Create a Knowledge Base Article

Create a Knowledge Base Article



Knowledge base articles are key to keeping staff (and the public) up-to-date on any information that might be seen as relevant to anyone associated with OIT. Knowledge articles have the ability to be restricted to certain groups or individuals, have a built-in approval and review process, and when articles have not been updated in a reasonable amount of time, have the ability to be retired. This ensures that knowledge articles are always a good source of information for the people that would most need it. Follow the guide below to see the three different ways to create a knowledge article, how to fill out a new knowledge article's fields appropriately, and what different approval workflows look like post-creation.

Create a Knowledge Base Article

  1. There are three different ways to navigate to a new knowledge base article form.
  2. Click the Create Content button at the top right of the content frame.

  3. Select a value for the Knowledge Base reference field. The most common Knowledge Base to use is called Knowledge.

  4. If you would like to restrict the roles that have access to your article, follow the Edit Knowledge Base Article Roles guide.
  5. Enter the title of your article in the Short Description field. This is what will be displayed when users search for articles.

  6. Use the Article body field to write your article. The Article body field has a text editor built-in with options for HTML editing, text formatting, media embedding, etc.

  7. Click the Submit button once you're finished writing your article to submit it to the Knowledge Base.

Update Log

Updated ByDateNotes
Revised to include more information. Pending review.
Michael Anthony Waara First draft complete. Pending review.
Michael Anthony Waara Initial creation.

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