OIT Project and Status Reporting Requirements - DRAFT
OIT Project and Status Reporting Requirements - DRAFT
8/3/2015 This page is only draft information being prepared for future review/discussion with the OIT PMC group
10-06-2015 - This page is defunct and another page is being developed with more information.
- Overview
- OIT senior management, directors, managers and stakeholders in supported business units seek current and complete information on active projects for a broad range of reasons. As OIT's primary ITSM platform, we should be able to leverage ServiceNow for more complete and consistent project tracking and reporting across the entire organization.
- Objectives
- Enable OIT staff and managers to record newly proposed and existing projects within ServiceNow
- Keep the OIT Project Request Log current
- Support the review and approval of project requests by OIT divisional Directors
- Provide status reports with project health indicators and textual information on all active OIT projects - using information entered/updated by the OIT staff who are executing/managing the projects
- That can also be delivered as PDF documents to stakeholder unit management
- Organize projects and status reports with portfolios that represent OIT Divisions, OIT Teams, campus stakeholder units, etc
- Process
- Create a new SN Project record using the SN Project Intake Form (via the Service Catalog)
- Or directly via the SN Project application
- Note: It looks like a Portfolio Project record with the same Project Name/Short Description is also created automatically
- So step 3 below may be able to be streamlined
- Add relevant information to the SN Project record such as the Project Manager, technical team, assignment group, etc.
- The minimum SN Project record data elements to include are referenced at the lower section of this page
- Create a new SN Portfolio Project record to connect the new SN Portfolio Project with at least one existing SN Portfolio
- How To: Start from an existing Portfolio for the project to be associated under, select the New button from the "Project View" tab, enter the related info, including a reference to the SN Project record
- The minimum SN Portfolio Project record data elements to include are referenced at the lower section of this page
- Add that Portfolio Project to other SN Portfolios as needed
- Portfolio Projects should be associated with Portfolios for:
- The related OIT Stakeholder Business Unit
- The related OIT Division
- The related OIT Team
- The "OIT Comprehensive Portfolio"
- How To: Start from the Portfolio Project record, select the Edit button from the "Portfolio" tab, add the related Portfolio(s) and save.
- OR: Start from a Portfolio record, select the Edit button from the "Project View" tab, add the related Portfolio Projects and save
- Create additional Portfolio records as needed to organize work into useful groupings
- How To: Start from an existing Portfolio for the project to be associated under, select the New button from the "Project View" tab, enter the related info, including a reference to the SN Project record
- Update the SN Portfolio Project record monthly to communicate project status/risks/etc
- The minimum SN Portfolio Project record data elements to include are referenced at the lower section of this page
- Focus on providing brief updates to the "Risk", "Risk Comment", "% Complete" and "% Complete Comment" items as they are the key indicators for most status reports
- Also update planned and actual start/end dates as needed
- Optionally use SN Project Tasks and related features to manage the implementation/execution of the project
- Managers may elect to use other project management tools instead - such as JIRA, SmartSheet, MS Project, etc.
- Create a new SN Project record using the SN Project Intake Form (via the Service Catalog)
- Other Required Changes
- The OIT Project Request Log can be kept on the wiki and manually updated by someone (maybe the new OIT PM) as newly proposed SN Projects are defined
- OIT Directors can optionally review/approve newly proposed projects following any process they prefer without using any SN workflow features
- Roles/Responsibilities
- Project Manager
- Responsibility for the 4 (or 5) process steps above
- Could delegate some of the items to the technical leads
- Technical Lead
- Conduct projects (track via SN Project record if the PM requests it)
- Provide status updates to the PM
- OIT Divisional Directors
- Review Portfolio Project Status Reports
- Monitor/review incoming projects as required
- Help ensure their divisional managers are referencing/maintaining all active/pending projects in SN
- Manage the OIT Project Request Log
- Help ensure all OIT managers are representing projects in SN
- Provide reports to OIT Divisional Directors
- Stakeholders
- Receive/review PDF Portfolio Project status reports
- Project Manager
- Next Steps
- Eric T to finish drafting his ideas for the minimum steps and SN Portfolio/PortfolioProject/Project data elements to be maintained on all active projects for reporting purposes
- Eric P to document the minimum steps and SN Portfolio/PortfolioProject/Project data elements to be maintained on all active projects for reporting purposes
- Develop a proposal for OIT PMC Review/Discussion/Approval
- Review with the PMC
- Jeff Martin asked for this work to be completed by the end of August
The minimum SN Project record data elements include:
- Project Name
- Project Manager
- Portfolio (minimally the Portfolio for the manager's team - may need to be setup first time)
- Configuration Item
- State
- Percent Complete
- Calculation (Automatic or Manual) (available in the SN Fuji release)
- Description
- Assignment Group
- Apply PM Framework (Y to identify projects of interest to Directors, ACIO, CIO, etc.. N for internal team-only projects)
For new projects being proposed, include as many of the OIT project proposal template elements as possible and attach a Word doc version of the proposal when available:
- All of the above-referenced items plus:
- Phase
- Date Submitted
- Submitted By
- Planned Start Date
- Planned End Date
- Actual Start Date
- Actual End Date
- Sponsoring Office
- Description
- This should be a brief description of the project - consider including both the "Concise Project Description" and the "Project Overview" from the OIT Project Proposal template
- Proposal Tab
- Business Case (from the OIT Project Proposal template)
- Alternatives Considered (from the OIT Project Proposal template)
- Impacts & Dependencies (from the OIT Project Proposal template)
- Financial Impact (from the OIT Project Proposal template)
- Consequences of Not Proceeding (from the OIT Project Proposal template)
- Relevant Timeframe (from the OIT Project Proposal template)
- Scorecard Tab
- Select responses for all 7 items
- Project Team Tab
- Specify as many project team members as are known
Minimum Project Reporting Elements For the Enterprise Applications Division:
9-10-2015: This section is still a work in progress
The minimum SN Portfolio Project record data elements include:
Top Section
Short Description
- This should be short but useful and will be displayed on reports and other areas of SN as "Project Name"
- For better sorting/organizing, it is recommended that Project Names be prefixed with the following:
- A 2 or 3 character OIT Division designation: BUS (Business Services), CES (Central Services), CLS (Client Services), EA (Enterprise Applications), EI (Enterprise Infrastructure), SAS (Student & Academic Services), SIS (Student Information System)
- OIT External Projects
- An abbreviation for the related business unit or campus organization
- An abbreviation for the related OIT team leading the project
- for example: EA-A&BS-FM
- OIT Internal Projects
- An abbreviation for the related OIT team leading the project
- Enter the SN Project record identifier related to this Portfolio Project record
- The SN Project record identifier was created during the Project Intake Form process step
Business CasePlanned Start Date
- This should be a couple sentences describing the project, possible from the original Project Proposal.
- Planned End Date
- Portfolio Dashboard section
- Start Date
- Actual date the project started
- End Date
- Actual date the project ended
- Scope Comment
- Enter a single word indicate the size of the project: Small, Medium, Large, ERP
- Risk
- Set to Green, Yellow or Red to visually indicate the current risk level for the project
- This should be an overall risk/issue indicator to notify stakeholders that there may be problems requiring awareness, attention or action
- Risk Comment
- Enter the date and textual information briefly describing why the project is at the current risk level and what action may be required. Can be left blank if the project is not at risk.
- % Complete
- Enter the rough percentage of completion for the project
- % Complete Comment
- Enter the date and textual information briefly describing the most current status of the project.
- Start Date
-Project Name-Project Manager-Portfolio (will need to be setup for each manager)-Configuration Item-State-Percent Complete-Calculation (Automatic or Manual)-Description-Assignment Group
For new projects being proposed: OIT project proposal elements