Working with folders

Working with folders

Folders allow you to organize your site content and establish your site architecture.

Creating a folder

New > Folder

Creating a new folder.

Folder datadef elements

Datadef element
System Name

This is how the folder will be referenced on the web and in Cascade. Please follow these guidelines:

  • Use only lowercase letters and numbers. Do not use uppercase letters or special characters.
  • Separate words with hyphens. Do not use spaces.
  • Names should be brief, but descriptive of their contents.
Parent FolderThis is the location where the folder will be created.
Display NameThis is the human-readable name of your folder. Use desired characters, capitalization, and word-spacing here.
Display name language codeRefer to 'Internationalization'.
Display name text directionRefer to 'Internationalization'.
Metadata SetThis is outside the scope of this documentation. Do not change unless you really know what you're doing.
PublishChecked by default. Uncheck to prevent the folder and it's contents from being published to your web server. This can be helpful when content is under development.
IndexThis is outside the scope of this documentation. Do not change unless you really know what you're doing.

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