UCIMI Gantt Chart

UCIMI Gantt Chart



Update 2019


Gantt Chart (downloadable version by request)


UCI Malaria Initiative
 Decision point                     
PI: James MilestoneProject Start date4/1/174/1/184/1/194/1/204/1/21
  Milestone or Decision PointGroupYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Specific AimActivity  6/30/179/1/201712/1/20173/1/20186/1/20189/1/201812/1/20183/1/20196/1/20199/1/201912/1/20193/1/20206/1/20209/1/202012/1/20203/1/20216/1/20219/1/202112/1/20213/1/2022
Objective 1: Project Administration            
1. Recruit Project Personnel1. Write Job Description/announcements1.1.1UCI1.1.1a                   
2. Advertise positions1.1.2UCI1.1.2a                   
3. Interview Candidates1.1.3UCI1.1.3a                   
4. Fill positions1.1.4UCI 1.1.4a                  
2. Develop comprehensive Project Plan1. Develop draft project plan1.2.1UCI1.2.1a      1.2.1b  1.2.1c   1.2.1d     
3. Develop decision-making protocol1. Develop decision making protocol1.3.1UCI1.3.1a      1.3.1a            
4. Develop communications strategy1. Reactive plan1.4.1All1.4.1a   1.4.1b   1.4.1b   1.4.1c   1.4.1d   
2. Proactive plan All1.4.2a   1.4.2b   1.4.1b   1.4.1c   1.4.1d   
5. Develop central web portal1. Develop central website1.5.1UCI1.5.1a1.5.1b                  
2. Update website (ongoing process)1.5.2UCI   1.5.2a 1.5.2b 1.5.2c 1.5.2d 1.5.2e 1.5.2f 1.5.2g 1.5.2h 1.5.2i
6. Develop regulatory plan1. Implement procedures for tracking research-related regulatory requirements (IBC, IACUC, CDC, USDA, others)1.6.1All 1.6.1a 1.6.1b 1.6.1c 1.6.1d 1.6.1e  1.6.1f  1.6.1g  1.6.1h 
2.Review and develop knowledge base for regulatory requirements for potential field sites (see 4.2.4)1.6.2UCI, UCD 1.6.2a 1.6.2b 1.6.2c 1.6.2d 1.6.2e  1.6.2f  1.6.2g  1.6.2h 
3. Work with field team to obtain necessary permits and regulatory approvals for sample collection and site establishment. (see 4.2.4)1.6.3UCI, UCD 1.6.3a 1.6.3b 1.6.3c 1.6.3d1.6.3e1.6.3f  1.6.3g  1.6.3h  1.6.3i 
4. Hire Community Engagement consultant, begin permitting and regulatory analysis. Hire regulatory Consultant1.6.4a-b        1.6.4a 1.6.4b          
7. Annual meeting of project participants1. Host annual meeting1.7.1UCI   1.7.1a  1/31/20191.7.1b   1.7.1c  1.7.1d   1.7.1f 
Objective 2: Develop and test Anopheles gambiae strains carrying autonomous gene-drive systems linked to anti-pathogen effector genes.            
1. Recruit Project Personnel1. Write Job Description/announcements 2.1.1UCI, UCSD2.1.1a                   
2. Advertise positions2.1.2UCI, UCSD2.1.2a                   
3. Interview Candidates2.1.3UCI, UCSD2.1.3a                   
4. Fill positions2.1.4UCI, UCSD 2.1.4a                  
2. Develop CRISPR/Cas9 gene-drive systems for Anopheles gambiae1. Identify and clone appropriate promoter sequences (for example, β2-tubulin, U6, vitellogenin, carboxypeptidase, G12) for expressing CRISPR/Cas9 gene-drive system components2.2.1UCI, UCSD 2.2.1a                  
2. Identify An. gambiae fitness-neutral mosquito chromosomal loci, chromosomal loci conferring decreased mosquito fitness, and chromosomal loci that affect parasite propagation in the vector2.2.2UCI, UCSD 2.2.2a                  
3. Design and synthesize gene-drive constructs, and verify sequence2.2.3UCI, UCSD    2.2.3b 2.2.3c             
3. Engineer additional anti-parasite effector genes1. Develop additional single-chain (scFv) immunological reagents to inactivate P. falciparum (Pfs47 with Barrillas-Mury, NIH; Pfs230 with Narum, NIH; Ashley Birkett, PATH)2.3.1UCI, UCSD 2.3.1a 2.3.1b 2.3.1c  Moved to Specific Aim 7         
3. Make An. gambiae transgenic lines to test additional effector genes using transposon-mediated transgenesis2.3.2UCI, UCSD  2.3.3a 2.3.3b 2.3.3c Moved to Specific Aim 7         
4. Perform challenge assays with P. falciparum to determine efficacy of novel effector constructs2.3.3UCI, UCSD   2.3.4a 2.3.4b 2.3.4cMoved to Specific Aim 7         
4. Generate transgenic mosquitoes carrying gene-drive elements and the parasite- resistance genes. 1. Engineer effector cassettes with multiple molecules targeting different stages of the parasites.2.4.1UCI, UCSD  2.4.1a 2.4.1b 2.4.1c 2.4.1d 2.4.1e 2.4.1f 2.4.1g 2.4.1h 2.4.1i 
2. Perform ‘swap’ experiments to integrate effector molecules into the AgNosCd-1 gene-drive line.2.4.2         2.4.2a2.4.2b          
5. Develop and maintain detailed laboratory standard operating procedures, experimental records, budgets, and provide reports to appropriate components of the administrative core1. Aim establishes and maintains the laboratory documents to validate strain development and other standard operating procedures. 2.5.1UCI, UCSD, UCD  2.5.1a 2.5.1b 2.5.1c 2.5.1d 2.5.1e 2.5.1f 2.5.1g 2.5.1h 2.5.1i 
6. Test the gene-drive performance characteristics of the AgNOSCd-1 strain with no included effector molecules. 1. Conduct small cage trials with first gene-drive line (nanos, cardinal). Drive features of the AgNOSCd-1 strain tested in small cage trials.2.6.1UCI, UCSD      2.6.1a2.6.1  2.6.1a         
2. Develop method for accurately measuring NHEJ rate2.6.2UCI      2.6.2a 2.6.2           
3. Assay in vitro the effects of gRNA single nucleotide polymorphisms on Cas9-gRNA nuclease activity.2.6.3UCB, UCI, UCSD  2.6.3a                 
4. Assay in vivo the effects of gRNA single nucleotide polymorphisms on Cas9-gRNA nuclease activity (Field sample dependent)2.6.4All          2.6.4a 2.6.4b       
5. Determine life-table parameters of the AgNosCd-1 strain using fitness components2.6.5UCB, UCI, UCSD        2.6.5a           
6. Refine life-table parameter estimates of AgNosCd-1 strain using cage trial data2.6.6UCB, UCI, UCSD        2.6.6a 2.6.6b 2.6.6c 2.6.6d 2.6.6e   
7. Use fitted model of gene drive system and its effects on An. gambiae life-table parameters to predict behavior of system in the environment. 2.6.7UCB, UCI, UCSD    2.6.7a2.6.7b2.6.7c2.6.7d2.6.7e2.6.7f2.6.7g2.6.7h2.6.7i2.6.7j2.6.7k2.6.7l2.6.7m   
7. Test the gene-drive performance characteristics of the AgNOSCd-1 strain with included effector molecules. 1. Conduct small cage trials with first gene-drive line (nanos, cardinal). 2.7.1         2.7.1a 2.7.1b 2.7.1c       
2. Refine life-table parameter estimates of AgNosCde-1 strain using cage trial data2.7.2         2.7.2a  2.7.2b 2.7.2c       
3.  Use fitted model of gene drive system and its effects on An. gambiae life-table parameters to predict behavior of system in the environment2.7.3              2.7.3a      
8.Test the effector performance characteristics of the strains1. Conduct parasite challenge assays on transgenic An. gambiae lines2.8.1          2.8.1a 2.8.1b 2.8.1c 2.8.1d 2.8.1e  
9. Mathematical modeling to support target product profile recommendation 1. Develop an epidemiological module for the MGDrivE modeling framework2.9.1       2.9.1             
2. Mathematical modeling to support target product profile recommendation 2.9.2       2.9.2             
10. Make recommendation for release strain1. Recommend a specific TPP for release2.10.1       2.9.1a             
2 Initiate TPP specific Risk Assessment2.10.2       2.9.2a             
11. Develop target product profile for recommended strains1.Work with FNIH and other non-UCI MI projects to develop consensus on TPP parameters and develop values for ‘ideal’ and ‘minimally acceptable’. 2.11.1        2.11.1a            
2. Adopt consensus TPP parameters for ‘ideal’ and ‘minimally acceptable’ and assure AgNosCd-1 fits profile. 2.11.2        2.11.2a            
3. Report TPP and test results to WHO Vector Control Advisory Group (VCAG)2.11.3         2.11.3a           
12. Perform risk assessment for recommended strain1. Work with field site to identify regulatory structure of the proposed field site2.12.1All        2.12.1a 2.12.1b         
2. Identify credible independent entity to conduct site-relevant risk assessment.  2.12.2All        2.12.2a 2.12.2b         
3. Conduct site-relevant risk assessment of product2.12.3All          2.12.3b         
Objective 3: Evaluate field site(s) for population alteration trials            
1. Recruit Project Personnel1. Write Job Description/announcements 3.1.1UCD, UCB, UCLA3.1.1a                   
2. Advertise positions3.1.2UCD3.1.2a                   
3. Interview Candidates3.1.3UCD3.1.3a                   
4. Fill positions.3.1.4UCD 3.1.4a                  
2. Evaluation of Potential Field Sites for Selection of Four Candidate Sites1. Literature survey for the evaluation of 13 potential GEM field trial sites3.2.1UCD3.2.1a                   
2. Analysis of remotely sensing data for 13 potential field sites.3.2.2UCD, UCLA3.2.2a                   
3. Select, based on set criteria, four candidate sites.3.2.3UCD, UCB, UCLA3.2.3a                   
3. Evaluation of Candidate Field Sites for Selecting Final Field Trial Site1. Prepare site visits to four candidate field sites and nearest mainland.3.3.1UCD       3.3.2a3.3.2b 3.3.2c3.3.2d        
2. Visit villages on each candidate site and nearest mainland to collect Anopheles specimens.3.3.2UCD        3.3.4a 3.3.4b 3.3.4c       
3. Analysis of genotype data to assess entomological parameters3.3.3UCD        3.3.5a 3.3.5b 3.3.5c       
4. Analysis of insecticide resistance3.3.4UCD       3.3.6a 3.3.6b 3.3.6c        
5. Analysis of genome data to assess degree of genetic isolation of sites3.3.5UCB       3.3.7a 3.3.7b 3.3.7c        
6. Model evaluation of candidate field sites3.3.6UCD        3.4.1a 3.4.1b 3.4.1c       
4. Assess “Colonizability” of  An. gambiae from Candidate Field Sites1. Establish mosquito rearing protocols & insectary at UC Davis (UCI has these? Clarify and forward)3.4.1UCD   3.4.1a 3.4.1b 3.4.1c            
2. Assess ease of colonization for An. gambiae for each site3.4.2UCD   3.4.2a 3.4.2b 3.4.2c            
5. Select Field Trial Site1. Prepare a written evaluation of each of the four candidate sites.3.5.1All       3.5.1a            
2. Make final decision on the project field site3.5.2All       3.5.2a            
6. Model evaluation of candidate field site1. Mosquito Collection and Research Activities at Field Site Union of Comoros3.6.1UCI UCD          3.6.1a         
2. Determine feasibility of establishing An. coluzzii colony and An. gambiae colony in Grande Comore.3.6.2UCI UCD          3.6.2a         
3.Conduct preliminary WHO insecticide resistance assays3.6.3UCI UCD          3.6.3         
7. Research and Training Activities at UC Davis and UC Irvine1. DNA extraction, sequencing and analysis of site collected mosquitoes.3.7.1UCI UCD          3.7.1a         
2. Provide training at UCI MI for field site collaborators3.7.2UCI UCD          3.7.2a         
3. Develop plan for field station at field site (more specific)3.7.3UCI UCD          3.7.3a         
4. Provide training at UCI MI in construct and microinjection.3.7.4UCI          3.7.4a         
8. Develop and implement timeline/plan for continued research with field site collaborators 1. Conduct follow up workshop for site collaborators and stakeholders3.8.1UCI UCD           3.8.1a        
2. Create and implement strategy for next phase of research at field site(s) with collaborators3.8.2UCI UCD           3.8.2a        
9. Develop Field Station at Field Site1. Upgrade or install insectary facilities at Grand Comore3.9.1UCI UCD           3.9.1a        
2. Upgrade or install laboratory facilities at  Grande Comore. 3.9.2UCI UCD            3.9.2a       
3. Evaluate and rent housing for onsite UCI MI staff3.9.3UCI UCD            3.9.3a       
4. Rent of purchase suitable housing for UCI MI staff3.9.4UCI UCD            3.9.4a       
5. Acquire necessary furnishings for field station and hire security.3.9.5UCI UCD            3.9.5a       
10. Hire Field Site Personnel1. Recruit, Hire and Train post-doctoral biologist(s) to direct field work at each field site.3.10.1UCI UCD           3.10.1a        
2. Recruit, Hire and Train administrative personnel to assist with administrative duties at field site.3.10.2UCI UCD           3.10.2a        
3. Recruit, Hire and Train National/local to site biologist(s) who will work as field station staff.3.10.3UCI UCD           3.10.3a        
11. Conduct Second Season of Mosquito Sampling at Field Site1. Conduct mark release recapture studies3.11.1UCD           3.11.1a        
2. Sample aquatic organisms co-inhabiting larval mosquito breeding sites3.11.2UCD           3.11.2a        
12.  Marked Release of TPP1. 1st release of TPP at selected site 3.12.1All                3.12.1   
13. Post release evaluations1. Recaputue and sequence 3.13.1                  3.13.1  
2. Parasites disect and assess for the number of pasasites3.13.2                   3.13.2 
3. Community Assessment - evaluate the stakeholders and community about the project.3.13.3                    3.13.3
Objective 4: Community Engagement            
1. Build Relationships and Establish Collaborations1. Conduct workshops at potential fields sites4.1.1UCI    4.1.1a               
2. Conduct stakeholder assessment of all sites4.1.2UCI         4.1.2a          
3. Draft regulatory frameworks for candidate sites4.1.3UCI         4.1.3a          
4. Documentation and data collection of all communication and engagement 4.1.4UCI          4.1.4a         
2. Site and Community Assessment1. Develop and implement community assessment4.2.1UCI       4.2.1a            
2. Develop and implement educational tools4.2.2UCI       4.2.2a            
3. Develop process for responding to community (Communication Plan) questions and concerns4.2.3UCI        4.2.3a           
4. Regulatory Planning with field site collaborators with regulatory consultant (see 1.6.4) 4.2.4UCI          4.2.4a         
5. Refine Communication Plan4.2.5UCI          4.2.4a         
3. Education and Capacity Building1.Recruit and train onsite CE personnel4.3.1UCI          4.3.1         
2. Develop and implement training plan4.3.2UCI          4.3.2a 4.3.2b 4.3.2c 4.3.2d 4.3.2e 
3. Begin delivery of public education4.3.3UCI                    
Facilitate communication for regulatory and contractual processes (see 1.4.6)4.3.4UCI           4.3.4        
4. Evaluation and Communication Development1. Assessment/Evaluation of Public Education and Tools (revise if necessary at this time)4.4.1UCI        4.4.1a 4.4.1b 4.4.1c       
2. Report on community and stakeholder support4.4.2UCI          4.4.2a 4.4.2b       
4. Evaluation of Stakeholder Groups 4.4.3UCI            4.4.3a 4.4.3b 4.4.3c   
5. Communication Management 1. Refinement of Communication Plan4.5.1UCI        4.5.1a