Authorization for OIT Managed VPN at UCI

Authorization for OIT Managed VPN at UCI

This page details the process to request authorization to use an OIT Managed VPN at UCI. Note that this request can be performed by a user directly, or by a user's UCI IT support contact.

Checking Existing VPN Access

First, determine if access has already been granted. Visit KSAMS where you can view your current authorizations. Once you login via WebAuth, use the "View My Access" portion of the KSAMS instructions to determine if you already have access to a connection profile (tunnel) on the requested VPN. If you have access, an item of the format "<VPNname> VPN User" will be listed in the "Role Name" column in the ITSEC "Namespace"

Request New VPN Access

If you do not have the proper authorization already, request access via KSAMS. Visit KSAMS and use the "Add Access Request" portion of the KSAMS instructions to request access to the proper connection profile (tunnel) and/or VPN. In the "Role Name Lookup" search box, enter the proper "xxx VPN User" entry to request that access.

You can use the "View Access Status Request" portion of the KSAMS instructions to view the status of your VPN request.

Once you have been notified via email that the VPN authorization request has been granted, it may take up to 24 hours for the LDAP process to complete and the authorization to take effect. If after this time connecting to the VPN still does not work as expected, contact your UCI IT support contact for assistance.