| Sponsoring Unit
| Contacts
| Status |
Identity & Access Management - New Campus Electronic Directory for Identity Management System – Migrate the directory to a new modern database system that integrates the entire directory information for campus. The new database will be exported to LDAP for lookups.
| UCI Affiliates
| Dana Watanabe, Briandy Walden
| Due 2010
Identity & Access Management - UCInetID Length Expansion – Extend the length of UCInetIDs. In the analysis/planning phase. UCInetIDs are name-based authentication identifiers assigned to UCI affiliates. UCInetIDs are currently limited to eight characters. Now that we are providing identity and access management to a wider range of UCI affiliates (e.g. applications, UCI graduates, and third-party designates) for a longer period of time, the ability to provide a meaningful name-based UCInetID is becoming increasingly more difficult.
| UCI Affiliates
| Dana Watanabe
| Due 3/2011 (tentative)
Identity & Access Management - Shibboleth-- Upgrade Shibboleth Identity Provider server to version 2.2.
| Campus / Federation
| Brian Roode
| Due 7/31/2010
Identity & Access Management - UCInetID Security Improvements – Restrict the use of the past five previously used passwords.
| UCI Affiliates
| Brian Roode
| In Testing
zotALERT Emergency Notification System Enhancements – Develop and test enhancements to the zotALERT system that uses cell phone text messaging to quickly notify the UCI community with emergency and safety related information. ZotALERT is an emergency notification system that will alert on-campus individuals of imminent dangers using different forms of communication. Three new updates are pending. | UCI Affiliates
| Brian Roode
| 4/30/2010