Respond to a Health Check-In via Email

Respond to a Health Check-In via Email


  1. Navigate to the the health check-in notification email. It should look like the one below.

  2. If you are not scheduled to work on-site for the day, click on the Not Scheduled to Work On-Site link.

  3. If you are scheduled to work on-site, scroll down to the bottom of the email.
  4. If you are not experiencing any of the symptoms listed, click on the link labeled No.

  5. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed (non-chronic), click on the link labeled Yes.

  6. For any of the three options, you will be directed to a new email composition. You do not need to edit any of the information in the email window.

  7. Click Send to complete your response, and follow up information will be sent to you if needed.

Update Log

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Approved by Chris Nelson. Available for OIT use.

First draft complete. Pending review.
Initial Creation.

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