Anh’s Status 7/13/2015 – 7/17/2015 (1 week status)
Completed section:
Completed setting up and configuring connection to run informatica staging jobs on lunar to load oracle tables from production to stage_kfs_infor
Completed setting up and configuring informatica dim, fact jobs to run on lunar to dss schema
Completed setting up and configuring informatica dim, fact jobs to run on solar to dss_kfs schema
Done fixing staging krew job. It ran on prod without problem. Created queries to verify data. They match. I need to run it on dev so Bryce can use the tool to verify all data in the tables.
Supervised, provided input to Bryce to complete verifying all staging, dim, fact jobs that ran ok so far. Send problems/mismatches to Conversion team to fix.
Created, updated jiras, status speadsheets for reporting problems, fixes for all teams to follow progress.
Requested dba to create oracle_prd linked server on lunar so we can load oracle production to stage. It's available now.
Verified informatica staging job on production:
Talend: [stage_kfs].[dbo].[AP_SUM_ACCT_T] 75,157 recs
Informatica:[stage_kfs_infor].[dbo].[AP_SUM_ACCT_T] 75,162 recs (6 records more than Talend as expected due to the time when the job ran)
Interesting 6 records difference because the LST_UPDT_TS from the source was created after talend job ran, before informatica one ran.
Because of this reason, I rescheduled staging job to run at the same time as talend: 00:02 AM in order to accurately verify informatica jobs.
Requested Brian to create new mysql DBs for testing Informatica jobs:
Worked with Conversion team to fix 6 staging tables, or else their dim,fact jobs won’t match:
CA_ACCOUNT_T did not pass due to differences in data
GL_ENTRY_T did not pass due to differences in data
KREW_DOC_TYP_T did not pass due to differences in column schema (SEC_XML)
UC_FUND_T did not pass due to differences in data
KREW_ACTN_TKN_T did not pass due to differences in data
KREW_DOC_HDR_T did not pass due to differences in data
scheduled to run daily for dim jobs at 9:00 AM, fact jobs at 9:30 AM on prod.
Coordinated with Tammy, DBA team that we run talend and informatica staging jobs on solar starting at the same time: 00:02 in order to get identical staging data for both. So far no issue.
Done fixing staging krew job. It ran on prod without problem. Created queries to verify data. They matched. I need to run it on dev so Bryce can use the tool to verify all data in the tables.
Completed setting up OLTP jobs. Tested run some jobs without error. Will continue this task next week.
Not Completed section:
Continue working on OLTP tasks.
Plan to work on trigger files.
Continue working with Conversion team to ensure they fix problems in their jobs.
Continue working issues with the converstion task.
Anh’s Status 7/6/2015 – 7/10/2015 (1 week status)
1) Completed fixing staging krns job
Jira Legacy | ||||||
2) Pager duty this week.
3) Completed
. Jira Legacy server OIT JIRA serverId 252346bd-c418-34af-94a0-0709b2108812 key KFSDW-671
Completed setting up to schedule this job to run nightly.
4) Emailed ddls scripts to Analytix per their request to create tables below:
6) Need to schedule syncInvoiceNumberSundryDebtors to run on production
Anh’s Status 3/28/2015 – 4/10/2015
1) Fixed uciSmsGIFeed. ods_kfs.UCI_SMS_FEED_DETAIL_T table now has all records for Feb. data with batch date ’06-MAR-15’, matching Oracle side: 31,647 records, debit amount total is $3,647,165,482.52.
Jira Legacy | ||||||
5) Analytix: Provided our versions of our DBs that they asked. They confirmed access to talenddev server. Attended weekly status meeting this Friday morning. They're going to send me a list of sqlsver tables so I can send them DDLs to them to create these tables.
6) uciSmsGIFeed: The job loaded month-end data this month without problem. FYI - Following day, this was the 2nd time this month that Jarrod reran, regenerated the trigger. The job ran fine 2nd time.
7) Completed Jira Legacy server OIT JIRA serverId 252346bd-c418-34af-94a0-0709b2108812 key KFSDW-656
Not complete yet section:
1) Staging krns job loaded all tables but Talend sent false notification. I need to debug this job.
2) Export all talend jobs on new server
3) ACCOUNT_CG_PRPSL_NBR not being populated in dss_kfs.KFS_D_ACCOUNT
5) SBSO:
with the newest revision to the re-mapping logic: When I came back from my 1-day vacation (due to many accumulated vacation hours, use it or loose it), I was told that we hold off on this task until further direction. Jira Legacy server OIT JIRA serverId 252346bd-c418-34af-94a0-0709b2108812 key KFSDW-486
6) Pager duty next week.
Anh’s Status 3/16/2015 – 3/27/2015