Aldrich: Link properties pattern

Aldrich: Link properties pattern

This pattern is used whenever a link is included as part of a Data Definition.

link properties data definition in its default state

How it works

Destination type

destination type data definition field


What this means

What this triggers


What this means

What this triggers


Indicates that the link points to an asset in Cascade that is part of your site.

Causes the Destination asset and Anchor Data Definition fields to display.


Indicates that the link points to somewhere on the web, not in Cascade as part of your site.

Causes the Destination URL Data Definition field to display.

Choosing Asset for destinations within your site comes with special benefits! Learn how Cascade treats asset links.

Destination asset and Anchor

Only displayed when Destination type is set to ‘Asset’.

Use the asset selector to indicate the destination of the link. You may optionally indicate a page anchor ID in the Anchor text field.

Inclusion or omission of the preceding # in the Anchor text field doesn’t matter. The template will know what you mean either way,

Destination URL

Enter the full URL of the destination in the text field.

Open link in

Same tab/window - Uses the current browser tab/window when navigating to the link destination.

New tab/window - Opens the link destination in a new tab/window.

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