Configuration Item Management Form Instructions

Configuration Item Management Form Instructions

Use these instructions when requesting a new configuration item or an update to an existing CI using the Configuration Item Management Form.

  1. You must be logged in to ServiceNow to use this form.
  2. In the left navigation panel find the Self-Service category and select Service Catalog:
  3. Select the Storage, Server, Databases & System Administration category:
  4. Select the Configuration Item Management Form item.
  5. Provide the required information on the form. When you select an option from the CI Action field, the right side of the form will change to reflect only the fields that are needed.
  6. You may check the status of your request at any time by selecting the My Requests option from the Self-Service category in the left panel.

Field Descriptions

The fields displayed in the right column of the form will vary based on the CI Action you have indicated. The following is a list of all fields irrespective of whether or not they are visible.


If you are requesting an update to an existing CI (CI Action = Update), you only need to include the information that is changing and any information you provide will be used in its entirety to replace the corresponding existing information. For example, if you provide a Description in the update request, the new description will replace the description currently on file. If you leave a field blank in the request or the information you provide already matches that which is on file, then no change will be made to the corresponding field in the existing CI record.

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