This pattern is used for referencing custom CSS files.
Yes - Indicates that custom CSS will be used.
Selecting this option causes the CSS reference group to be displayed. |
No - Indicates that custom CSS will not be used.
This group contains all the fields necessary for defining a reference to a single CSS file.
Need more than one CSS reference? You can create additional groups to fit your content needs. |
Selection | What this means | What this triggers |
Asset | Indicates the CSS file is located in Cascade as a part of your site. | Causes the File field to display. |
URL | Indicates the CSS file exists somewhere on the web. | Causes the URL, Crossorigin handling, and Integrity fields to display. |
Only displayed when Type is set to ‘Asset’. |
Use the asset chooser to select the desired CSS file in your Cascade site.
Only displayed when Type is set to ‘URL’. |
Enter the full URL of the CSS file in the URL text field. Some websites also provide integrity and crossorigin attribute values with their hosted files.
<link .... crossorgin=”....” integrity=”....” /> |
Use the Crossorigin handling and Integrity fields to provide the respective values.