About the Business Analysis Decisions
- Items appearing in this table are all closed Business Analysis tasks from the JIRA system
- Table is sorted with most recent updates appearing first
- Earlier documentation of decisions based on recommendations from focus groups and fit-gap sessions are available in Archived Recommendations and Decisions (as of 2012.12.14)
Business Analysis Decisions
Updated | Resolved | KFS Module | Summary | Description | Key | Linked Issues |
2013.07.09 | 2013.07.09 | Capital Asset Management | Ensure that General Accounting has enough reports to perform Plant Fund Construction in Process entries | Jason, I am not sure this is on your radar. Sam Phan needs a series of reports at year-end to perform CIP entries. He will be looking for specific list of plant fund items FS0217 report is one that was mentioned. | KFSI-850 | |
2013.07.05 | 2013.07.05 | Accounts Payable | Walk through TIN Match Process with AP | The TIN match process is described in the Batch User Guide. Please also find out from Modesto how the user is going to retrieve the file and show the process to Karen/Tanya | KFSI-3349 | KFSI-2175, KFSI-3374, KFSI-1815, KFSI-390 |
2013.07.03 | 2013.07.02 | Budget Construction | KBM Config Sheet | KFSI-3435 | ||
2013.07.01 | 2013.07.01 | Capital Asset Management | List capital processes that require budget transfer | As per our discussion, I am in the process of adding the budget generation step in capitalization (scrubber). Please give me a complete list of processes that require budget movement. So far, you have mentioned that equipment elimination does not require budget transactions but the process to close out CIP expenses do. | KFSI-1138 | |
2013.06.29 | 2013.06.29 | Unknown | KFSI-1705 Remove word "FEED" from Object Code 8080 | Hi Victor, I was testing out a Sensitive Data REQS for some animals & had a question about the object code to use: On the Config, I see the mapping for the old code for Lab Animal Purchases (8005) is now going to be 8080 LAB ANIMALS FEED. Do you know if this object code name is going to stay the same? When reporting, do we separate live animals from their feed? Thanks, Melissa | KFSI-1709 | |
2013.06.28 | 2013.06.28 | Unknown | KFSI-1479 We need to set up two object codes : 3905 (Recharge-Debit Transaction) and 7205 (Outside Purchased Services). | Scott Charles Cosel added a comment - 28/Feb/13 5:58 PM FS0GLTCA copybook was updated to add CFS object codes '3905' and '7205' and recompile affected programs for Isabelle. From Isabelle: We need to set up two object codes : 3905 (Recharge-Debit Transaction) and 7205 (Outside Purchased Services). | KFSI-2435 | |
2013.06.25 | 2012.10.12 | Financial Processing | Finalize GEC Business Rule relating to UCOP requirements | Please make a decision on whether or not the following rules will be enforced so we can finish GEC enhancements (1) Fiscal Year Account style accounts: only allow corrections of current fiscal year transactions (2) Inception-to-Date style accounts: allow correction of transactions for two fiscal years (Note: Two years is a FS limitation but Victor says we could allow more than 2 years if not for system limitation) (3) Restrict initiators from editing object codes and ask fiscal officer to change object code based on the "note" from the initiator -- should we allow initiator to edit object codes? UCOP Reference: http://www.ucop.edu/ucophome/policies/bfb/a47.pdf | KFSI-824 | KFSI-681, KFSI-384 |
2013.06.20 | 2013.01.02 | MC COA Config Sheet Master Copy | This JIRA is to post the latest master spreadsheets so that MC can use it to make changes -- the changes should be posted to the respective JIRAs for plant and non-plant | KFSI-1153 | KFSI-1158, KFSI-1157 | |
2013.06.20 | 2013.06.20 | Purchasing | Investigate if we can change the process to disencumber lien at the end of May yet, the blanket PO is kept open | In the current process, campus users are asked release lien of all blanket orders at the end of May, keeping the POs open so that the AP can still post payments against. In KFS, you cannot disencumber (release lien) unless you close the purchase order by initiating the POC document. Thus, this process of releasing lien and keeping the POs open will not be possible. Can you find out why we are doing this process and see if you can just disencumber remaining amount when you close the blanket PO in June? Reference URLs: ttp://snap.uci.edu/viewXmlFile.jsp?resourceID=946 http://snap.uci.edu/viewXmlFile.jsp?resourceID=471 | KFSI-1029 | |
2013.06.13 | 2013.06.13 | Unknown | KFSI-1482 make the following change in COA 8297 is now equal to 7162 and reports to 8141 | Hi Shae: Can you please make the following change in the Visio chart: 8297 is now equal to 7162 reports to 8141 Maria L.: Can you please make sure all the configs are updated. Thanks, Victor -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: OIT ORG 8297 Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 10:52:09 -0800 From: Maria Aldana <maria.aldana@UCI.EDU> To: Victor M. Cesario <vcesario@UCI.EDU> CC: Maripaz A Morallo <mmorallo@UCI.EDU>, Maria R Aldana <maria.aldana@UCI.EDU>, Maria LIEGGI <mlieggi@UCI.EDU> References: <512CFDEE.2020904@uci.edu> Good morning All: Yes, Maria M. is correct. I confirmed with our records. maria Victor M. Cesario wrote: > Hi Nancy: > Can you please check with the Budget Office to make sure that you requested 8297 to report to 8141. > Thanks, > Victor | KFSI-1987 | |
2013.06.13 | 2013.06.13 | Unknown | KFSI-1705 Create Cost share Transfer object code per each reporting level/consolidation | KFSI-2006 | ||
2013.06.11 | 2013.06.11 | Purchasing | Evaluate Sciquest UOM Code | Attached is the sciquest UOM . Per Sciquest implementation meeting, Brant was asked to evaluate the UOM and provide OIT (Alvin) with the final list so we can reload UOM. | KFSI-2589 | KFSI-2590 |
2013.06.10 | 2013.05.10 | Contracts & Grants | Analyze what fields might have to be added to UC Fund Table for reporting non-CG funds in CAFP | When we go live with KFS. Our CAFP file will be created from KFS Account, UC Fund, and Award table. In analyzing the award table that is already populated, we realized that we might need more fields on non-CG accounts. They are mainly o Various Donors o Endowment o Pell Federal Government o Workstudy Analyze which fields must be added to UC fund table so we can adequately report to UCOP | KFSI-3218 | KFSI-3516, KFSI-3263, KFSI-3262, KFSI-3126 |
2013.06.04 | 2013.06.04 | Unknown | KFSI-1479 Please change the title for 19933 to: UCGF - Federal ICR | From Martha Graciano via Srey Tung: I need to establish a new UC General Fund fund number, 19934. Title: UC General Funds Dept: 0190 Link with expense accounts: 662035, 683015, 800100, 800400 (don't link), 802520 Link with income accounts: 220180, 220170, 220138, 220125, 220120, 220090, 220080, 219930, 219920, 268100 Link with fund balance account: 119900 Please change the title for 19933 to: UCGF - Federal ICR Maria Lieggi added a comment - 07/Mar/13 3:34 PM Changed UC fund title in KFS CFG | KFSI-2436 | |
2013.06.04 | 2013.06.04 | Unknown | KFSI-1705 Change the crosswalk for Object Code 3469-2520 to 3265-2520 | KFSI-2526 | ||
2013.04.28 | 2013.02.15 | Budget Construction | Research merit adjustment process input file requirement | Currently budget office uploads a file to prepare merit adjustments to PBS. We need to determine how we are going to handle this process in KBM. Find out the file format and the process for merit adjustments. | KFSI-1545 | KFSI-2571, KFSI-3156, KFSI-2592 |
2013.04.28 | 2013.02.19 | Budget Construction | Research OP file submission requirement | Research periodic file submission requirement for OP submission. Collect the following if possible: (1) OP web site which describes requirement (2) Current COBOL program title and responsible developer (3) Last file that was submitted to OP | KFSI-1544 | KFSI-2592 |
2013.04.08 | 2013.04.08 | Financial Processing | Define GEC restriction rules in parameter | GEC enhancement has restrictions based on Origin Code and Doc Types. Develop the comprehensive list of these values and configure GEC parameters. | KFSI-826 | KFSI-825 |
2013.04.02 | 2013.04.02 | Capital Asset Management | KFSI-1161 Verify MC Custodial Codes | Reconcile to EQ040B | KFSI-1162 | |
2013.03.24 | 2013.03.24 | Pre-Disbursement Processor | Create Stop/Reissue functionality in PDP | AP currently has ability to cancel/reissue as well as stop/reissue capability in PAL. Cancel/Reissue option is used when the check is physically in AP's possession while Stop/Reissue is used when the check is not physically in AP's possession. In the case of Cancel, the cancellation record (Record Type 370) will be sent to the bank in the positive pay file. In the case of Stop, AP will call the bank to request a payment and the positive pay file will not include a stop payment record. If we stop and also send the cancellation record in the positive pay file, AP will need to clear the notification from the bank (basically, "why are you trying to cancel when you already did a stop payment?"). In KFS, you can cancel/reissue but you cannot stop/reissue. If you issue a stop payment, there will not be a replacement check. The funds will be returned to the department and you will have to do another DV or Payment Request. The estimated hours for this mod is 16 hours. | KFSI-1797 | |
2013.03.08 | 2013.03.08 | Contracts & Grants | Test our CG Billing System and conduct fit-gap for CG invoicing | See the linked technical JIRA. Assist Jarrod in testing the CG Billing and identify what gaps | KFSI-782 | KFSI-570 |
2013.03.08 | 2013.03.08 | General Ledger | Reconcile 6/2011 final balances to CSF File | KFSI-743 | ||
2013.03.08 | 2013.03.08 | General Ledger | Origin Code and Document Type Review | Run the list of Feeder System origin codes and document types by Troy to ensure that there are no issues relating our strategy. | KFSI-825 | KFSI-826 |
2013.03.08 | 2013.03.08 | Contracts & Grants | Identify changes needing to be made to Cost Share System | Functional team has a made decision to feed non-payroll Cost share transactions to KFS and combine the payroll cost share and third party cost share data from the legacy Cost Share System. Identify the changes that need to be made to the legacy Cost Share System. | KFSI-783 | |
2013.03.04 | 2013.03.04 | Unknown | KFSI-1705 Create Cost Share Tranfer Object Code | Create a Cost Share Object Transfer Object code for the COST SHARE process | KFSI-1976 | |
2013.03.04 | 2013.03.04 | Chart of Accounts | KFSI-1705 Create MC-S680 object code (payroll feed rejected) | See 3/1/13 run of payroll feed. Scrubber reported missing MC object code: 2013-03-01 16:52 GL SCRUBBER REPORT PAGE:1 ERROR AND STATISTICS REPORT YEAR COA ACCOUNT SACCT OBJ SOBJ BT OT PRD DTYP ORIG DOC # SEQ # MESSAGE ---- --- ------- ----- ---- ---- -- -- --- ---- ---- -------------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------- 2013 MC 5268500 ----- S680 --- AC IBI PS 07D10 null Object Code not found in the database.[2013-MC-S680] 2013 MC 5268500 ----- S680 --- AC IBI PS 07D10 null Object Code not found in the database.[2013-MC-S680] | KFSI-2356 | |
2013.02.27 | 2013.02.20 | Unknown | KFSI-1705 GEXP Object code level does not have any object codes associated with, do we need it? | SUPP seems to be the GEXP, should we delete GEXP? | KFSI-1706 | |
2013.02.24 | 2013.02.24 | Capital Asset Management | Resolve Custodial Code 9840 Issue -- 9840 should be IR not MC | Custodial Code 9840 is tagged as "MC" where it is not the custodial code range for MC. Modesto responded: Custodial Code 9840 is a recurring problem. In EQS it keeps getting set to MC when it is supposed to be IR. The problem I believe is the Org Code (dept code) associated with it. The conversion program relies on the Org Code to derive the COA, in this case Org Code 9701 is under MC. Modesto, would you please record your resolution to this issue and close this JIRA? | KFSI-1494 | |
2013.02.21 | 2013.02.21 | Pre-Disbursement Processor | KFSI-745 Resolve how payroll addendum information for state agency can be collected and passed to EFT (ACH) data | Currently detailed court order addendum information is collected in the PAL vendor table by each court order. When the payroll garnishment data is sent from PPS to PAL, then this court order information stored in the PAL vendor table is merged with the payment information and becomes ACH addendum data (Line 7 - free text). In KFS, we do not have a place to store such information in the vendor table, nor can we store the same vendor multiple times (Franchise Tax Board, CASD-Child Support, and DMV). Two options are available: (1) Create a EFT addendum data document to store such data and merge it with PPS feed data; or (2) Abandon PPS feed and payroll to upload DV from EXCEL, with addendum data in the note text. See attached meeting minutes | KFSI-886 | KFSI-471 |
2013.02.20 | 2013.02.20 | Unknown | KFSI-1705 TFAD Consolidation Code- Does not have any Levels reporting to it - Do we need it? | TFAD Consolidation Code- Does not have any Levels reporting to it - Do we need it? | KFSI-1707 | |
2013.02.20 | 2013.02.20 | Unknown | KFSI-1482 Create SW S-Level for Control-Planning 9003 and have SW D-8291, 8292 report to it | Create SW S-Level for Control-Planning 9003 and have SW D-8291, 8292 report to it | KFSI-1704 | |
2013.02.20 | 2013.02.20 | Unknown | KFSI-1482 change Level V 9-1350 to ELIMINATED HIERARCHY and mark "E" to eliminate | change Level V 9-1350 to ELIMINATED HIERARCHY and mark "E" to eliminate | KFSI-1701 | |
2013.02.20 | 2013.02.20 | Unknown | KFSI-1482 create IR-D Level 8298 (FS0380) & 8299 (FS0385) to report to: existing IR-9070 | create IR-D Level 8298 (FS0380) & 8299 (FS0385) to report to: existing IR-9070 | KFSI-1700 | |
2013.02.20 | 2013.02.20 | Unknown | KFSI-1480 Change M217 Object Code Title - UC Account 119105 | Hi Victor, Can you or Maria make the change below. Thanks, Maribeth -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Name change for account 119105 Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 09:33:10 -0800 From: Karen A. Miller <kamiller@uci.edu> To: Maribeth F. Bradberry <mbradber@uci.edu> Hi Maribeth, Is it possible to change the name of an account? Account # 119105 is currently labeled Palcard Invalids. It has not been used for Palcard Invalids since the year after it was created. Currently we use this account for Cash Undistributed and would like to rename: Cash Undistributed-Accounts Payable. I know C&G has such an account as well. This would more accurately describe what this account really is and if it could be labeled as such now and going forward into Kuali that would be great. Thank you, Karen -- Karen Miller Accounts Payable Manager Biological Sciences 3, Suite 1400 Irvine, CA. 92697-1050 949 824-5286 Phone 949 824-2098 Fax kamiller@uci.edu & amp; nbsp; | KFSI-1621 | |
2013.02.20 | 2013.02.20 | Unknown | KFSI-1705 RSXR COnsolidation Code - Needed? | Victor, RSXR Consolidation Code has RESV level and no object codes that report to that level. Do we need it? | KFSI-1708 | |
2013.02.13 | 2013.02.13 | Unknown | KFSI-1482 Create SW D Level same as IR D Level for 8169, 8172, 8173, 8174 reports to: SW 9070 | Create SW D Level same as IR D Level for 8169, 8172, 8173, 8174 reports to: SW 9070 | KFSI-1703 | |
2013.02.13 | 2013.02.13 | Unknown | KFSI-1482 Changereport to for SW 8286, 8287, 8288, 8289 to: SW 9008 | SW 8286, 8287, 8288, 8289 need to report to: SW 9008 | KFSI-1702 | |
2013.02.13 | 2013.02.13 | Unknown | KFSI-1482 create a reports to: S-9040 CONTROL - FINANCIAL AID AND SCHOLARSHIPS | The ORG that was created was 8166 CONTROL - FINANCIAL AID AND SCHOLARSHIPS we will create a reports to: S-9040 CONTROL - FINANCIAL AID AND SCHOLARSHIPS. | KFSI-1699 | |
2013.02.12 | 2013.02.12 | Unknown | KFSI-1480 Create MC-L328 for MC Chart | Keiko Takahashi 4:10 PM (30 minutes ago) to Maribeth, Victor, me, Alvin Hi all We are testing DV down at Med Center. It bombed because we have not created MC-L328. Can someone take care of that part? | KFSI-1622 | |
2013.02.12 | 2013.02.12 | Chart of Accounts | KFSI-1482 Update MC Org Levels | Update the following org levels Chart Org Org Title Level Chart Report Org Report FS ORG MC MEDC MEDICAL CENTER M IR IRVN 8000 MC 9701 UCIMC CONTROLLERS OFFICE M MC MEDC MC 8701 MEDICAL CENTER M MC 9701 0701 IR 8701 MEDICAL CENTER M IR IRVN 0701 MC 8901 MC PLANT ACCOUNTS M MC 9701 MC 8902 MC SANTA ANA M MC 9701 MC 8903 MC ANAHEIM M MC 9701 MC 8904 MC PACIFIC BREAST CARE CENTER M MC 9701 MC 8911 CLRB BUILDING DEP M MC 9701 MC 8912 STAFF PARKING M MC 9701 MC 8913 PATIENT PARKING M MC 9701 MC 9701 Medical Center Controllers Office M MC MEDC 8100 | KFSI-1483 | |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | Capital Asset Management | Mid year Equipment Disposal file from UCOP - Part of Mid Year Closing requirement | Brenda, Details please refer to my email to you dated 10/18/12 with 11 attachments included explaining the process from the point OP's file being received by OIT, to OIT converts the raw data to various spreadsheets for General Accounting to reconcile. After GA reconciles the data for both Campus and MC and confirm with MC and Campus sources, OIT then be notified to take the next action to reflect OP's file in the equipment ledger. This is part of the mid year closing requirement. Isabelle | KFSI-1037 | KFSI-1102 |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | Capital Asset Management | Disposition of asset load below $1500 (Status code) | Per Helen we are to load all equipment from EQS from EQSMASTER and LOWMASTER. This means that we will be having all equipment including below $1,500. Helen suggests that we assign the following status code. MC financial statement does not include equipment below $1,500 and does not add any value to tracking of asset. The team needs to decide if the following breakdown is adequate for querying asset. Code O for medical center's items below $1500 will either go to code O or MC can dispose them Code C for active from master, value is <$4999 and >$1500 Code N for MC (cc# 0100 to 1499) retired by UCOP low value items that used to be under code C when OIT processes retirement Code N also for low value items with acquisition code 44 | KFSI-1495 | |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | Chart of Accounts | Convert MC 99 account and asset configuration sheets to new budget office designed account number | The 99 account numbers must be converted to the new scheme based on the attached spreadsheet. | KFSI-1528 | KFSI-1157 |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | Pre-Disbursement Processor | Determine how to handle EFT Effective Date file creation | Currently OIT (Cheryl) manually creates a file called EFT Effective Date file (PAL.PROD.S.EFFDTE.EFTABLE) based on the holiday schedule of the campus and the bank (Cheryl and one more person would create the file and compare the result for accuracy). This file is then transmitted to Mellon Bank so that they know what date to put as an effective date for ACH. We need to determine how we are going to handle this process in KFS. One thought will be to carry the date in the University Date Table and a functional staff will create the calendar in the beginning of the calendar year. | KFSI-993 | KFSI-958 |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | Chart of Accounts | Determine the process to update crosswalk tables | We need to come up with the strategy for what should be in extended attributes vs. crosswalk table and develop a process to update tables for Org Code, Object Code and Account crosswalk. I will schedule a meeting to discuss policy/process around the maintenance. | KFSI-938 | KFSI-691, KFSI-924, KFSI-175 |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | Pre-Disbursement Processor | Develop a method to feedback GL transaction posting date to PDP | Per SBS Fit-Gap, it was discovered that SBS requires Effective Date (date GL transaction is posted) in the feedback file. We need to determine the best way to accomplish this. We need to look at pdpCancelAndPaidStep for reference (this does reverse of what SBS wants). Should we extend the PDP Group Table to track the date? Consult with Warren to come up with the best technical solution to meet this requirement | KFSI-941 | |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | Contracts & Grants | Cost Share System Analysis | Assist Jane to analyze what must be modified to integrate Cost Share System with KFS. | KFSI-865 | |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | System | Address handling of affiliates in LDAP to KFS Person integration | KFS will require retrieval of various "statuses" of non-employees. At times they must be retrievable from the Person lookup. We need a strategy for addressing this. Some interesting scenarios: (1) Non-employees (UCOP employees and Affiliates such as U Club employees) needing PAL cards (P-cardholder table must be able to look them up) (2) Non UCI employees needing to be defined as PI for C&G accounts (3) Handling of employee statuses when professors are on sabbatical. See below from Linh's email: Keiko and Warren, Here what I found from Jason: 1. Employee's Name: cn: JASON LIN givenName: JASON sn: LIN the above 3 are from payroll, but displayName: Jason C. LIN is from QI. It's what people called "friendly name" 2. Employee's Status: uciEmployeeStatus: Active uciEmployeeStatusCode: A are from DWH. As I mentioned earlier, there are 5 status codes: A - Active I - Inactive N - Leave without pay P - Leave with pay S - Separated FYI, Employee's record with A, N, P status are considered Active employee per Employee Record Online System. It might different from KFS. | KFSI-777 | |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | Contracts & Grants | KFSI-865 Identity customization work for legacy Cost Share System | Document current cost share system features and identify the necessary tasks to integrate it with KFS | KFSI-867 | KFSI-868 |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | Vendor | Resolve the process to collect vendor address and ACH payee information | KFS has an inherent issue where all of the address 1s belonging to the same vendor number will be assigned to the same ACH banking information. This might be worked around by loading only one REMIT address 1 per every vendor. | KFSI-742 | KFSI-757 |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | General Ledger | Determine how we are going to handle various plant fund transactions in KFS | UCI plant fund process is very different from baseline KFS. We need to determine how we are going to handle various UCOP requirements surrounding plant fund | KFSI-869 | |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | Capital Asset Management | KFSI-869 Determine how we are going to handle Construction in Process | CIP process is totally manual today. Are we going to automate this process in KFS? | KFSI-872 | |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | Financial Processing | Come up with P-card holder table conversion strategy | We need to have populated pcard holder table before go-live. Confer with Heidi and Jennifer regarding how we will be converting the existing p-cardholder users. | KFSI-828 | KFSI-93, KFSI-829 |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | Contracts & Grants | KFSI-865 Analyze if we need to modify KFS to calculate ICR on Cost Share only for reporting purpose | KFS does not have ability to track ICR on Cost Share. CG Team has entertained some idea with U of A (Marcel) about creating another Balance Type other than AC for reporting purpose. This needs to be discussed | KFSI-866 | KFSI-1096, KFSI-469 |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | Financial Processing | Determine what Level 3 Data PCDO should display | Working with Heidi and Jennifer, determine what Level 3 should be displayed from the PCDO Transaction ID drill-down. Keiko asked Heidi and Jennifer to analyze the USBC1 spec document. Keiko will then do a mapping and request customization as necessary. | KFSI-822 | |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | General Ledger | Investigate if Liability can be re-directed to another account for MC | MC stresses that they need to follow OSHPD accounting structure where liabilities are posted to distinct liability accounts. KFS comes with a way to re-direct offsets to another account. Investigate if this feature is working as intended and confer with Troy to propose MC how we are going to handle this situation (another way might be to use AJV to move the liabilities to another account after the fact). | KFSI-835 | |
2013.02.10 | 2013.02.10 | Identify Management/Workflow | Develop KSR Training Guide | UCI needs KSR Training Guide | KFSI-830 | |
2013.02.07 | 2013.02.07 | Chart of Accounts | MC COA Config Sheet for Non-Plant Accounts (Renee) | This is to track all of the changes submitted from Renee Craven on the non-plant fund changes | KFSI-1157 | KFSI-1582, KFSI-1153, KFSI-1528 |
2013.02.05 | 2013.02.04 | Travel and Entertainment Module | Verify that TEM entries are produced correctly | Go through the TEM scenarios and verify that the entries are correctly generated for advances, encumbrances and recording of expenses via DV. TEM Contribution Team Page: https://wiki.kuali.org/display/KULKFS/TEM+Contribution+Team TEM Test Scenarios: https://jira.kuali.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12170 See GL section. If needed create more scenarios on your own. TEM Site: http://cnv.kfs.kuali.org/kfs-cnv/portal.jsp Contact Samuel Wong for any server issues. | KFSI-1126 | |
2013.02.04 | 2013.02.04 | Pre-Disbursement Processor | Recommend a resolution to the PDP payment upload which includes liability | SBS will be feeding PDP transactions which includes tax accrual/withholding (negative amount) and expenditure to pay students. KFS PDP upload only assumes that the object codes included in the PDP upload is an expenditure object codes. Thus, when you feed liability to KFS, the offset to CHKD will always become cash offset. See the attached screenshot (and xml source). The offset to liability (tax accrual) is showing cash. The only way I can think of fixing this problem will be to isolate the doc type when the object code is not an expenditure object code in payment upload. Can you think about this let me know if my resolution will be correct from the accounting perspective? | KFSI-1225 | |
2013.01.26 | 2013.01.26 | Pre-Disbursement Processor | KFSI-816 Create a timeline for AMS integration work with MC software contractor for PDP upload | In July 2011, Kerby has informed us that the integration work will begin after year-end. The first task is database upgrade. (see meeting minutes). Follow-up is needed to ensure that the PDP upload file can be created in XML | KFSI-818 | |
2013.01.26 | 2013.01.26 | General Ledger | KFSI-816 Design and develop test plan for KFS to SMS feed process with Phil Obregon | Identify MC resource Discuss if the feed file format will change Develop functional spec Develop testing timeline Develop integration test plan | KFSI-817 | |
2013.01.26 | 2013.01.26 | Capital Asset Management | KFSI-869 Capitalization of completed projects and equipment elimination | Discuss how close these gaps -KFS does not have equipment elimination process -KFS posts capitalization expenses in plant fund accounts by Org whereas UC posts to the fund and NIP indicator driven accounts. | KFSI-870 | KFSI-468 |
2013.01.26 | 2013.01.26 | Unknown | Elimination on Renewals and Replacements Funds | Keiko/Maribeth/Brenda, There are two, separate, eliminaiton processes for Renewals and Replacements Funds (see attachments 32 and 33 from FS). One needs to come from CAM since it is capital related, the other comes from KFS which is non capital related. The logic on SFGT (=RR), Object Type (=EX) Cr.(expenditures) and Dr.( FB) work exactly the same on both, but the Object Code (to INCLUDE and to OFFSET), Consolidation Code and Transaction Codes are different based upon Capital (offset to 04-9982 and 2300) vs. Non Capital (Offset to FS 03-8092 and 2301). Attachment 33 provides the background and show the difference, Maribeth will understand from General Acocunting's perspective. As I mentioned in a previous email, ALL object codes (Object Type=EX) need to be included. Can't capture the ones only on attachment 33 because we might not have data on others not showing here when YA3P0O was prepared. Brenda, this is not a new MOD request after the cutoff. I had multiple discussion in meetings and via emails with Keiko in Yr 2012 when we started talking about eliminations. I want to make sure this is not missed (which I think might be missed), as of 1/16/13. Let me know if any questions that I can help clarify. Thanks, Isabelle | KFSI-1280 | KFSI-1136 |
2013.01.17 | 2013.01.17 | Travel and Entertainment Module | Investigate how to pay USB Corp Card from TEM (ACH Account must be traveler's Corp Card account) | When the DV is paid to USB via EFT, AP currently enters 16 digit credit card number so that the USB knows which account apply the EFT against. In TEM, we are going to do away with storing the real credit card number for security reasons. This will prevent us from generating such addendum information in EFT advice. Need to meet with USB and determine what we can do about this. Even if we don't store credit card number and ask AP to complete the DV with the credit card number in the stub text, the information will still stay within the DV document in KFS. This will be considered as security concern by OIT. | KFSI-889 | KFSI-979, KFSI-845 |
2013.01.10 | 2013.01.10 | Capital Asset Management | Come up with a strategy to assign owener account and payment accounts to all EQS asset for IR campus | Account numbers for asset is not available in EQS. Work with Helen to come up with a strategy for Campus equipment. For Med Center, I have asked Ken to create a list of accounts by custodial code and Modesto will use that list to assign account number | KFSI-956 | KFSI-948 |
2013.01.10 | 2013.01.10 | Chart of Accounts | Investigate if we need ICR Waiver Code and Account Associate Principal Name on Account Maintenance Document | Trini, ICR Waiver Code and Account Associate Principal Name are on the ACCT document today as UCD customization. We forgot to talk about them in the mapping meeting. I think we can remove Account Associate Principal Name since we have additional project directors tab on the Award document but I am not sure about ICR Waiver Code. Ask if CG intends to maintain the field. If not, we should remove it. Please let me know by Friday | KFSI-928 | |
2013.01.09 | 2013.01.09 | Chart of Accounts | Investigate if we need Plant Claim # on the Account document | Plant Claim Number is currently on the account number as a display field per UCD customization. Do we need this at UCI? If so, who is going to maintain the value? I sent an email to Isabelle, Martha, Genevieve and Sam to see if there is any taker with a deadline of 10/8 EOD. I will forward you the email. We need to close this issue this week. | KFSI-927 | |
2013.01.09 | 2013.01.09 | Unknown | Clean up Organization Code crosswalk to include the deleted organization codes | KFSI-987 | ||
2012.12.14 | 2012.12.14 | Accounts Payable | Research if e-Invoices can be finalized when the vendor adds additional charges that are not on the PO | Currently EDI vendors send multitude of additional charges. We need to ensure that the all of these invoices will not go into invoice error documents. Various testing scenarios are needed. Keiko is to hold a testing session with Karen and Melissa | KFSI-888 | KFSI-900, KFSI-942, KFSI-908 |
2012.12.11 | 2012.12.11 | Pre-Disbursement Processor | KFSI-745 Investigate if Xerox still requires EDI EFT Advice confirmation EDI | Xerox currently receive CTX EFT Advice from UCI. We need to find out if we can do away with this process, or replace it with email notification. This is the only vendor that requires EFT advice in EDI. Due to lack of resources, we would like to eliminate any special request from one vendor. We can provide them with EDI in much later phase if this is a required process. Please fined out if (1) this is just a preference; (2) would this be absolutely necessary notification. | KFSI-887 | |
2012.12.03 | 2012.12.03 | General Ledger | Analyze if Standard Reports are sufficient for UCI System of Reports | The Tech Team has installed Standard Reports in KFS. Additional field or sorting requirements must be communicated to the Tech Team in order to close the JIRA. | KFSI-778 | KFSI-457 |
2012.11.30 | 2012.11.30 | Unknown | KFSI-743 Reconciliation of 10/11/12 load | Reconciliation findings from 10/11/12 load of DWH 06/30/10 data | KFSI-957 | |
2012.11.30 | 2012.11.30 | Unknown | KFSI-743 Reconciliation of 10/10/12 load | Here are the issues: For the Record type 10 the following UC Account and UC fund Balances are missing: 101800 01999 101815 01992 101816 01992 101817 01992 101881 00546 101881 00559 101881 00568 101881 00740 101881 00804 101881 00807 101881 00809 101881 01042 101881 01048 101881 01114 101881 01365 101881 01490 101881 01532 101881 01576 101881 01591 101881 01999 101881 63010 101882 01041 101882 01365 101882 01999 101885 01365 101885 01999 112683 18888 112687 18888 112688 18888 112689 18888 115435 63000 115545 18888 115897 18888 119850 18994 | KFSI-951 | |
2012.11.29 | 2012.11.29 | General Ledger | Resolve missing KFS converted accounts due to missing account/links in the data warehouse (accounts without funds) | Feeder systems have discovered that certain accounts are missing from the converted accounts. These are accounts which do not have funds and they do not have beginning balances, therefore they do not show in the account-fund link table used as a source of KFS accounts. Victor thinks we should 'fake create' account fund link in the datawarehouse with 18888 fund going forward. He will meet with Scott and Valerie to see how this can be resolved from the source system. | KFSI-740 | KFSI-769, KFSI-796 |
2012.11.29 | 2012.11.29 | Chart of Accounts | Define Default Account Number of the Organization Table | CAM uses Default Account Number of the organization table when CAB creates asset with owner account number. We need to populate this field in the Org Table. | KFSI-1047 | |
2012.11.21 | 2012.11.21 | Chart of Accounts | Review all UC Tables and determine which ones UCI will use | KFSI-930 | KFSI-1096 | |
2012.11.20 | 2012.11.08 | Chart of Accounts | Finalize account types | Current way of assigning Account Types do not seem to mesh with how we want to use accounts in the future -- for example, it does not make sense to have Income, Expense, Balance Sheet account types when these are already defined in the object types. We need more useful account types from reporting perspective. Note: only two modules use Account Types in the business rules (Purchasing and Effort Reporting). So far, we discussed that we would need CA - Control Accounts, PL - Plant. What else do we want? | KFSI-1010 | |
2012.11.08 | 2012.11.08 | General Ledger | Determine if we need to calculate ICR on the encumbrances | Maria's Email: Currently in KFS we do not calculate the IDC for Encumbrances under the Encumbrance column. We were talking with Simran, and he informed us, that we can either implement a U of A modification that calculates the IDC in KFS for all the Encumbrances, or we will need to calculate that manually in DW (COGNOS) after the fact. With the 2nd option the programming (calculations) will be done in COGNOS for the go live and then if we implement the modification, we will need to change the calculation logic. Brenda stated that we need to find out this was a requested functionality from the Budget Office and/or CG Office. Victor will email the question. | KFSI-1002 | |
2012.11.08 | 2012.11.08 | Chart of Accounts | Verify COA Translation Cheat Sheet | Please verify the attached translation cheat sheet | KFSI-1014 | |
2012.11.08 | 2012.11.08 | Contracts & Grants | KFSI-717 Should we use Control Account to store 'base' budget for C&G? | C&G Office needs a place to track original budget which comes from sponsors. Can we use the base budget on the control account to track it? | KFSI-718 | |
2012.11.06 | 2012.11.06 | Pre-Disbursement Processor | KFSI-860 AMS Integration Work Plan | Identify all integration points and development work. Ensure that AMS Contractor can modify the system in time for our go-live. Plan for contingency. The work entails -Cache database upgrade -Chart of accounts conversion (increase cost center by 1 digit) -Vendor batch feed from KFS to AMS -Check number feedback file from KFS to AMS -Payment Upload from AMS to KFS -Accrual transaction feed from AMS to KFS | KFSI-861 | KFSI-863 |
2012.11.05 | 2012.11.05 | Vendor | Come up with UCI Vendor policy that works with KFS vendor table (how to store address, etc) | In light of how KFS vendor address is used for bundling requisition and credit memo, and assigns ACH account, Accounts Payable must come up with the policy, standard method to collect addresses. | KFSI-757 | KFSI-583, KFSI-1021, KFSI-309, KFSI-742 |
2012.11.05 | 2012.11.05 | Financial Processing | Finalize Intercampus Transfer method | Inter-campus Transfer requires Trans Code. Currently Accounting is proposing Transfer of Funds document and post expenses and income as IN or EX. TF document will then post them as TI (Transfer In) and TE (Transfer Expense). These amounts will be folded into the fund balance at year-end. This is contrary to how we process inter-campus transfer where we employ 'up-and-over' process to post transactions to Fund Balance first and then move it down to the appropriate accounts. Finalize if we are going to use Transfer of Funds document, or do we devise a separate inter campus transfer document where the use is more restrictive to the limited users. This decision impacts equipment transfer document (AT) development as well as MCA (multi-campus award) process and others. | KFSI-748 | KFSI-393, KFSI-714, KFSI-720 |
2012.11.02 | 2012.11.02 | Capital Asset Management | Resolve equipment tag printing issue for Helen | Equipment Office has an equipment tag printer in their office. They have an setup issue (needs help desk support) and they need a instruction as to how to export the tag number from KFS to print the tags. Pre-Tag document (for equipment purchased on PO) does not currently have a custodial code. Therefore, Helen will input custodial code into the serial number field for tag number export and printing purpose. Once the pre-asset becomes real asset, she can then update the custodial code and remove the custodial code from the serial number field. For the assets created from DV, Helen will extract information from the asset inquiry to extract tag numbers. | KFSI-885 | KFSI-120 |
2012.11.02 | 2012.10.30 | Pre-Disbursement Processor | Define PDP Customer Profiles for all feeder systems | Need to identify PDP upload requirement for all feeder systems. | KFSI-804 | |
2012.11.01 | 2012.09.14 | Contracts & Grants | Recommend the Use of Control Accounts for C&G accounts | Two sub-tasks associated with the use of control accounts | KFSI-717 | |
2012.11.01 | 2012.11.01 | Chart of Accounts | KFSI-930 Finalize which attributes should be on which table between UC Account and KFS Account | So far we have been discussing if we could consolidate some of the data elements into KFS account, rather than keeping the elements on the UC account, however, no final decision has been made and our technical JIRA for account maintenance document is not complete. The COA team needs to make a decision. | KFSI-798 | KFSI-931, KFSI-134, KFSI-136, KFSI-415, KFSI-175 |
2012.11.01 | 2012.11.01 | Chart of Accounts | Fianalize how UCI is going to use HEFC | UCD implementation of HEFC (which UCI has adopted) is different from the base in the following manner: HEFC is defined for each UAS (Uniform Accounting Structure) code UAS is an attribute of the UC Account, only for the expenditure accounts UC Account is an attribute of the KFS account HEFC is derived from the UAS table. This means that we do not have HEFC for balance sheet and revenue accounts. If UCOP does away with UAS, we will not have HEFC. HEFC is not a heavily used field in KFS from business rules standpoint, however, it is an important field for reporting. We need to finalize how UCI would like to define this field. | KFSI-766 | KFSI-136, KFSI-415 |
2012.11.01 | 2012.11.01 | Travel and Entertainment Module | Determine the process to remove personal credit card charges off the Imported Expense table | In the base TEM system, travelers or arrangers are supposed to associate Corporate Credit Card transactions from the Imported Expense tab. If the expense is personal during the trip, then they will click "personal" checkbox and the system will not include that amount to pay US Bank (employee is supposed to pay back US Bank on their own). However, if the employee uses Corp Card for purposes unrelated to travel, the charges will not be "reconciled" unless the cardholder creates a fake trip reimbursement document and then mark "personal." This the way UC Davis is currently asking cardholders to handle Corp Card personal charges unrelated to travel. TEM does not come with any other way to remove personal charges off the system. Diane needs to discuss with you and determine what UCI's strategy is going to be. We have request for Corp Card Adjustment document so that Travel Manager can mark "personal." Should we go forward with the request or forgo? | KFSI-858 | KFSI-786 |
2012.10.30 | 2012.10.30 | Financial Processing | KFSI-825 Check with UCOP if we can combine all Financial Transactions as one type entry or we need to separate them out. | KFSI-847 | ||
2012.10.30 | 2012.10.30 | Chart of Accounts | Define Inception-to-Date and Fiscal Year style fund group codes | In KFS inception to date and fiscal year accounts must be defined by Sub-Fund Group Code. Determine which sub-fund group codes are inception to date and update the SUB_FUND_GROUPS_FOR_INCEPTION_TO_DATE_REPORTING parameter | KFSI-906 | KFSI-536 |
2012.10.30 | 2012.10.30 | Contracts & Grants | KFSI-800 Research if A21 fields is required for CG year-end processing | According to the YE schedule task I124, A21 flag is used for a CG year-end task. Confer with Rebecca and determine if we need this flag on Award. | KFSI-806 | |
2012.10.19 | 2012.10.19 | Accounts Receivable | Determine if we need to automate PI Cash Advance tracking | Currently AP has a system (part of PAL) to track PI Cash Advances, relating to Human Subject payments. We have planned to develop a replacement for this process using "TA-like" document. You mentioned that CSU tracks them by creating PI sub-accounts. Would you let us know if we can cancel the pending technical JIRA? | KFSI-851 | KFSI-575 |
2012.10.17 | 2012.10.17 | Accounts Payable | Determine if we are implementing Payment Plus as a payment method and how to handle it in KFS | Per Heidi in Purchasing, UCI might be implementing payment plus as a payment method for DV or PREQ. The Payment Plus is a on-the-fly card from USB. Please discuss this with Karen and Rich to determine if we need tp plan for this in KFS. Currently KFS does not support payment plus. We also need strategy as to how pay USB at the tail end and how we are going to reconcile. | KFSI-955 | |
2012.10.09 | 2012.10.09 | Purchasing | Define PO Cost Source to determine Payment Request amount threashold | The custom payment request amount threshold will use PO Cost Source table (for both e-invoice and manually keyed Payment Request). Define the table so that it reflects 10% upper threshold. Include the new cost source of construction and sub-award (there maybe others) and set the threshold to 0. | KFSI-923 | KFSI-945 |
2012.10.09 | 2012.10.09 | Capital Asset Builder | Library book capitalization | Library has typically capitalized library books and salaries only at year-end (General Accounting has entered capitalization entries). Do we want to store library books and materials in CAM? Do we want to use capitalizable object codes when the library book payments are uploaded to PDP? Library contact: Beth Wootton | KFSI-758 | |
2012.10.09 | 2012.10.07 | Chart of Accounts | Finalize Account Number scheme | Finalize the account numbering scheme. Currently account numbers are numbered as follows: (1) Non-plant fund accounts: random sequential (2) Plant-fund accounts: UC plant fund account number + UC fund designation (3) CG control accounts: agency code designation + random sequential (4) Plant-fund control accounts: UC plant fund account number + 0 Tech team is waiting to see if we need to code random sequential number generator for the number (1) category | KFSI-749 | KFSI-926, KFSI-939, KFSI-398 |
2012.10.08 | 2012.10.08 | Chart of Accounts | KFSI-930 Finalize which attributes should be on UC Fund Number vs Award Document | There are a few overlapping fields between UC Fund Number and. Award Documents. Since endowment accounts are not created in the C&G Award document, it appears that some of the UC Fund fields might need to be kept on the UC Fund Number table even though the same fields exist in the Award table. The C&G team is now completing the analysis of SPA --> Award --> Account --> CSF field comparison soon. After this exercise is complete, we will then need to make a decision on what should be on the UC Fund Number document (and minimally overlap with Award document). Currently we do not even have a 'create new' functionality for UC Fund and we need to close this loose end ASAP. The SPA crosswalk spreadsheet is stored in P:\SystemDev\KUALI Project\UCI Business Processes\CG\SPA-KFS award crosswalk folder. This impacts CAFP and CSFBAL submission process. | KFSI-799 | KFSI-134, KFSI-415, KFSI-175, KFSI-800 |
2012.10.08 | 2012.10.08 | Accounts Payable | Determine approach to resolve address change after PREQ has been approved before it is extracted to PDP | In KFS, the address cannot be changed after PREQ has been approved. In some cases, vendors will change the address while the payment requests are waiting to be extracted to PDP (Net 30). Our enhancement request requires that PDP extract step to change the address 1 and place a note when the payment is extracted, however, this raises audit concerns to automatically change the address without anyone looking at it (note: however, PAL system has been doing this for years). Community members are coping with this situation with manually pulling the checks and stuffing them into separate envelopes. We need to determine how UCI will resolve this issue. Some of the discussion points: (1) Whatever we do, we need to apply the same customization to CM since PREQ and CM will not bundle or combine if we change the address 1. Address 1 change might result in credit memos that will never be processed. (2) Troy suggests if we can devise a batch process to requeue (re-route) the documents impacted by address changes with a note. | KFSI-708 | KFSI-573 |
2012.10.08 | 2012.10.08 | General Ledger | Finalize GL_BALANCE_T to CSF File Submission Logic | To finalize the CSF conversion specification document, discuss with the team how we are going to assign UC Account Number for revenue and expenditure accounts. The functional spec (so far) is attached to this JIRA. Outside of the Balance Sheet accounts and Fund Balance accounts, we do not have a clear strategy as to how we are converting KFS account to UC accounts for submission purpose. | KFSI-801 | KFSI-135 |
2012.10.08 | 2012.10.08 | Purchasing | Investigate if packing slips are required to be retained for C&G purchases | At UCI, paper packing slips are retained in the CG office as a rule. We need to investigate if (1) we can scan packing slips and destroy the original paper packing slips (2) lift the requirement of packing slips and substitute it with RCV document Note: At U of A, packing slips are scanned and attached to the documents by CG departments. At CSU, packing slips are not retained (even as images). | KFSI-716 | |
2012.10.08 | 2012.10.05 | Chart of Accounts | KFSI-930 Determine UC Account Number Scheme for brand new KFS Accounts (excluding converted accounts) | (1) Determine if we are not going to create new UC Account Number and use existing UC Account Numbers only (2) Determine if we could use UC San Diego convention of Function + Organization Code and move the UC Account Number attributes to Organization Table (3) Research implication of doing above and make decisions This decision is needed for the C&G Focus Group session material | KFSI-734 | KFSI-398 |
2012.10.06 | 2012.10.06 | Unknown | KFSI-749 sub-fund group type expand to 2 characters | KFSI-918 | ||
2012.10.05 | 2012.10.05 | General Ledger | UCI Implementation of Trans Code | Resolve how UCI should implement UCOP requirement of Trans Code used for inter-campus and intra-campus transfers. Options: (1) UCD implementation to use sub-object codes (this requires automated process to pre-create sub-object codes for accounts/object codes) (2) UCSD implementation to use object codes (in conjunction with Global Object Edit application and Inter Campus Transfer document) | KFSI-720 | KFSI-393, KFSI-422, KFSI-922, KFSI-748 |
2012.10.05 | 2012.10.05 | Contracts & Grants | Ensure that SPA --> Award --> Account --> CAFP mapping is complete | In order to complete SPA to Award integration, mapping needs to be complete by the task force. The spreadsheet is stored in P:\SystemDev\KUALI Project\UCI Business Processes\CG\SPA-KFS award crosswalk | KFSI-800 | KFSI-799, KFSI-701, KFSI-513 |
2012.10.04 | 2012.10.04 | General Ledger | Investigate which feeder deparments might want to use IO (Internal Order) documents | To determine if we need IO document from CSU, analyze which departments are likely to use IO document. | KFSI-737 | KFSI-710 |
2012.10.04 | 2012.10.04 | Accounts Payable | Determine if AP needs On-Demand checks for employee final check | Previously PIG has determined that manual checks are not required for UCI because UC Path is not going to support the feature when PeopleSoft goes live. AP is concerned about how we are going to produce a payroll settlement check immediately. KFS Immediate Check feature was initially discussed to produce checks, however, this dos not give capability to just print one check out of a bunch. Options: (Option 1) Reinstate the KFS on-demand check document that was designed and cancelled (KFSI-387) (Option 2) Use ACOM on-demand check feature to produce a check and batch feed the GL transactions, using the ISU modification of payment upload (KFSI-142) Please make a decision before the ACOM training planned at the end of September. | KFSI-770 | KFSI-142, KFSI-387, KFSI-864 |
2012.10.01 | 2012.10.01 | Capital Asset Management | Define eliminated EQS orgs to be converted into CAM | Because budget office eliminated organization codes that are used by EQS, 34 organizations code do not have mapping to KFS org codes. | KFSI-781 | |
2012.09.28 | 2012.09.28 | Unknown | KFSI-781 Eliminated Org code | Victor, Please review the new KFS org codes for EQS that will be eliminated. | KFSI-839 | |
2012.09.28 | 2012.09.28 | Capital Asset Management | KFSI-869 Determine how we are going to handle Memo Cap | Currently, memo cap is done manually once a year. Make a decision if we are going to continue with manual process | KFSI-871 | KFSI-855 |
2012.09.28 | 2012.09.28 | Purchasing | Requirement gathering for invoice amount threshold business rules | KFS PREQ does not support invoice amount threshold. UCI would need to incorporate the business rule so that PO does not have to get amended every time the invoice exceeds PO. Decisions to be made before we can complete the functional spec: (1) Do we look evaluate at the line or invoice total? (2) Do we include below the line items in the threshold? (3) Do we include tax in the threshold calculation? (4) Do we need to differentiate the threshold % by PO Type? | KFSI-784 | KFSI-662 |
2012.09.28 | 2012.09.28 | Accounts Payable | Finalize Vendor Conversion Strategy in light of KVO and Open PO Vendor conversion | Work with Karen, Jane and Linh to come up with a clear strategy as to which vendors we are converting and which ones are going to KVO. Med Center vendors do not have open POs in PAL and they want us to convert last 14-month active vendors. See Karen Miller's Email. Keiko, I can re-run the last 14 months of active MC vendors and send that. We have not been using any spreadsheet for Jane to load. I will do a data warehouse query for MC vendors used in the past 14 months and can send that to Yolanda. The issues we are having are: MC and campus share a lot of the same vendors so a lot of them are already on our huge master list. The plan was to contact these vendors (still undecided as to how) and have them begin the on board process soon and put them in a holding file to be uploaded when KFS is ready to go. I believe Linh and Jane said this was possible at one of our meetings when Linh first showed us the onboarding system. The vendors that are currently in KFS are all junk and need to be wiped out. We want to start from scratch with good data and the stuff that is in there now is not good data at all. Library is working on a list of vendors as well for us to either begin contacting or to be able to upload from a file, however, Library and most Bookstore vendors do not have tax ID's which is a big problem. They are checking their system to see if they have that data somewhere else and it's just not passing to Pal currently. I have been working with Beth Wootton. So, you can see from the many issues we are facing regarding the vendor file, we need to make some decisions soon. | KFSI-836 | |
2012.09.27 | 2012.09.26 | General Ledger | Analyze OPAL feed to ensure that the necessary banking transactions are fed to KFS | KFS requires banking transactions to track bank balances. We need to ensure that all cash transactions coming from the feeder systems are posting banking transactions. Otherwise, KFS will need to generate these bank offsets via scrubber. | KFSI-750 | KFSI-92, KFSI-760 |
2012.09.26 | 2012.09.26 | Capital Asset Management | Ensure that Equipment Barcode project gets processed as IT project | Equipment Office is interested in implementing barcode upload. This must be sponsored by the Equipment Office and recognized as an IT project. Helen Chang has prepared the IT project request. We need to close the loop if this will be recognized as part of Kuali go-live item. | KFSI-747 | KFSI-121 |
2012.09.26 | 2012.09.26 | Unknown | KFSI-750 Review GL black box in regards to cash offsets/bank offsets | KFSI-877 | ||
2012.09.24 | 2012.09.24 | System | Ensure that KFS has accounted for all of the UCOP required out-bound and in-bound feed files | All of the UCOP interface programs are tagged as "UCOP" and displayed in the technical dashboard. Please ensure that we have accounted for all of the customizations to-date for GL (CAFP, CSFBAL) and CAM (EFA, ASTBAL). Here is the search filter for UCOP File Exhange: https://services.adcom.uci.edu/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=20303 | KFSI-802 | |
2012.09.24 | 2012.09.21 | Contracts & Grants | Resolve if Cost Share transaction must have the original object code | Our CG team insisted that Cost Share transaction must display the original object code (base software displays the aggregates object code by Level. Work with CG Team and obtain the final decision. This is holding up development. | KFSI-848 | KFSI-459 |
2012.09.23 | 2012.09.23 | Capital Asset Management | KFSI-869 Resolve the way to post medical center depreication | Medical Center requires monthly posting of depreciation to include the amounts into their monthly financial statements whereas the UCOP sens depreciation file at the end of the year. Currently in FS, the MC depreciation is reversed out by the system before posting UCOP amounts. Should we switch this method to keep depreciation in the system (by use of contra accounts) so that we can compute the difference between KFS depreciation vs. UCOP depreciation? | KFSI-721 | KFSI-167 |
2012.09.23 | 2012.09.23 | Chart of Accounts | Finalize and obtain approval of Medical Center chart of accounts | KFSI-744 | ||
2012.09.23 | 2012.09.23 | Vendor | KFSI-816 Ensure that Med Center can manage vendor in the new KFS environment | Ensure that MC understands the KVO --> KFS flow Ensure that MC can use OIG flag document Ensure that MC can use Global Vendor Alias document Ensure that MC has a strategy to bring vendors into AMS | KFSI-819 | |
2012.09.21 | 2012.09.21 | System | Analyze if GOE (Global Object Edit) will be needed by UCI | Global Object Edit is a CSU custom application which controls the use of object codes globally by sub-fund group. | KFSI-751 | KFSI-713 |
2012.09.21 | 2012.09.21 | Financial Processing | Determine if we need Cash Manager route node in AD and CCR | Med Center requests Cash Manager node in AD and CCR. (See KFSI-767). Need to determine if we want to add a review in the AD and CCR. A couple of complications: (1) School of Medicine clinic receipts must be reviewed by Med Center Cash Manager, however initiator's qualifier is "IR," thus, the document does not route to MC Cash Manager. (2) Should we require this to all AD and CCR documents? | KFSI-773 | KFSI-767, KFSI-821 |
2012.09.21 | 2012.09.07 | Contracts & Grants | KFSI-717 Resolve the the way to group C&G accounts by 'award' | Determine how we should group C&G accounts by control accounts. Options entertained so far: (1) Control accounts should equal UC Fund (then why do we track the same meeting twice)? (2) Control accounts may contain state fund for certain exceptions when the award includes more than one UC Fund Note: In conversion instance the first method was applied, since the exceptions cannot be identified automatically. | KFSI-719 | |
2012.09.21 | 2012.09.21 | Contracts & Grants | Determine if ICR Credit Account can be defined by Sub-Fund Group Code (UCOP Fund Group Code) | We have once planned to carry the ICR Credit Account by Sub-Fund Group. At that time the Sub-Fund Group Code was the same as FS Fund Group Level where the ICR Credit Account (Overhead account) was defined. Since then we have moved up the meaning of Sub-Fund Group to represent UC Fund Group. Can we still accomplish the same? The development is on hold until this is resolved. | KFSI-849 | KFSI-332 |
2012.09.20 | 2012.09.20 | Chart of Accounts | KFSI-809 Verify organization code for MC | Validate that Plant Fund accounts and Non-Plant Fund accounts report up to separate organization codes | KFSI-814 | |
2012.09.20 | 2012.09.20 | Chart of Accounts | Define Net Expense Object Code and Annual Closing Fund Balance Object Code | We are currently missing these two objected needed for Nominal Activity Closing steps. Please add them to the Object Code config spreadsheet. | KFSI-831 | |
2012.09.19 | 2012.09.19 | Purchasing | Finalize Purchase Order Types | We need the finalized PO type -- currently server is loaded with the exact copy of the PAL PO Types. Work with Brant to pair them down to only necessary PO Types. | KFSI-832 | |
2012.09.19 | 2012.09.19 | Chart of Accounts | Finalize Balance Sheet Object Code crosswalk logic for feeder systems | The feeder systems are using the Crosswalk Table in the way it was not intended. They are looking up Balance Sheet account in the object code crosswalk table to derive the Chart and Object Code. The Balance Sheet account in the crosswalk is only intended for CSF reporting. Keiko proposes removing Balance Sheet account from the Crosswalk Table and keep the value in the Object Code extension table only. This way, the Feeder System will lookup Chart and Object Code with Location + Financial Class (Sub + Object Code) + Account Group Code to get KFS Chart and Object Code. Maria recommends creating a view so that feeder system folks will not lookup AGC from the UC account number. | KFSI-827 | |
2012.09.17 | 2012.09.17 | Contracts & Grants | KFSI-800 Determine if e-Verify flag can be passed from SPA to Award | Work with Eric Taggart to see if e-Verify data is captured in SPA and complete the mapping. | KFSI-807 | |
2012.09.17 | 2012.09.17 | Contracts & Grants | KFSI-800 Determine if equipment related data is needed on Award | Find out if Ownership Code and Equipment Reporting Period are required on Award. CAM also has owner code (sponsor agency code) on the asset. Is Helen going to use data on both places? | KFSI-808 | |
2012.09.14 | 2012.09.14 | Contracts & Grants | Devise a way to collect Continuation Account information from CG departments | CG continuation account information is not available anywhere in the FS system. We will need information to convert accounts correctly. Come up with a way to collect this information and make sure it gets done (a suggestion was made that this should be collected by workflow analyst) | KFSI-735 | KFSI-736 |
2012.09.13 | 2012.09.12 | General Ledger | Resolve where to store TERM information for the feeder system | SBS needs a place to store Term for reconciliation purpose. The core team recommended they use the collector detail field to store SBS composite keys to link details in the data warehouse. | KFSI-753 | KFSI-775, KFSI-95 |
2012.09.12 | 2012.09.12 | Chart of Accounts | KFSI-700 Redifine Fund Group Code, Sub-Fund Group Code, ICR Credit Default Account | KFSI-756 | KFSI-762 | |
2012.09.12 | 2012.09.12 | General Ledger | Analyze if the output of FS810 and FS815 are usable for the begining balance feed | KFSI-741 | ||
2012.09.12 | 2012.09.12 | Capital Asset Management | Research why we are sending blank Loan Code to UCOP via EFA100 and determine if we even need loan code at all | UCOP EFA100 requires a loan code to be submitted:http://www.ucop.edu/irc/campus_specs/efa/eq-loan.html EQS, accordingly uses the following definition (L is unique to UCI): 'A' - Borrowed from another UC 'B' - Loaned to another UC campus 'J' - Borrowed from a private agency 'K' - Loaned to other campus 'L' - Loaned to individuals or external org. However, we have discovered that our current COBOL program spaces out the Loan Code when EFA100 submission file is created (modification made in 1997). In essence, UCI has been sending blank loan code to UCOP for the last 15 years. We need to find out if Loan Code needs to be tracked at all in KFS (we have added the field in the Capital Asset Table). | KFSI-699 | KFSI-133 |
2012.09.07 | 2012.09.07 | Contracts & Grants | Make a decision if we are going to enforce expiration date and continuatioun account for C&G accounts | Expiration date and continuation account are new concepts to UCI. We do not have a place to gather continuation account, either -- C&G team asked management to make this a policy to implement for C&G focus group presentation | KFSI-736 | KFSI-735 |
2012.09.07 | 2012.09.07 | Chart of Accounts | Analyze and determine if Fund Group Code should replace Sub-Fund Group | Currently we have 112 fund groups and 220+ sub-fund groups in the system. After consultant review, it was recommended that we reduce the number of sub-funds which are used for defining business rules in the system (25 parms, sub-fund reviewer qualifiers, etc). In closer analysis, it appears that CG office is the only group that requires UC fund block in their business process. We need to assess if can (1) Eliminate Fund Group Classification Code (extended attribute) (2) Replace Fund Group Codes with Fund Group Classification Code values (3) Replace Sub-Fund Group Codes with Fund Group Code values (4) Define default overhead (ICR credit) clearing account, LOC income accounts at the UC Fund instead of at the UC fund block (previously sub-fund group), | KFSI-700 | KFSI-733 |
2012.09.06 | 2012.09.06 | Purchasing | Determine invoicing and receiving rules for UCI | Purap team recommends the following receiving implementation at UCI (1) Systemwide receiving threshold: $10,000 (2) Exceptions will be defined, using receiving threshold table by various attributes (org, vendor number, commodity code, etc) (3) All invoices must be approved by fiscal officer regardless of PO type (this includes sub-awards and plant invoices) See attached meeting minutes describing the discussion | KFSI-715 | |