A: Purpose of the room
B: How to correct an issue
Get room into a default setting
Overview of iLab
A teaching room with AV equipment. iLab typically is set up as one large room. It can be divided into two (iLab A and iLab B).
There are large displays at the front of the room. They can handle input from the PC’s in the AV cabinet, a sharelink in the AV cabinet, a BYO device plugged into the HDMI wall panel at the front of each side of iLab under the touch panel towards the large TV.
There are microphones and a speaker system in the room.
There is a control panel at the front of each room. You can activate the room as combined or split and choose your inputs from the touch panel.
Checking out the ilab
Instructors should book iLab in Outlook and will need to check out a kit from the SL front desk to access and use the room.
The room is normally locked minus finals week.
Combined ilab
There is a control panel at the front of each room. You can activate the room as combined or split and choose your inputs from the touch panel.
Pictures here
Turning on the Mic
Adjusting Volume
Turing on the TV’s
Adjusting the Volume
Selecting correct input for the TV
NOTE: set default input for tuning on the TV - if possible
NOTE: Can we assign input names
Connecting outputs for display BYOD
Adjusting Volume on device will affect output from the Display
Type of connection supported
Need to verify connection heads available
2 have gone bad, do we need to replace?
using the PC’s in the room to display on the screen
Adjusting Volume on device will affect output from the Display
Where is the Keyboad?
Turning on the keyboard
Where is the Mouse
Access to the computer is limited and users will not be able to bring in USB drives to access on the computer
Using ShareLink with BYOD
Adjusting Volume on device will affect output from the Display
IOS devices are unable to user ShareLink
Room ilab A
Room ilab B
Where to call in the event thre are issue?
8:00-5:00 call Library IT HelpDesk and leave a detailed message
Pictures here
Around the perimeter of the room are small TV’s with Sharelink collaborative devices attached to them. There should be an HDMI cable students can use to share content on the small screen if they do not want to use the Sharelink. The small TV’s do not have a control system. They must be powered on and off via power button or remote control.
Instructors should book iLab in Outlook and will need to check out a kit from the SL front desk to access and use the room.
The room is normally locked minus finals week.
Troubleshooting iLab
Check correct inputs - Are you using the correct keyboard for the computer and side of room you are on?
Check HDMI cables and re-seat them if using a BYO device
Are the mics muted in the touch panel (mute buttons are red)?
Check batteries for remotes and mics
Power system off and on from touch panels. If this doesn’t work, unplug it in the AV cabinet.
iLab Kit
The iLab Kit is checked out by professors before class at the SL front desk. There are two kits. One for iLab A and one for iLab B.
A common user error may be to check out an iLab A kit and set inputs in the room to iLab B. The keyboard for iLab B will not control iLab A. Switch inputs.
1 USB-C adapter
1 Remote Control
1 Microphone
GET Updated List of Kit
Room Usage Modes
Combined Room
Separated Room
There is a mic tied to iLab A and another for iLab B. Each should be in the checkout kit. If the room is in combined mode, both mics will output (muxed) to the entire room.
Not working?
Room Divider
The room is normally open in as one large room. It can be divided in two with the room divider. The divider requires a hand crank to seal the top/bottom of the rooms.