12/5/2016 - 12/16/2016
- Issue with KFS source records with duplicate FDOC_LINE_NBRs for the KFS_F_TEM_ACCTNG fact table.
- KFS team notified of bug. Issue fixed with newest release of KFS.
- Missing dimension table (KFS_D_TEM_PROFILE) development/testing complete.
- Incorrect SIDs in the PO fact tables resolved
- Pramod identified the PO_ITM_SID column in dev was incorrectly setup as an identity field.
- Received the setup files and license key for the Informatica LDAP connector.
- Software installed and necessary config changes completed.
- Core Supervision Training Courses
- Interactive Process/Reasonable Accommodation and FMLA
- Worklife and Engagement
- Service-now incidents completed:
In Progress
- KC/SPA Proposals Half-Year report.
- Due date: 1/13/17
- Clinical trials Cognos report for OR (Currently on hold due to half year report)
- Need additional fields in the proposal ODS table.
- ETL and Cognos framework package needs to be adjusted.
- New OR dev and prod database migration.
- All Informatica/Cognos connections need to be changed.
- Firewall rules.
- Connectivity testing.
- TEM data mart development code review and deployment prep work.
- Possible issue with incorrect SIDs in the PO fact tables.
- Zena Agent install on etl-dev.
- Waiting on firewall exceptions to be completed by the security team.
- Additional fact table creation for KC Negotiation star.
- Informatica SRAQ.
- Need to schedule meetings with security team.
11/21/2016 - 12/2/2016