Site footer

Site footer

The site footer appears at the bottom of every page on your site. It contains four columns, three of which are user-customizable. The fourth column is intended to identify and list contact information for the site owner.

Example footer.

To modify the footer content, locate and edit:
Base Folder/inc/footer 

Location of the footer asset in Cascade.

Below are the column types and their associated content form elements. You will need to publish the footer for changes to take effect.

An empty column has no content, but still retains its width.

A link list column displays a list of links.

Datadef elementDescription
Column > Link list > Include link iconsWhen set to 'no', links are presented as a bulleted list. When set to 'yes', each bullet is replaced with an icon graphic. Icons are definable per-link.
Column > Link list > List itemThis form element group represents an item in the link list. You can add and remove instances of this field group using the + and - toggles.
Column > Link list > List item > LinkRefer to 'Working with links'.
Column > Link list > List item > Font Awesome icon classRequired. Only appears when 'Include link icons' is set to 'yes'. This field defines the icon associated with a link. Refer to Font Awesome for available icons and their associated classes. Icon classes begin with 'fa-'.

Use a text column for simple text. No links, no images, no special formatting. Just text.

Datadef elementDescription
Column > Text > ParagraphA text paragraph. You can add and remove instances of this field group using the + and - toggles.
Column > Text > Paragraph > ContentPut the text for your paragraph here. Note that line breaks are not honored.
Column > Text > Paragraph > Include internationalizationRefer to 'Internationalization'.

A graphic column contains a linkable image. Useful for site sub-branding, marketing campaigns, etc.

Datadef elementDescription
Column > Graphic > Include linkSet to 'yes' to link the image.
Column > Graphic > LinkAppears only when 'Include link' is set to 'yes'. Refer to 'Working with links'.
Column > Graphic > ImageRefer to 'Working with images'.

This column identifies the site owner.

Datadef elementDescription
Contact info > Unit nameRequired. The name of the campus unit that owns and/or maintains the site.
Contact info > Address lineRequired. This field if for the physical location of the site owner. You can add and remove address lines with the + and - toggles.
Contact info > Map URL

Provide a map URL if you want to link to your building's campus map location. To find your map URL:

  1. Navigate to http://map.uci.edu
  2. Find and click on your building in the map categories (or use the map search form)
  3. In the location info window that opens, click 'share'
  4. Your building map URL will appear in the 'Link to Location' field
Contact info > PhoneSite owner's phone number, formatted as xxx-xxx-xxxx
Contact info > EmailSite owner's email address.
Contact info > Include sub-brand logoSet to 'yes' to include a sub-brand image for the site owner.
Contact info > Logo

This field group appears only when 'Include sub-brand logo' is set to 'yes'.

Contact Info > Logo > Position'Top' inserts the logo above the contact information text; 'Bottom' inserts it below.
Contact Info > Logo > AlignmentDefines the horizontal alignment of the logo within the footer column.
Contact Info > Logo > Include linkSet to 'yes' to link the logo.
Contact Info > Logo > LinkAppears only when 'Include link' is set to 'yes'. Refer to 'Working with links'.
Contact Info > Logo > ImageRefer to 'Working with images'.

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