Dev WSDL location:
Dev Endpoint:
isValidKFSProjects(List of (kfsProjectCode))
This service is used to validate KFS Project codes. Returns an XML result set with a value of true or false for each project code.
Input Specifications
Parameter | Description | Required? | Data Type (max length) | Example |
kfsProjCode | KFS Project Number | Yes | String(10) | '1234567890' |
DB Query
SELECT p.PROJECT_CD, 'true' AS VALID FROM dwhs_ods..ca_project_t p WHERE p.proj_active_cd <> 'N' and p.PROJECT_CD in ('<kfsProjectCode>');
Result Schema: A list of following elements (
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Example |
kfsProjCode | KFS Project Code | String (10) | '1234567890' |
isValid | Is the KFS Project Code valid? | boolean | true |
WS Example
Java Client Example
getValidKFSProjects(List of (kfsProjectCode))
This service is used to return all active KFS Project details.
Input Specifications
Parameter | Description | Required? | Data Type (max length) | Example |
kfsProjectCode | KFS Project Number | Yes | String(10) | '1234567890' |
DB Query
SELECT p.PROJECT_CD, p.OBJ_ID, p.VER_NBR, p.PROJ_MGR_UNVL_ID, p.PROJECT_NM, p.FIN_COA_CD, p.ORG_CD, p.PROJ_ACTIVE_CD, p.PROJECT_DESC FROM dwhs_ods..ca_project_t p WHERE p.proj_active_cd <> 'N' and p.PROJECT_CD in ('<kfsProjectCode>');
Result Schema: A list of following elements (
DB Parameter | Java Parameter | Description | Data Type | Example |
PROJECT_CD | kfsProjCode | KFS Project Code | String (10) | '1234567890' |
OBJ_ID | kfsProjObjId | KFS Project Object ID | String (36) | 'KFS Project Title' |
VER_NBR | kfsProjVerNumber | KFS Project Version Number | String(8) | |
PROJ_MGR_UNVL_ID | kfsProjManagerId | The User ID of the person responsible for the project | String(10) | |
PROJECT_NM | kfsProjName | The long descriptive name of the project | String(40) | |
FIN_COA_CD | kfsChartCode | The chart code associated with the organization assigned to the project code | String(2) | |
ORG_CD | kfsOrgCode | The organization code associated with the project | String(4) | |
PROJ_ACTIVE_CD | kfsProjActiveCode | Indicates if the project is active. | String(1) | |
PROJECT_DESC | kfsProjDesc | The text description describing the purpose of the project code | String(400) |
WS Example
Java Client Example
No input parameter, ALL projects will be returned in result set.
DB Query
SELECT p.PROJECT_CD, p.OBJ_ID, p.VER_NBR, p.PROJ_MGR_UNVL_ID, p.PROJECT_NM, p.FIN_COA_CD, p.ORG_CD, p.PROJ_ACTIVE_CD, p.PROJECT_DESC FROM dwhs_ods..ca_project_t p WHERE p.proj_active_cd <> 'N';