Purchasing and Accounts Payable (PURAP)

Purchasing and Accounts Payable (PURAP)

For any PURAP questions not answered here, please email kfs@uci.edu and we will find the most up-to-date answer from our team.

Questions specifically related to UCIrvine

Will changing to KFS still allow organizations to have Managed Spend Cards and/or PALcards?   Also, if the users need to use their cards for ‘blocked vendors,' can exceptional purchases still be made?

Both the PALcard and Managed Spend Cards exist outside the Kuali system and do not interact on a purchasing level.  Therefore, there will be no changes to current purchasing processes or policies for those card holders.  Organizational reviewers will see a slight change in the review/purchase approval process.  Review, charge approval, and the possibility to upload documentation will be done through KFS (online).  Training on this process will be coming soon...

Will blanket POs still be allowed?

Yes, blanket purchase orders will still exist.  However, their initial length should be limited to 1 year, depending on the circumstance. Extensions and/or encumbrance changes can be done through the Purchase Order Amend (POA) function.

How would I reimburse someone?

You can reimburse individuals for supplies & materials, honoraria, prizes/awards, and services through a Disbursement Voucher (in the Financial Transactions module) in KFS.  Any travel, meeting, and relocation reimbursements can be done through the Travel & Entertainment module (TEM) in KFS.  The various modules of PayQuest, and some paper forms, are being replaced by only two modules in KFS, making reimbursements simpler.


General KFS information

Kuali Foundation - PURAP User Guide