- Issue on ODI Application resolved.
- Automation of the ETL process by using the parameters.
- Load the PPS data into ODS.
- Created the links for the ETL documentation in the Wiki.
In Progress
- Grad Aid Staging development testing.
- Rework on the development for the staging table names from STG_ to ARCHIVE_.
- Grad Aid Staging development.
- Grad Aid (PPS Data & Quarterly Info) composite completed.
- Individual Access to Summer Database.
- UG Admission Legacy data.
- Financial Aid Legacy data.
- Grad Division Legacy data for tables requested by Rachel.
- Ethnicity Data.
- KFS Data.
- Soap UI Installed.
- KSAMS Webservice mapping complete.
- AR Bliss Tech specs.
- Automation of the ETL process for Legacy data the ones which are complete.
In Progress
- Establish the ETL connectivity for Summer database.
- Testing for KSAMS Webservice.
- ODI Work on Composite tables for remaining Grad Aid.
- Extension on a table (SZRADAP)from Base line into ODS.
- Continue to work with the remaining technical leads to identify the legacy data connectivity.Ethnicity data rollup between the UCOP and IPEDS.
- Start the ETL Development of the known Legacy inputs.ODI work on Grad Aid tables.
5/19/2017 – 06/15/2017