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uPay Postback Setup

Department can optionally receive transaction authorization information as a postback.

Must be SSL port (i.e. 443, 8443).

Verify that SSL connection is valid (e.g. valid SSL trust chain with all the necessary intermediate CA certificates). Verify here.

If still having issues with postback receipt, TouchNet may need to explicitly import your SSL certificate. Will require full certificate in .pem or .txt format.

  1. Submit TEST and PROD department postback IP/port information to sfinsvcsdev (AT) uci (DOT) edu. 
    1. TouchNet needs to be notified to add firewall exception to allow postback transmission through. Otherwise department storefront will not receive data.

    2. Request Format
      Environment: (Test, Production, or both)

 If need TouchNet postback source IPs, contact sfinsvcsdev.

uPay Setup Preparation

Departments may want to determine/request these in advance:

  1. Email Address
    1. Initiate request for email address on production uPay site
    2. Address is the "From" address on the email receipt for users that enter their email address on the credit card payment form, as well as receive customer inquiries, alerts for failed transactions, etc.
    3. Can use own email address for testing, but production needs the official functional office email address that will be properly monitored
  2. Graphics
    1. Initiate request for header, sidebar (optional), and footer images of uPay screens
    2. Not needed for testing, but must be ready for production
  3. Style Sheet
    1. Optional. Modify look of uPay site by uploading customized style sheets
    2. If using style sheets, initiate process to develop and approve design of production uPay site

KSAMS Access

Test accounts are provisioned for development purposes. However, production access must be requested and approved in KSAMS to gain access to PRODUCTION TouchNet Marketplace.

Contact sfinsvcsdev for test accounts.

Ecommerce Roles

Your Ecommerce program profile name is your uPay site name.

  1. Ecommerce - Department Profile Creator
    1. Sets up program profile with KFS income/revenue and expense accounts for incoming transactions
    2. Typically fiscal officer; may be developer
  2. Ecommerce - Department Head
    1. Approves submitted program profiles for department

Marketplace Roles

  1. Marketplace - uPay Site Manager
    1. Manages uPay site settings
    2. Typically IT; may add functional staff as needed
  2. Marketplace - uPay Payment Clerk
    1. Issues transaction refunds
    2. Functional staff
    3. As a developer, when it’s time to test the PRODUCTION uPay site, you will need a real credit card and perform a live transaction. You will want to be able to refund this charge immediately after; in production this is a FUNCTIONAL USER role, developers only use this feature for testing
  3. Marketplace - uPay Accountant
    1. Views uPay reports
    2. Views and updates Posting Status report
    3. Functional staff and IT (especially for Posting Status report)

Further details here: Ecommerce & Marketplace KSAMS Roles


uPay TEST URL information

uPay TEST Setup Tips

  1. Sending Web Application - application that redirects customer to payment page
      1. Required; upon uPay Site creation, a Site ID value is generated
      2. Value must be sent with the customer to Marketplace
      1. Strongly recommended; must send this key/value to get a reference value in the postback to know what/who payment is for, which invoice number this payment applies to
      1. Optional; allows you to label this value for the customer in a way that is relevant
      <input type="hidden" name="UPAY_SITE_ID" value="$upay_site_id">
      <input type="hidden" name="EXT_TRANS_ID_LABEL" value="$ext_trans_id_label">
      <input type="hidden" name="EXT_TRANS_ID" value="$ext_trans_id">
  2. Postback Web Application - decide if using a separate web application to process postback results of the payment transaction; need to verify postback functionality of the payments submitted
  3. Create uPay site in the TEST environment; fill in the following sections:

    In TEST, you will be creating your uPay from scratch. In PRODUCTION, a skeleton uPay site is created.

    Not exhaustive. For reference with tips to assist with development.

    1. Miscellaneous
      1. Posting URL - Is the web application that Marketplace will send the postback payment results to; it does not have to be the same URL as your original web application used for sending the client to Marketplace; make sure any necessary firewalls rules are in place to allow TouchNet to access this web application
      2. Additional Posting Value - Not viewed by anyone but your postback application and is meant to allow you to validate the source of the postback HTTP POST
      3. Success Link URL - Button; where customers go after their payment has completed
      4. Error Link URL - Only used for system errors
      5. Cancel Link URL - Button; where customers go when they click the cancel button
    2. Email Messages
      1. Payment Notification Signature Text - Shows in signature block of the notification of payment email the user receives
        1. If empty, defaults to Site Name (which may not be good choice for signature)
    3. Messages & Titles
    4. Payment Settings
      1. Required encoded validation key for amount - If using a default payment amount, you do not need to enable this
      2. Passed Amount Validation Key - If using a default payment amount, you do not need to populate this
      3. Default Payment Amount - If using a default payment amount, you MUST enter a value here (no dollar signs, e.g. 100.00)
      4. Payment Amount Prompt - If using default payment amount, this prompt is not displayed anywhere
    5. Images - Upload your header, footer, and sidebar (optional) images here; you can test your payments without this at the beginning
    6. Style Sheets - Optional; upload your style sheets here if you’re using them
    7. Users - Do not edit anything here
  4. Change the status of your new uPay site to "Enabled" - this is changed in the Miscellaneous section

uPay TEST Verification

  1. Use the "uPay test page" (uPay TEST URL information) to verify your uPay setup
  2. Test credit card numbers
    1. Review the posted payments in Marketplace reports
      1. Navigate to the Payment Search
        1. Search for your payment, usually by "Order Date" range
        2. Verify results
      2. Navigate to Marketplace Reports » uPay Sites » <uPay Site Name>
        1. Revenue
        2. By Product
        3. Verify results
  3. Test your sending web application - set the form action value to the "uPay posting URL"
  4. Test your postback processing - you will get back an assortment of key/value pairs depending upon your uPay site configuration
  5. Once your end-to-end testing is successful, you are ready to move to setting up the production environment


  1. Submit your Ecommerce program for your uPay Site; Ecommerce program corresponds to exactly one uPay site (or uStore)
    1. An Ecommerce program has one Chart of Account (COA) distribution. If you have one COA distribution, you can use the same Ecommerce program. If you have different COA distribution, you will need multiple Ecommerce programs, such that each program has a unique COA distribution.
    2. IMPORTANT: The "Program Name" must be identical to the "uPay Site Name"
  2. Your production uPay sites will be initialized for you with the Site Name and some minimal settings; enter additional customized settings as needed (Site Email Address, images, style sheets, verbiage for messages and emails, etc.)
    1. Follow guide: Marketplace Department: Configuring uPay Site
  3. Change your site status to "Enabled"
  4. Marketplace Department: Verifying uPay Site
  5. You can continue to use your web applications in test mode while accessing the production uPay Site but any payments submitted require a real credit card creating real charges; be sure you have the ability to reverse your transactions
  6. Change all settings to production and run final end-to-end testing in the production environment
  7. Remind the functional unit to set up their staff with individuals that can process refunds and access the accounting features in Marketplace
  8. Submit SAQ-A and Terms and Conditions forms to the functional department head for signature and submit to Payment Card Services at pcsgroup (AT) uci (DOT) edu 
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