Dev Endpoint: https://thea.adcom.uci.edu/WebServices/DWHServer
isValidKFSOrganizations(List of (kfsOrgCode, kfsChartCode))
This service is used to validate KFS organization. Returns an XML result set with a value of true or false for each organization.
Parameter | Description | Required? | Data Type (max length) | Example | kfsProjCode | KFS Project Number|
kfsOrgCode | KFS Organization Code | Yes | String(4) | 9052 | ||
kfsChartCode | KFS Chart Code | Yes | String(102) | '1234567890'IR |
DB Query
Code Block |
select *SELECT FIN_COA_CD, ORG_CD, ORG_ACTIVE_CD FROM KFSINT.CA_ORG_T a " + "where a.org_cd='" + pKFSOrganizationCode + " WHERE a.ORG_ACTIVE_CD <> 'N' AND ( (a.ORG_CD='9052' AND a.FIN_COA_CD='IR') OR (a.ORG_CD='9053' AND a.finFIN_coaCOA_cdCD='IR'") OR + pChartCode + "' " + " (a.ORG_CD='1111' AND a.FIN_COA_CD='IR') OR (a.ORG_CD='9054' AND a.ORGFIN_ACTIVECOA_CD <> ='NXX') "); |
Result Schema: A list of following elements (OrganizationValidation.java)
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Example | kfsCode|
kfsOrgCode | KFS Organization Code | String(4) | 9052 | |
kfsChartCode | KFS Chart Code | String(102) | '1234567890'IR | |
isValid | Is the KFS Project Code valid? | boolean | true |
DB Query
Code Block |
sql.append("SELECT "); sql.append(" a.finFIN_coaCOA_cdCD as \"Chart Code\", "); sql.append(" a.org_cd as \"Organization Code \", "); sql.append(" a.org_nm as \"Organization Name \", "); sql.append(" a.RPTS_TO_FIN_COA_CD as \"Reports to Chart Code\", "); |
Result Schema: A list of following elements (OrganizationDetails.java)
DB Parameter | Java Parameter | Description | Data Type | Example | kfsCode | KFS||||
FIN_COA_CD | kfsChartCode | KFS Chart Code | String (2) | IR | |||||
ORG_CD | kfsOrgCode | KFS Organization Code | String ( | 10)'1234567890' | isValid | Is the KFS Project Code valid? | boolean | true4) | 1234 |
ORG_MGR_UNVL_ID | kfsOrgManagerId | KFS Organization Manager ID | String | ||||||
ORG_NM | kfsOrgName | KFS Organization Name | String | ||||||
RC_CD | KfsRcCode | KFS RC Code | String | ||||||
ORG_PHYS_CMP_CD | kfsOrgCampusCode | KFS Organization Physical Campus Code | String | ||||||
ORG_TYP_CD | kfsOrgTypeCode | KFS Organization Type Code | String | ||||||
ORG_DFLT_ACCT_NBR | kfsDfltAcctNumber | KFS DFLT Account Number | String | ||||||
ORG_LN1_ADDR | kfsOrgAddr1 | KFS Address Line 1 | String | ||||||
ORG_LN2_ADDR | kfsOrgAddr2 | KFS Address Line 2 | String | ||||||
ORG_CITY_NM | kfsOrgCity | KFS Organization City Name | String | ||||||
ORG_STATE_CD | kfsOrgState | KFS Organization State Code | String | ||||||
ORG_ZIP_CD | kfsOrgZip | KFS Organization Zip Code | String | ||||||
ORG_CNTRY_CD | kfsOrgCountryCode | KFS Organization Country Code | String | ||||||
ORG_BEGIN_DT | kfsOrgBeginDate | KFS Organization Begin Date | String | ||||||
ORG_END_DT | kfsOrgEndDate | KFS Organization End Date | String | ||||||
RPTS_TO_FIN_COA_CD | kfsReportsToChartCode | KFS Reports To Chart Code | String | ||||||
RPTS_TO_ORG_NBR | kfsReportsToOrgNumber | KFS Reports To Organization Number | String | ||||||
ORG_ACTIVE_CD | kfsOrgActiveCode | KFS Organization Active Code | String | ||||||
ORG_PLNT_ACCT_NBR | kfsOrgPlantAcctNumber | KFS Organization Plant Account Number | String | ||||||
CMP_PLNT_ACCT_NBR | kfsCampusPlantAcctNumber | KFS Campus Plant Account Number | String | ||||||
ORG_PLNT_COA_CD | kfsOrgPlantChartCode | KFS Organization Plant Chart Code | String | ||||||
CMP_PLNT_COA_CD | kfsCampusPlantChartCode | KFS Campus Plant Chart Code | String |
WS Example
Code Block |