Edit the default profile in the new version to replace the old patch management bundles:
3. profile-edit --pid io.fabric8.version/patch=1.2.0.redhat-630329 default 1.3.1
Upgrade the root container first
4. container-upgrade 1.3.1 root
5. stop the root container
6. Backup/remove the org.apache.karaf.exception-<version> jar from the lib/endorsed directory and restart the container.
7. start root container
## Upgrade each child containers
## Child containers can be mix-bagged of old version and new version (Not recommend though)
8. Container-upgrade 1.3.1 uci-mq-broker, etc.
## Check for the 630329 build number
9. osgi:list -t 0 | grep -i patch
## Create a new version (from the patch-management upgraded version above) for applying the roll-up patch.
10. fabric:version-create --parent 1.3.1 1.4
## Then run the patch commands to install the roll-up on the new version:
## Use 3 slashes on Linux OS.
11. patch:add file:///home/esbuser/patches/jboss-fuse-karaf-6.3.0.redhat-329.zip
## Check patchID with the command
12. patch list
## Install the patch to the fabric environment
13. patch:fabric-install --username fabricserver --password password --upload --version 1.4 jboss-fuse-karaf-6.3.0.redhat-329
## Sync the git repo.
14. patch:fabric-synchronize
## Now upgrade each containers to the roll-up patched version.
## upgrading the ensemble containers one at a time and waiting until
## they are restarted and in the success state before proceeding to the next.
fabric:container-upgrade 1.4 root
## If all goes well, the container should get to the state "requires full restart."
## After restarting, the container should download and install remaining bundles and then finish provisioning.