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Project Status Review - Current task assignments
David Kewley
29501- Dataflows - ETA 6/9 - 100% complete from SIS testing perspective
HTTPS outgoing data flows completed
Pending auxiliary outgoing data flows, 2-way SSL, Load balancing, and health check - moved to a new task 30675
2 way SSL is a priority for UCPATH testing. David to work with Chris on that.
Load balancing and health checks would be good to set up in Dev but not critical.
29017 - Provision additional worker nodes.
This is not needed for GradAid but will be a priority for UCPATH testing. David currently working with EUS team members on the same.
Non-prod environment status
Kyle will be managing the creation of NonProd environment after review of requirements proposed by David and Priya
As of now, meeting 7/31 deadline for non-prod environment is not a concern
Project Status Review - Current task assignments
Chris De Rosa
29063 (Migrate SIS - Admissions & Identity to ESB infrastructure) - In Progress - MFT connectivity to campus to be tested by end of this week. Also, load testing of SIS admissions and identity to be completed by this week.
29888 (Migrate SIS - GradAid) - Pushed to August per Rachael - Priya to follow up with Jason on priority of GradAid testing. GradAid requires connectivity to the on-premise database. So would be good to test in dev.
29254- HA build automation - In Progress - Chris to send status by end of this week
UpcomingmilestonesTimeline review
David Kewley
Chris De Rosa
Test SIS applications (Admissions and GradAid) in AWS DEV environment with BorderVPC - ETA 6/30
Finished initial testing of SIS admissions & identity applications in DEV environment
Pending - Load testing, connectivity to MFT server
GradAid will be pushed to August per Stan
Migrate UCPATH, OR, OIR to ESB DEV infrastructure -Postponed to July
Staging Implement Border VPC infrastructure - ETA 7/31 - On track
Pre-Prod Implement Border VPC infrastructure - ETA 8/31- On track
Prod Implement Border VPC infrastructure - ETA 9/30- On track
Action items
David Kewley - Follow up with Chris on setting up 2-way SSL for UCPATH testing.
Priya Srinivasan - Follow up with Jason on UCPATH, GradAid testing in DEV environment
Chris De Rosa - Send an update on automation tasks by