Turnover Procedures For KFS TalendETL Jobs

Turnover Procedures For KFS TalendETL Jobs


1) Test TalendETL job on desktop as much as possible.

2) Right mouse click your job and select Build Job from the pop up menu.

3) Browse to desired location to create the .zip file then click the Finish button to create it.

4) Find the .zip file and place it on the Unix development server Node3dev as kuloper or Dev0 as kfsoper at /adcom/pgmlib/Kuali/jobs/talendETL

5) At that location you will find the following scripts:


new_deploy_talend_job.sh talendETL_job.zip kfs/[Directory] talendETL_job

Example: new_deploy_talend_job.sh FSConvertToKFS.zip kfs/GL FSConvertToKFS

Use this script if you are deploying the TalendETL job for the very first time on the Unix development server. The script takes as arguments the .zip file of the job, the location of the directory where it will be located (matches the directory on TalendETL) and the name of the job.  The script will take care of unziping the the .zip file and place it in the correct location.  It will also instruct on manual steps that need to be done to get the job fully deployed.  Such steps are things like editing the context files with the proper settings.

deploy_talend_job.sh talendETL_job.zip kfs/[Directory] talendETL_job

Example: deploy_talend_job.sh FSConvertToKFS.zip kfs/GL FSConvertToKFS

Use this script if you are deploying a modification to a previous TalendETL job on the Unix development server. The script takes as arguments the .zip file of the job, the location of the directory where it will be located (matches the directory on TalendETL) and the name of the job.  The script will take care of unziping the the .zip file and place it in the correct location. No manual steps are usually necessary to be done.

package_talend_job.sh directory_job_name JIRA_Number

Example: package_talend_job.sh kfs/GL/FSConvertToKFS KFSI-123456

Use this script to facilitate the turnover of TalenETL jobs from development servers (Node3dev or Dev0) to production servers (K-Stage1, Deploy, or Deploy2).  The scripts takes as arguments the source location of the job and the JIRA number for the the Change Control JIRA request.  It will create two tar files used for production turnover.

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