- Project Approval Framework Workstream - OIT Project Life Cycle Approval Framework and PMC - ServiceNow Project Approval Workflow
Consultative Project Support Workstream- Demo ServiceNow Project Request Intake Form and Project Approval Workflow (Eric P)
- PMC Members piloting use of SN Project module
- List of projects to be put through the SN workflow are here
- Kian reiterated - This isn't to start existing projects over from the start - catch-up the workflow to the project's current status and then progress with the approval framework from that point onward
- If an existing project doesn't have a formal Proposal Document, just submit whatever useful info is available
- Email notifications throughout the workflow should include in-message info on the specific next steps to be conducted
- Jeff demo WSG SN Project Dashboard
- Reports - Active Projects by Manager with phase detail
- Kian showed his dashboard that included the "WSG Dashboard" as one item
- Eric T showed one of his portfolio project views
- Kian asked each PMC member to setup a report/dashboard for their own scope of project after they get their current projects into SN
- Eric P showed Project dashboard
- Consider setting up a standard dashboard that shows projects within the three main phase/gates
- Refine with info re: in progress, waiting review, etc.
- Consider setting up a standard dashboard that shows projects within the three main phase/gates
- Project creation
- Kian: See if there's a way the Project Approval workflows can be triggered when a Project is created (not just when a Service Catalog Project is submitted)
- Demo ServiceNow Project Request Intake Form and Project Approval Workflow (Eric P)
- Tools and Resources Workstream
- Discussion: Ideas for organizing related information on the wiki
- Eric P previously distributed a range of existing materials related to PMLC and SDLC - Much of these resources are already organized /wiki/spaces/public/pages/31361236
- Aligning language and steps in the OIT Unified SDLC and the Project Approval Framework
- Discussion: Why so many tools? Common pain points? Better practices the PMC can recommend?
- Discussion: Ideas for organizing related information on the wiki
- Tying data to the SN Project record instead of the SN Approval record
- Scoring
- Kian: We're working to establish Governance Models for each Vice Chancellor level business area where they'll vet scores and rank projects
- Intended to help clarify resource priority and resolve conflicts when a team common to multiple projects is needed at the same time
- Steve: How will reprioritization be handled?
- Can change scoring
- Ying: Will the business unit vetting of the scoring/priority be tracked?
- Not up front - but once the project gets in the pipeline it will be possible to track changes in the scoring
- Kian: We're working to establish Governance Models for each Vice Chancellor level business area where they'll vet scores and rank projects
- Should we add a specific flag re: "This project will be tracked via OIT Project Approval Framework"
- "Workflow Needed"
- Default to N for new Projects, but set it to Y for projects submitted through the project intake form
- Paul: Maybe consider a "Draft" State where workflow isn't triggering
- All agreed to do that - for brewing or wishlist projects, etc.
- Other projects would still be visible to management as needed
- "Workflow Needed"
- Should we require people be specify for the various Project Team Roles and Responsibilities document?
- ...
- PMC Project Plan has tracking tasks
- May 8 meeting with our ServiceNow rep
- Tools and Resources Workstream
- Need to decide where should be primary resting place for PM Framework documents and other PMC artifacts
- Consultative Project Support Workstream
- Status and discussion re: OIT Project Manager recruitment
- Floating PM for projects in need
- OIT's also considering a floating Business Analyst position
- QA's also being built-out
- These positions will benefit from more comprehensive tracking of projects in SN
- Any small/medium OIT projects that could use help/mentorship from a PMC member? (Kian)
- Status and discussion re: OIT Project Manager recruitment
- Next Meeting
- Friday March 20 May 15 1:00pm MSTB 232
- ...
Action Items: