This resource is for UCI faculty and staff developing the 2015 Department of Education (DOED) Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) application.

For Research Development assistance, please contact:

Physical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Public Health, and general questions - Lori Greene,

Biological Sciences and Medicine - Marc Benson,

Engineering and ICS - Rick Donovan,

Nursing, Social Sciences, Social Ecology, and Education - Beth Riley,

Humanities - Amanda Swain,

Important Links and Information:

DOED GAANN website:

Application and directions found on (ED-GRANTS-040115-002):

• DoED is making available 125 awards with max at $281,754, and a guidance on average of $189,023 per year. The maximum total three-year project period request is $845,262. This equates to 6 full fellows requested per year ($32,000 stipend + $14,959 allowance). There is still an additional 25% cost share, which is provided by UCI Grad Division.

• A project must provide fellowships in one or more of the following areas of national need: Area, Ethnic, and Cultural Studies; Biological Sciences/Life Sciences; Chemistry; Computer and Information Sciences; Engineering; Foreign Languages; Mathematics; Nursing; Physics; Psychology; and Educational Evaluation, Research, and Statistics. [with inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary applications allowed]

• Eligible Applicants: (a) Any academic department of an IHE that provides a course of study that— (i) Leads to a graduate degree in an area of national need; and (ii) Has been in existence for at least four years at the time of an application for a grant under this competition.

• In any application period, an academic department may not submit more than one application for new awards.

• In FY2016 there will be no new competition, but they may make additional awards in FY2016 from the list of unfunded applicants from FY2015 competition.

Official Documents from DOED:

Notice Inviting Applications for New Awards for FY 2015 (April 1, 2015) (PDF)

Full Instructions (93 pages) (DOCX)

Application Packet (PDF)

Documents Needed:

Submitted to DoED

1) SF 424 Form (includes the DoED Supplemental Information Form) (PDF)

2) Abstract (attach in ED Abstract Form, pg. 11 in application packet):

The abstract should include a short summary covering the designated area(s) of national need.  The abstract should include the following information:

Institution Name:


Type of Application (Single/Inter-Disciplinary/Multi-Disciplinary):


Area of National Need:


Degree Level of Program of Study (Masters or Doctorate):


Length of Time Degree Program has been in Existence:


Number of Federally Funded GAANN Fellows Requested:


3) Project Narrative (attach in Project Narrative Attachment form, pg. 12) - Address the selection criteria below and following formatting and length requirements. You can include an optional table of contents, with a length limit of 2 pages (this is in addition to the narrative page limit).

4) Curriculum Vitae (CV) (attach in Other Attachement form, pg. 13) - no more than two (2) pages per faculty member (all faculty CV’s must be uploaded in a single attachment);

5) Course listing (attach in Other Attachement form, pg. 13)

6) Letters of commitment (attach in Other Attachement form, pg. 13)

     a) Letter from VCR Hemminger committing to funding the evaluator - Research Development staff will take care of this

     b) Letter from Dean Leslie committing the mandatory 25% cost share - The PI must send an individual email to Dean Leslie requesting this letter. Dean Leslie also requests that the mentoring and professional development plan be included in this email.

7) Bibliography (attach in Other Attachement form, pg. 13)

8) One additional optional appendix relevant to the support of the proposal, not to exceed five (5) pages. (attach in Other Attachement form, pg. 13)

9) GAANN Statutory Assurances (attach in Other Attachement form, pg. 13) (Coming soon)

10) GAANN Budget Spreadsheet(s) Form (attach in Other Attachement form, pg. 13) (Coming soon)

11) Assurances and Certifications

     a) ED GEPA 427 Form (attach in ED GEPA427 Form, pg. 6)

     b) Lobbying Form (ED-80-0013) (done by SPA on

     c) Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF 424B) (done by SPA on

     d) Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL) (done by SPA on

Internal UCI only

1) Internal Budget Spreadsheet

2) Internal Budget Justification

Selection Criteria (PDF) and Available Corresponding Boilerplate Text (same as 2012 call):

Your are reviewed following the following criteria (out of 100 points):

(a) Meeting the purposes of the program. (7 Points) 

     (1) The applicant's general and specific objectives for the project are realistic and measurable;

     (2) The applicant's objectives for the project seek to sustain and enhance the capacity for teaching and research at the institution and at State, regional, or national levels;

     (3) The applicant's objectives seek to institute policies and procedures to ensure the enrollment of talented graduate students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds; and (Boilerplate Text)

     (4) The applicant's objectives seek to institute policies and procedures to ensure that it will award fellowships to individuals who satisfy the requirements of §648.40.

(b) Extent of need for the project. (5 Points)  (- the extent to which a grant under the program is needed by the academic department)

     (1) How the applicant identified the problems that form the specific needs of the project;

     (2) The specific problems to be resolved by successful realization of the goals and objectives of the project; and

     (3) How increasing the number of fellowships will meet the specific and general objectives of the project.

(c) Quality of the graduate academic program. (20 Points)   (- quality of the current graduate academic program)

     (1) The course offerings and academic requirements for the graduate program;

     (2) The qualifications of the faculty, including education, research interest, publications, teaching ability, and accessibility to graduate students;

     (3) The focus and capacity for research; and

     (4) Any other evidence the applicant deems appropriate to demonstrate the quality of its academic program.

(d) Quality of the supervised teaching experience. (10 Points)   (- quality of the teaching experience the applicant plans to provide fellows under this program) (Boilerplate Text)

     (1) Provides each fellow with the required supervised training in instruction;

     (2) Provides adequate instruction on effective teaching techniques;

     (3) Provides extensive supervision of each fellow's teaching performance; and

     (4) Provides adequate and appropriate evaluation of the fellow's teaching performance.

(e) Recruitment plan. (5 Points)  

     (1) How the applicant plans to identify, recruit, and retain students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds in the academic program for which fellowships are sought; (Boilerplate Text)

     (2) How the applicant plans to identify eligible students for fellowships;

     (3) The past success of the academic department in enrolling talented graduate students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds; and

     (4) The past success of the academic department in enrolling talented graduate students for its academic program.

(f) Project administration. (8 Points) 

     (1) How the applicant will select fellows, including how the applicant will ensure that project participants who are otherwise eligible to participate are selected without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, or disabling condition;

     (2) How the applicant proposes to monitor whether a fellow is making satisfactory progress toward the degree for which the fellowship has been awarded;

     (3) How the applicant proposes to identify and meet the academic needs of fellows;

     (4) How the applicant proposes to maintain enrollment of graduate students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds; and (Boilerplate Text)

     (5) The extent to which the policies and procedures the applicant proposes to institute for administering the project are likely to ensure efficient and effective project implementation, including assistance to and oversight of the project director. (Boilerplate Text)

(g) Institutional commitment. (15 Points)

     (1) The applicant will provide, from any funds available to it, sufficient funds to support the financial needs of the fellows if the funds made available under the program are insufficient;

     (2) The institution's social and academic environment is supportive of the academic success of students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds on the applicant's campus; (Boilerplate Text)

     (3) Students receiving fellowships under this program will receive stipend support for the time necessary to complete their courses of study, but in no case longer than 5 years; and

     (4) The applicant demonstrates a financial commitment, including the nature and amount of the institutional matching contribution, and other institutional commitments that are likely to ensure the continuation of project activities for a significant period of time following the period in which the project receives Federal financial assistance.

(h) Quality of key personnel. (5 Points)  

     (1) The qualifications of the project director;

     (2) The qualifications of other key personnel to be used in the project;

     (3) The time commitment of key personnel, including the project director, to the project; and

     (4) How the applicant, as part of its nondiscriminatory employment practices, will ensure that its personnel are selected without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, or disabling condition, except pursuant to a lawful affirmative action plan. (Boilerplate Text)

(i) Budget. (5 Points) (Boilerplate Text)

     (1) The applicant shows a clear understanding of the acceptable uses of program funds; and

     (2) The costs of the project are reasonable in relation to the objectives of the project.

(j) Evaluation plan. (15 Points) (Boilerplate Text)

     (1) Relate to the specific goals and measurable objectives of the project;

     (2) Assess the effect of the project on the students receiving fellowships under this program, including the effect on persons of different racial and ethnic backgrounds, genders, and ages, and on persons with disabilities who are served by the project;

     (3) List both process and product evaluation questions for each project activity and outcome, including those of the management plan;

     (4) Describe both the process and product evaluation measures for each project activity and outcome;

     (5) Describe the data collection procedures, instruments, and schedules for effective data collection;

     (6) Describe how the applicant will analyze and report the data so that it can make adjustments and improvements on a regular basis; and

     (7) Include a time-line chart that relates key evaluation processes and benchmarks to other project component processes and benchmarks.

(k) Adequacy of resources. (5 Points)   (- the resources that the applicant makes available to graduate students receiving fellowships under this program, including facilities, equipment, and supplies.)

DOED goals and performance indicators for the GAANN Program: (PDF)

Goal 1: Postsecondary Education, Career and Technical Education, and Adult Education. Increase college access, affordability, quality, and completion by improving postsecondary education and lifelong learning opportunities for youths and adults.

Goal 2: Elementary and Secondary Education. Improve the elementary and secondary education system’s ability to consistently deliver excellent instruction aligned with rigorous academic standards while providing effective support services to close achievement and opportunity gaps, and ensure all students graduate high school college- and careerready.

Goal 3: Early Learning. Improve the health, social-emotional, and cognitive outcomes for all children from birth through 3rd grade, so that all children, particularly those with high needs, are on track for graduating from high school college- and career-ready.

Goal 4: Equity. Increase educational opportunities for and reduce discrimination against underserved students so that all students are well-positioned to succeed.

Goal 5: Continuous Improvement of the U.S. Education System. Enhance the education system’s ability to continuously improve through better and more widespread use of data, research and evaluation, evidence, transparency, innovation, and technology.

Goal 6: U.S Department of Education Capacity. Improve the organizational capacities of the Department to implement this strategic plan.

The specific goal for the GAANN program is “to increase the number of persons trained at the highest academic level” in the areas of national need. The performance indicators for the GAANN program are:

(1.1) Graduate school completion: the percentage of GAANN fellows completing the terminal degree in the designated areas of national need.

(1.2) Enrollment of targeted populations: the percentage of GAANN fellows from traditionally underrepresented groups.

(1.3) Time-to-Degree: the median time to completion of Master’s and Doctorate degrees for GAANN students.

Formatting Requirements:

  • A “page” is “8.5x11,” on one side only, with 1” margins at the top, bottom, and both sides.  Page numbers and an identifier may be within 1” margin.
  • Double space (no more than three lines per vertical inch) all text in the project narrative, including titles, headings, footnotes, quotations, references, and captions.  Charts, tables, figures, and graphs in the project narrative may be single spaced and will count toward the page limit.
  • Applicants may use one of the following fonts:  Times New Roman, Courier, Courier New or Arial. An application submitted in any other font (including Times Roman and Arial Narrow) will not be accepted.
  • Use a font that is either 12 point or larger or no smaller than 10 pitch (characters per inch).  However, you may use a 10 point font in charts, tables, figures, graphs, footnotes, and endnotes.
  • You must upload any narrative sections and all other attachments to your application as files in a PDF (Portable Document) read-only, non-modifiable format.  Do not upload an interactive or fillable PDF file.  If you upload a file type other than a read-only, non-modifiable PDF or submit a password-protected file, DOED will not review that material.

Project Narrative Page Limits:

  • Single and Inter-Disciplinary project narratives must be no more than 40 pages.
    • An inter-disciplinary application must request funding for a single proposed program of study that involves academic fields in two or more disciplines. 
  • Multi-disciplinary project narratives, as defined below, must be no more than 40 pages for each academic department included in the proposal.
    • A multi-disciplinary application must request funding for two or more academic departments in areas of national need designated as priorities by the Secretary that are independent and unrelated to one another.
    • Applicants must abide by the definition of multi-disciplinary when applying page limits                                   

Note:  Each page on which there are words will be counted as one full page.

Note:  Applicants have the option of including a Table of Contents.  However, this document must not be longer than two (2) pages.  The formatting should be the same as listed above in the “Formatting Requirements.”  

For DOED, Minority means Alaskan Native, American Indian, Asian-American, Black (African-American), Hispanic American, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander.





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