and Management:* \\ 5/1/2011 - Resource needed to manually enter asset data for HVAC (we have their equipment list). |
\\ | *Tririga Upgrade* \\ 5/1/2011 - Preparing migration scripts for foundation objects in Tririga, such as people, locations, and organizations. Estimated completion: 5/11/2011 |
\\ \\ Researching best method for migrating data to IBM 10. Data is needed for presenting demos and testing functionality. Estimated completion for implementation: 5/20/2011 |
\\ | *FACserv: Managing maintainable space* 2/21/2011 - CAD integration tested on FACserv 10. Working on performance improvements and will present recommendations. Feedback will determine the direction for implementing maintainable space: Facilities managed (through CAD) or Capital Planning managed. |
\\ \\ Need scheduled date for demo. | *Fleet Services - iPool replacement:* \\ 4/20/2011 - Identified where we require vendor input during billing process. Submitted list of questions to vendor (why their input is needed), waiting for reply. |
\\ Will run April billing in parallel to determine if we can bill without vendor assistance. |
\\ | | *FACserv Work Order Lifecycle Improvements:* Allow the canceling of work. Cleanup of logic for completing, retiring, and closing of work. \\ \\ completed: 5/1/2011 |
| | *Internal: Server Consolidation:* Move Facilities Tririga servers off of Windows to Unix. |
\\ \\ 5/1/2011 - Tririga provided scripts that remove technical hurdle for moving servers off of Windows. No date yet set for testing the move. |
\\ | *FACnet inventory and Organization* \\ 5/1/2011 - Review and inventory of security, backup, and recovery policies. Ongoing. |
\\ \\ \\ | \\ | *Service Agreements and Scheduled Work*: \\ \\ 5/1/2011 - |
\\ Work schedules complete for: |
Survey: Online customer survey linking to specific job: Will provide metrics for customer satisfaction
FSS Estimate Checkbox: Allow users to indicate estimate needed on work and reduce the number of times technicians perform work when customer wanted estimate first.
Internal: FACnet Workstations: Replacement of current workstations on campus. Researching alternatives to replacement all machines.
Internal: Upgrade Windows Server 2000 boxes: Upgrade to windows 2003 or higher to eliminate security risk of running on 2000.
Timesheet Improvement Process:
Simplification of timesheet. Estimated completion: 5/18/2011
Project Plans and Documents for Current Work
1. HVAC \\
2. Elevator / Pest Control \\
3. Skilled Trades \\
4. Irrigation / Grounds \\
Stephanie-Jean will complete the generation of the service agreement schedules. \\
Estimated Completion: 6/30/2011 \\ | | *Trip Hazard Report:* Investigating performance improvements.Images of before and after work are too high a resolution for displaying in the report. \\
5/1/2011 - Working with Romina on alternative process for displaying images. \\ |
| *Survey: Online customer survey linking to specific job:* Will provide metrics for customer satisfaction \\ | *Fleet Services* \- iPool replacement and application integration for iPool, Mitchell, PetroVend with rest of Facilities.\\
5/1/2011 - iPool billing in parallel using standard process (requires vendor assistance) and new process (eliminates vendor assistance). | | *Internal: Migration of Facilities applications using Sybase to SQL Server:* \\
5/1/2011 - All Facilities applications with a dependency to the campus data warehouse are being migrated and tested on SQL Server. \\
Estimated Completion: 5/20/2011 \\ | | |
| *FSS Estimate Checkbox:* Allow users to indicate estimate needed on work and reduce the number of times technicians perform work when customer wanted estimate first. | *Internal: FACnet Workstations:* Replacement of current workstations on campus. Researching alternatives to replacement all machines. | | *Internal: Upgrade Windows Server 2000 boxes:* Upgrade to windows 2003 or higher to eliminate security risk of running on 2000. \\ | | |
| | | | *FACserv:Tagging Building Automation:*Addition of Building Automation to the tag shop screen. \\
5/1/2011 - Screen updated. Business logic implementation in progress. \\
Estimated Completion: 5/7/2011 \\ | | |
| | | | *Timesheet Improvement Process*: \\
Simplification of timesheet. Estimated completion: 5/18/2011 \\ | | |
h4. Project Plans and Documents for Current Work
[IBM 10 Upgrade |Facilities IBM 10 Upgrade]
[Service Agreement Renewals 2011 - Scheduled Work | Facilities Service Agreement and Scheduled Work Process Enhancements 2011]
Fleet - iPool Replacement and Fleet Integration
FACserv - Work order lifecycle and notification enhancements
{multi-excerpt} |