UCI-OIT PMC Meeting - 08-25-2015

UCI-OIT PMC Meeting - 08-25-2015



Location: PSQ 126


  1. Decision needed by committee on the following items:
    1. Definition of State: Open vs State: Work In Progress
    2.  Required fields for Project Entry Process
      1. Current Proposed Fields
      2. -Project Name
      3. -Project Manager
      4. -Portfolio (will need to be setup for each manager)
      5. -Configuration Item
      6. - Calculation (Automatic or Manual)
      7. -Description
      8. Assignment Group
    3. For new projects being proposed:
      1. OIT project proposal elements
  2. Review \ discuss  questions or alterations needed to the below timeline.
  3. Kian - Discuss automated project reports
    1. Review format
    2. Who should review?

Action Items:


  • Jeff Martin - Add PM for mail group and meetings
  • Eric Puchalski - Document creation for what a project should be considered.
  • Eric Puchalski - Change 'Open' and 'Work In Progress' to define what type of state (managed by SN or other)
  • Jeff Martin - Schedule meeting with Eric T to pre-wire on suggested elements to include in reporting status of SN Projects (Due next meeting)

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